AFRICA DEFINE YOURSELF: THE WORLD MUST BRACE ITSELF FOR THE STRONGEST WAVE OF PAN AFRICANISM AND PAN SOCIO-ECONOMIC RENAISSANCE SPEARHEADED BY THE LION OF AFRICA PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE FOR NEXT 12 MONTH AS THE CHAIR OF SADC, AND THE NEXT 18 MONTHS FOR BOTH SADC AND AFRICAN UNION. By Senzo Scholar President Robert Mugabe has been appointed the chairperson of the South African Development Community. Subsequently from July 2015 to July 2016, President Robert Mugabe will assume the chairpersonship of the African Union. The attached videos [https://youtube/watch?v=302Jt5Gh4qU], and [https://youtube/watch?v=mueKL-ihWiI], gives more info regarding the appointment of President Mugabe as per the above captioned. It is my fervent believe and prophecy that this 18 month duration will proffer a strongest ever wave of Pan Economic Renaissance. In his first meeting, which he led as the chairperson of the SADC, President Mugabe has already successfully spearheaded the call for Southern African Community to beneficiate its mineral resources. All the SADC 15-member states are reported to be in tandem with such a call. However, the teething challenge at this stage is attainment of unanimous agreement on the standard policy framework to be endorsed by SADC in pursuing pragmatically the domestic (local) beneficiation of African produced raw minerals and natural resources. Certain member states are not entirely amenable to the aggressive radical policy reforms which makes it compulsory that to have 100% beneficiation of their local mineral resources. Mayhap, this is attributed to their country specific limitations actuated by bilateral country (trade) agreements. Most country have signed away, their right to beneficiate resources locally when entering into donor and loan finance agreement with international (colonial and imperial) multilaterals such as World Bank, IMF and private companies such as De Beers and Anglo American. This therefore present a policy dilemma in that these countries are bound by their bilateral agreements, which are already in place. However, with the radical revolutionary political dispensation, just like the British did in reneging their Lancaster Agreement, so too, are those countries from SADC can equally renege their existing bilateral agreements, citing reasons of being compelled by regional policy direction and instruction thereof, as a good political excuse. This necessitates the proactive mooting and precipitating the apt exit strategies for those SADC countries who are facing such a dilemma. Southern African leaders have made renewed calls for regional economic integration and cross-border infrastructure development as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit got underway here on Sunday. SADC Heads of State are meeting for their two-day summit in the resort town of Victoria Falls as slow economic growth and high rates of employments continue to torment in the region. The South African Government has just reported that – “The beneficiation of minerals coming out of SADC took centre stage, in opening on Sunday, with incoming SADC chairperson and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe saying the goal for SADC to drive short and long term economic growth could be realised if only the region could beneficiate its minerals. “Our region has abundant resources, which resources, instead of being sold in raw form, at very low prices, must instead be exploited and beneficiated in order to add value and cost to those products which we eventually export,” President Mugabe said. “This process should assist us in our efforts to industrialise and in turn, increase employment opportunities for our people.” Zimbabwe is taking over the chairpersonship of SADC for the next year. The Summit in Victoria Falls is emphasising economic growth and food production in a year that the African Union has dedicated to food security for the continent. In his first speech as the chairperson of the regional body, President Mugabe urged the 15-member states to move away from exporting raw materials to Europe, Asia and America. “I am confident that in our discussions, we will lay a foundation for the necessary value addition of our natural resources. Our material resources are capable of playing a pivotal role in the development of all SADC member states,” President Mugabe said. Having adopted its blueprint for infrastructure development in a summit in Maputo in August 2012, SADC’s goal is to target the development of high priority infrastructure projects such as rail and marine. Africa the next growth path Also speaking at the summit, African Union Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma said Africa was the next growth path and a continent of endless possibility. “Indeed we are able to navigate our social and economic challenges. We are defining our own agenda and Africa will be seen as the place to invest and do business,” Dlamini Zuma said. She also weighed in on the issue of beneficiation of the continent’s minerals, saying the only time Africa can realise its potential is when it scaled down on exporting raw material. “Exporting raw material resources means exporting the high level jobs we should be creating. Africa is endowed with oil, gas, platinum, gold diamond, you name it, but with all that endowment most of African countries are still lacking economic progression and are behind by development standards,” said Dlamini Zuma. For Africa to achieve its potential, it needed to transform its economy and the way the continent does things, added Dlamini Zuma. The two-day summit ends on Monday. –” At the Sub-Sahara continental level, given that President Mugabe will also become the chairperson for the African Union, President Mugabe is expected to have less headache to champion and spearhead the Pan African Economic Renaissance, given that he would have at least for six month have secured the support of 13 SADC countries. Whatever he will recommend to the African Union, it will be more of a SADC countries mutually agreed and backed economic and political agenda. Also given that South Africa which is also a member of BRICS is part of SADC, and will be second richest economy in Africa, after Nigeria, it will be rather convenient to lobby and mobilize support from the rest of African countries. The East African Community, which is made of 12 countries is leading the revolutionary aggressive regional economic integration agenda in Africa, it is safe to conclude that these 12 countries will automatically agree with the 15 countries from SADC. This automatically gives President Mugabe 50% votes in support of his Pan African Regional Economic Renaissance and Integration plan and agenda. The biggest challenge that might derail any progress can be expected from the ECOWAS because of the fact that 14 countries still receive direct political instructions and orders from France. However, given the shrewdness of President Robert Mugabe’s leadership, it is safe to assume that a proper political means to strategically coerce the ECOWAS countries to be more loyal to African development, empowerment and advancement Agenda. The most interesting part is the fact that when it comes to raw diamond, the rest of the world only produce and Canada combined produces only 36.84% of the World’s total vale (output) raw diamond. Russia, and three SADC Countries namely Angola, Botswana, and South Africa combined produces 63, 16% of the World output (value) of the raw diamond. This statistics is somehow economic with the true state of play, given that the raw diamond produced in Central Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo, are not accounted. If Congo was to be accounted for, this would increase the output of the SADC and Russia combined to more than 70% of the global output. It is against this rationale that I fully support the appointment of Robert Mugabe as the chairperson of SADC. Given that the RSA is within SADC, South Africa should therefore play a critical anchoring role to brokerage the deal between SADC Countries and Russia, to collectively adopt and posh for the policy of domestic beneficiation. South African should also spearhead the lobbying of all BRICS country to become a substitute market for consumption of made in African and domestically beneficiated diamond, gold and silver products. In so doing the US-EURO colonial exploitation and Scramble for Africa’s raw materials and resources, will be dealt a serious blow to the point of being entirely expunged. However, the SADC Region, must know that such a move will be regarded by US led colonial and imperial orders and power structures as declaring war. And as such, the US will create lot of terrorist attack and kidnapping agenda which will be used as means to legitimize their attack and destruction of SADC countries who are perceived as a serious threat to the colonial and imperial Scramble for Africa’s raw materials and resources. It will be politically naïve and myopic for the heads of SADC member countries, not to expect war from US and not to accordingly prepare their countries to be combat ready and equal to the challenge. This might even lead to the assassination of President Robert Mugabe, in a more or less same fashion in which president Muammar Connell Gaddafi was assassinated by US. President Mugabe should learn from the colonial and imperial assassination of all African Revolutionary leaders who were too radical for the likings of the colonial and imperial power structures. He should be careful not to be let down by his own Pan African comrades who are executive members of his cabinet in Zimbabwe, and also the executive members of SADC cabinets. With all that said and done, let us look forward to the most exciting wave of an aggressive Revolutionary Pan African Economic Renaissance under the befitting tenacious stewardship, championship and spearheading by the only remaining true Pan African Revolutionary leader, the one and only Lion of Africa, President Robert Mugabe. VIVA Pan African Comrade President Robert Mugabe VIVA! Africa My beginning and Africa My Ending, Aluta Continua!!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 20:59:10 +0000

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