AFRICA DEFINE YOURSELF: BE TREMENDOUSLY CIRCUMSPECT OF THE COVERT NEO-COLONIAL AND NEO-IMPERIAL MANIFESTATION OF SHAM AFRICAN REVOLUTIONARY HEROES AND MARTYRS, COVERT COLONIAL AND IMPERIAL ACTUATED ASSASSINATION OF GERMANE AFRICAN REVOLUTIONARY LEADERS HAVE RENDER AFRICA A CONTINENT DRENCHED IN BLOOD OF REVOLUTIONARY HEROES By Senzo Scholar [https://youtube/watch?v=_8yDv4IgLJo&hd=1] With all due respect, and no offense intended, as you read this article, you are kindly besought to wear your critical thinking hat. It is essential for the apt understanding of the thesis presented by this article, due to the fact that this behoves profoundly sharp-witted reasoning. At face value the asinine fatuity thinkers with hare-brained logic will have difficulties understanding this article. The apt understanding of the content will be manifestly actuated by great deal of critical engagement with context of material thesis articulated herein. Save for the very handful individuals that are imbued with unique effortless knack of comprehending the incomprehensible Beloved African people, the white supremacy has a furtive history and a well-contrived track record of expunging the germane Pan African Revolutionary Heroes such as Malcom X, Muammar Gaddafi, Kwame Nkrumah, et al. The white supremacists always replace or substitute our apropos and self-made Pan African Revolutionary iconic heroes with colonially engineered, manufactured and fabricated neo-colonial and neo-imperial pseudo pan African political legends. These neo-colonial and neo-imperial pseudo pan African political legends, are rent-seeking, puppets, proxies and agents of the colonial and imperial socio-economic agenda and order. White supremacists episodically assassinate germane pan African iconic and legendary revolutionary heroes and use the announcement of their death as well as their funerals to launch their colonial and imperial replica to surreptitiously simulate, emulate and piggyback from the image and fame of the assassinated true pan African iconic and legendary revolutionary hero. Most of the standing heads of African states, a couple of years, couple of months, couple of weeks and couple of days prior to being installed into presidency, they pay tributary visits to either US government or British royal monarchy. Soon after that they get voted as heads of their African states, using the democratic election processes to let us accept them as our leaders. Almost every African and/or developing country of strategic significance to colonial and imperial orders and powers, has encountered the above mentioned. The question that behoves the candid answer pursuant to profound prognosis of the covert agenda and aim behind these tributary visits to either US Government and/or British monarch is ‘Why this manifestly is always the case?’ This is a question of colonial and imperial initiation, receiving a mandate and endorsement of their presidential candidacy subject to their suitability and acceptance of the colonial and imperial mandate. Just like most of the heads of US-EURO-ASIA heads of colonial and imperial states and governments must be first endorsed by the Bilderberg Group, so are the most heads of African States in Sub-Sahara and West Africa. Most heads of African states in West Africa, who need the endorsement of France, most of pre-destined and/or earmarked Sub-Saharan African heads of states need covert endorsement of colonial and imperial regimes, either through US government of British monarchy. In the past the white supremacists were very successful at concealing their covert colonial and imperial super-imposition and installation of their rent-seeking puppets, agents and proxies into becoming iconic political leaders and heads of African states. Their modus operandi were extremely veiled operations and well-contrived as secret mission that were difficult to trace, expose or even suspect. The colonial and imperial powers pumps up a lot of marketing budget and use their massive colonial electronic and print media networks to repeatedly brand, reproduces, recasts and overcast them as our heroes and political icons or legends. Just like they did with the reproduction of the bible in order to brand Jesus as a son of God, and have such repeated daily until it is regarded as gospel truth, same is done for neo-colonial and neo-imperial pseudo pan African political legends. Billion dollar budgets are approved and set aside for employment in punting up the colonially and imperially manufactured heroic political images, profiles and success of the colonially endorsed African leaders, so many times that we end up accepting it as religious truth. These neo-colonial and neo-imperial pseudo pan African political legends, are repeatedly advertised through colonial and imperial electronic and print media and broadcasting networks. Hence the assassination of Malcom X, was a good launch pad for parachuting into skyrocket fame of certain icons that were covertly endorsed by colonial and imperial powers. The assassination of Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah, Amilcar Cabral, Sylvanus Olympio, Mehdi Ben Barka, Eduardo Mondlane, and Muammar al-Gaddafi et al, were all colonially and imperially actuated in order to make ways for the stooges, rent-seeking puppets and proxies of colonial and imperial orders. Some of these colonial and imperial stooges are presented to us as our revolutionary icons. They are marketed by colonial and imperial governments by repeating their fabricated heroic revolutionary or political attainment, which fraudulently endear them to us. We eventually accept them, and when they are no more, we undeservingly recognise them as our iconic martyrs. This is the product of neo-colonial and neo-imperial agenda at its best. As most people were made to believe that fighters in the WWWE Wrestling Entertainment were fighting for real, whereas it is all pre-conceived, pre-auditioned, and transcribed stage fights. Hence anything that viz. John Cena say on stage, and does is rehearsed, and the actions are pre-simulated but to date some people are still convinced that in WWE Wrestling these entertainers are really fighting. Hence we most of us (Africans) are brainwashed to believe and accept that some of our political leaders are our own products, whereas they are covertly created and/or endorsed by colonial and imperial forces As Africans in Diasporas and in Africa be tremendously circumspect of the covert neo-colonial and neo-imperial manifestation of sham African revolutionary heroes and martyrs, covert colonial and imperial actuated assassination of germane African revolutionary leaders have render Africa a continent drenched in blood of revolutionary heroes. Aluta Continua!!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 18:07:58 +0000

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