AFRICA DEFINE YOURSELF: NEO-COLONIALISM AT ITS BEST – THE ATTACHED VIDEO SHOWS HOW NEO-COLONIALISM AND NEO-IMPERIALISM USE CHRISTIAN RELIGION TO COVERTLY EMPLOYED TO BRAINWASH PEOPLE ESPECIALLY BLACK PEOPLE By Senzo Scholar Credit: Kouta K. Kahn Out of professional jealous and sheer frustration that South Africa is one of the best governed country, some colonial and imperial super-powers have hired this daft and zany black pastor as their agent for using Christian religion to brain people to believe that there is a white genocide in South Africa. Well thank African National Congress (ANC) doing a great job, and running South Africa so well that the American white imperial powers they hate South Africa. They are so scare to come out in the open and confront South African government, instead they hire a black person to do their dirty job. Notably all this is done in the name of JESUS, and the black people in the church say AMEN!! Black brothers and sisters in America please don’t believe this propaganda, it is not that this past is crazy or something. He is at work, working for the colonial and imperial powers. Many people felt that we are just waging an immoral and subjective unholy war against the Christianity when we said that it is used to colonize, prison and control the mind of the black people. Thanks to the injudicious ploy, of using a black pastor to fight the colonial battle against the South African government. You have just publicly proffered an irrefutable evidence that Christian religion was design to colonize, brainwash, control and jail the mind of the black masses. The clear link between the zany black pastors is the pictures which he uses in his preaching. Those pictures are sourced from the church called “The Church Of Jesus Christ Christian”, and its website is accessible on the following link: It is a public knowledge, or at least it should be a public knowledge that the “Church Of Jesus Christ Christian” is a white supremacist church. The evidence that this church is a white supremacist church is found from Wikipedia and is accessible on this link. According to wikipedia, The Church of Jesus Christ–Christian is an American white supremacist church, which was founded in 1946 by Ku Klux Klan organizer Wesley A. Swift. Swift was the son of a Methodist Episcopal Church, South minister and is considered a significant figure in the early years of the Christian Identity movement in the United States. Source: The fact that this so called Church of Jesus Christ was founded just one year after the UN was created is not a coincidence. It is an indica that is an integral part of the eggs in the colonial basket of strategic tools to espouse neo-colonialism. The so called Project South Africa which has images that are seen on the video of this zany black pastor is sponsored by the “The Church Of Jesus Christ Christian” and the proof can be found from this link Another link between this so called black pastor and US Government is the statement that criticizes Mandela, which reads – “Has Mandela since changed his tune in any way? In September, 2002, Mandela gave an interview to Newsweek and the following summary gives his views on the situation with regard to the Iraq crisis: You will come to the conclusion that the attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace…. It (war against Iraq) is clearly a decision that is motivated by George W. Bush’s desire to please the arms and oil industries in the United States of America… When there were white (UN) secretary generals you didn’t find this question of the United States and Britain going out of the United Nations. But now that you’ve had black secretary generals like Boutros Boutros Ghali, like Kofi Annan, they do not respect the United Nations. They have contempt for it… It is the men around him (Cheney and Rumsfeld) who are dinosaurs, who do not want him (President Bush) to belong to the modern age… The only man, the only person who wants to help Bush move to the modern era is Gen. Colin Powell. No-one will deny Mandela the right to hold views opposed to a war on Iraq, but he is here revealing his own racist attitude to world politics - only white leaders are a threat to peace, and especially so when there are black secretary generals of the U.N. And in case we dont get the message he singles out the black member of the US administration, Colin Powell, as the only exception! (And, one could add, when it suits Mandelas argument, the Egyptian Boutros Ghali, suddenly qualifies as a black man...) The race card is one that is always brought out by Africans when they lack valid arguments, and it has always been a standard ploy of Communist rhetoric” The USA government hate South Africa and its former president Mandela because its opposed and continue to oppose the US-EURO ploy of installing control of their entire world through the New [One} World Order/One World Government. The evidence in this regard is accessible from the same website that contain the above-mentioned “To Mandelas way of thinking, it is capitalist greed that is preventing a one-world U.N. Government - in February 2003 he was reported as saying: if there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America...Iraq produces 64 percent of the oil in the world. What Bush wants is to get hold of that oil. Apart from displaying his Communist sentiments, Mandela here also reveals his ignorance of world economics - Iraq produces only 5% of world oil exports, not 64%. He also makes no mention of the huge debts of money that Iraq owes France, Germany and Russia, and that it is just possible that they are opposed to the war because they would like those debts paid.” African brothers and sisters please note that Project South Africa is a project of the United State Government, it has the pre-recorded audios messages which is spreading propaganda about South Africa. The recorded messages are posted on the web-site called Project South Africa, which is accessible on this link: talkshoe/talkshoe/web/audioPop.jsp?episodeId=867985&cmd=apop If you listen carefully the voices behind this audio recordings have 100% American accent, and yet the so called Monica is an American who pretends to be based in South Africa and has first-hand info about Chaos in South Africa. talkshoe/talkshoe/web/audioPop.jsp?episodeId=833173&cmd=apop Another link which shows that this so called black pastor is being used by colonial and imperial (white) racists from US is the article found from this link In addition to the above-mentioned another proof that the Christian religion is used to brainwash black people, is the fact that the church called “The Church Of Jesus Christ Christian” [ is working with another church called “Bible Based Ministries” [] In a nutshell this black pastor is a puppet of the west who are using him to advance the agenda of white supremacy and black subjugation. It is sad that most black Americans listen to this white supremacist radio station to get fed and brainwashed with the propaganda against South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and in fact against most prominent and successful states in Africa. Given that the pastors specifically makes a mention of South Africa, Zimbabwe and Nigeria, it makes one wonders if South Africa is now the next on the hit list of the US agenda of regime change through the use militia with the blessing of colonial and imperial UN Security Council. South Africa, you better be careful, you might be the next in line for the US war on terror Aluta Continua
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 19:59:10 +0000

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