AFRICA ARISE CONFERENCE Pas Rammile: ARISE AFRICA ARISE IT IS ESTABLISHED Gen 10:8-10 KUSH....i.e. Blacks, Ethopians (he is father of Nimrod)...a mighty hunter. He looked around BUILT & developed empty spaces into cities. Nimrod was Noahs grandchild (he was a thinker). When he was building he wanted to build heaven top, building Satelite-Towers (he was not limited by circumstances, background & colour of his skin). God went down to see what was built. Kush wanted to build it by his power & knowledge. SLAVERY....they were made not to think they were oppressed. America & many other European countries were BUILT by strength of slaves. Beaten working in the sun, rain very hard but they still managed to build. God allowed the Israelites to be enslaved, for them to learn something. They BUILT Pyramids in Egypt. Germany was also BUILT by slaves who were selected by Hilter, those without skills were shot & killed. When Kush comes out of Slavery you will rejoice. You need to live to have & enjoy your fruits. Not like some Israelites who died in the wilderness & never saw the promised land. After every season of slavery therell be a season of Breakthroughs. We need to get ready & think differently HOW MUST WE ARISE?...1. release you bitterness, 2. race against TIME, 3. know/understand language of God, 4. occupy your space, 5. release worship, 6. Go back to God ▪we have participated in the building of our own country. Foreigners/oppressors never brought anything to Africa ▪the technology we see is not new & it was invented in Africa 2 Sam 18:9-32 ▪why Kush carries only bad news (why we always hear & read bad news about Africa?) ▪Kush was ordained first with wisdom ▪Kush was sent first to leave but arrived late (African time). Kush is the generation that will stand up against the oppressors & say leave our African resources alone (he has a message), and reclaim it from the oppressors. His assignment was to clear a confusion. AFRICANS MIGHT COME LATE/LAST BUT WILL RISE TO CLEAR CONFUSION.... ▪God will always save the best for last (KUSH). ▪we dont own any resources, land & time. They belong to our foreign oppressors & employers ▪horses came from Africa (Lesotho), today whites seem to own them & making money out of it ▪we gonna rise take our rightful positions & clear the confusion ▪king DAVID was enxious for the news about Absalom, he was stressed & depressed ▪DAVID was disappointed by His son ABSALOM, but He was enxious for his safe return......even though we have messed up theres a Father in heaven, whos concerned about us ▪even though were bitter & discouraged we should be like Hannah who went to the Temple (at the Altar) and say Lord I am hurting.......get rid of & release the spirit of bitterness ▪TIME....we need to be masters of time ▪KUSH is wounded to the extent they cant think, we are Eunachs not productive. Our lives are taken over by Social Networks ▪WE NEED TO OCCUPY THE SPACE...there is still space for me, in the middle of the stones be a SAND & find your space, be WATER occupy your space as AIR and occupy your space & remain (invisible) hidden for a purpose, be the HEAT & that causes the SOUND...that reduces/changes the size of the contants (change your form), there is still some space. Refrigeration form of space is the final counted, find you space!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 21:56:07 +0000

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