AFRICAS RICHEST LONGEST SERVING DICTATORS list 2014. 8. Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe) 28 years in power Net worth; $ 10 million Mugabe has won many elections in his country by violating various electoral procedures although he also seems to enjoy support from the masses- both within Zimbabwe and through out Africa and the diaspora. His country has the highest know inflation rate in the world with the majority of its citizens living in abject poverty. 7. Idriss Deby (Chad) 23 years in power Net worth; $ 50 million Towards the end of august 2006, Deby reportedly made international news after calling for his nation to have a 60% stake in its industrial output after receiving close to nothing from foreign companies running its industrial sector. 6. King Mswati III (Swaziland) 28 years in power Net worth; $ 100 million Down from $ 200 million last year, the king has often been criticised for his lavish spending, over $6 million shopping spree for his 13 wives, $61 million for the kings annual house hold budget, $ 500,000 Daimler Chryslers flagship Mayback 62 luxury car and yet 63% of swazis reportedly live on less than $ 1.25 per day. 5. Paul Biya ( Cameroon) 31 years in power Net worth; $ 200 million His vacation was the most expensive among world leaders- reportedly surpassing that of the president of America; spending $40,000 per day in lodgings yet 48% of the citizens of cameroon live below the poverty line. 4. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo ( Equatorial Guinea) 34 years in power Net worth; $ 600 million Though Equatorial Guinea is Africas second richest nation ,the majority of the population reportedly live under the poverty line. In october 2011, the us government sized $ 70 million of his son, Teodoro N Quema Obiang Manques assets. 3. King Mohammed VI ( Morocco) 15 years in power Net worth; $ 2.5 billion The king ascended to the throne after his fathers death in 1999 and immediately set about improving his appalling human rights record and alleviating poverty. 2. Jose Eduardo Dos Santos ( Angola) 34 years in power Net worth; $ 20 billion While 70% of Angolans live on less than two dollars a day, his daughter Isabel Dos Santos; is among the forbes African billionaires with a net worth of $ 3.8 billion making her African and world black richest woman. 1. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni ( Uganda) 28 years in power Net worth; DO NOT DISTURB Considered to be a shrewd and most cunning of all the Africa presidents combined; His army, the Ugandas people defence forces (UPDF) are every were in Sudan helping the president stay in power from rebel forces, in Somalia aganist the Alshabab, in Congo, Ethopia, and also at one time in Lybia , Iraq .....etc. His guards are at one time known have squared it off with once ruling strong man of Africa the Late Gadaffis gaurds in the presence of visting presidents and international diginitaries at Nambole Stadium in a public display of power, helped Paul Kagame to power in Rwanda, president Kabila of Congo came crawling to him when besieged by the then M23 rebel faction in Congo for help, and although not named among Africas top eight richest presidents, it goes to show how vast his wealth maybe estimated to be in this era.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:59:35 +0000

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