AFROPEANS, NEGROPEANS, HOUSE NEGROES, EDUCATED BLACK FOOLS & DISTORTIONS OF AFRIKAN HISTORY The number trademark of Afrikan Slaves who are House Negroes is NOT the fact that they are the best Afrikan Agents of COLONISATION & Colonial White Supremacys most effective advocates. The number one trademark of these educated Black fools is that they believe that they are highly intelligent. When infact they are by far the most inter-galactically stupid people ever! They frequently swallow as undeniable & indisputable truth, highly distorted Afrikan History. Writen by Evil Criminal European Colonial Invader Historians & Anthropologists. That they have passed off as an accurate account of Afrikan History by publishing it in Colonial History Books & Colonial Academic Journals. And getting it all Endorsed by Afrikan House Negro Historians & Anthropologists educates at Colonial Academic Institutions. That are not only distorting Old Afrikan History but are actually distorting Morden Day Afrikan History. All for the purpose of justifying COLONISATION. Educated Black Fools who regurgitate all this highly distorted Afrikan History and pass of as the truth are totally & completely oblivious to all these distortions, lies & deception. And this through no fault of their own. You see after Evil Criminal European Invaders came to Afrika UNINVITED centuries ago. And proceeded to BRUTALLY, HEARTLESSLY, RUTHLESSLY & VIOLENTLY RAPE, MURDER & STRIP AFRIKAN PEOPLE OF ALL THEIR LAND & VAST MINERAL WEALTH. Confining our people to centuries of drowning in a horrible slew abuse, exploitation, ravaged by poverty, disease, total squalor, dehumanisation, destitution, indignity, disrespect, famine, rape, murder, uneducated, unskilled, unemployable, living like paupers & refugees in their own land. These European Invaders figured out early on that if they are to keep Afrika COLONISED and maintain DOMINION over Afrikan people for centuries. They would need to do something EXTRA-ORDINARY. For this purpose they established a COLONIAL WHITE SUPREMACIST SYSTEM. That has been working relentlessly & tirelessly 24/7. Using any & every Lie, Trick, Deception, Tool (RELIGION, EDUCATION, MEDIA, TITTLE DEEDS, PARLIAMENT, THE JUDICIARY, THE CONSTITUTION etc), Persons (WHITE LIBERALS, MANDELA THE ICON, BLACK MIDDLE CLASS FOOLS) & Organisations( THE ANC) that it has at its disposal to totally & completely BLIND Blacks to: It’s very EXISTENCE as well as the evil way that it operates underground in a clandestine, covert, silent, quiet, highly organised way in all sectors of the economy. Affecting all areas of Black Life namely SPIRITUAL, PERSONAL (psychological, mental, emotional, self-image, sense of value & self- worth), PHYSICAL HEALTH, FAMILY, ECONOMIC & SOCIAL AREAS. As well as totally & completely BLINDING Blacks to their TRUE IDENTITY, HISTORY & HERITAGE. So as to PARALYSE, EMASCULATE & MENTALLY ENSLAVE Blacks for centuries on end. Rendering Blacks totally & completely LACKING all the CONFIDENCE, COURAGE & CONVICTION they need to mount a serious REVOLT against COLONISATION The tragic result of Blacks being totally & completely BLINDED to their TRUE AFRIKAN IDENTITY, HISTORY & HERITAGE like that has been that: Afrikan slaves have come to be totally vulnerable to falling for all the deliberate distortions, aspersions, lies & deception that they are fed by Evil Criminal European Colonial Invaders of Afrika regarding their AFRIKAN IDENTITY, HISTORY & HERITAGE. So much so that they cant see through all the bullshit, for example 1) DISTORTIONS OF ANCIENT AFRIKAN HISTORY ** There was absolutely NO single border in Afrika before COLONISATION. All of Afrika was one land that belonged to ALL Afrikans who moved freely throughout Afrik as they pleased through out Afrika. All the morden day Colonial Borders within Afrika are a creation of Evil Criminal European Colonial Invaders of Afrika as part of divide & conquer colonial strategy. All of Afrika is home for All Afrikans without exception. NO Afrikan was ever a Foreigner anywhere in Afrika. **The Khoisan were & are STILL Afrikan like all other Afrikans. There is NO distinction between the Khoisan & other Afrikans. The idea that the Bantu invaded land that belonged to the Khoisan is total bullshit created by Evil Criminal European Colonial Invaders of Afrika to create divisions among Afrikans & justify COLONISATION. What stupid Negropeans who swallow without questioning all the lies & distortions of Afrikan History that has led them to believing that there are differences between the Khoisan & other Afrikans. What these stupid Negropeans dont know is that Evil Criminal Colonial Invader Historians & Anthropologists dont just limit their deception and lies to how the Bantu migrated South to invade land that belongs to the Khoisan. Which therefore gives the Bantu no right to claim South Afrika as their land. What stupid Negropeans dont know is that these European Colonial Historians & Anthropologists dont just end there. They also say that even the Khoisan themselves migrated South from the West & Central Afrika centuries before the Bantu. Which technically makes South Afrika land that belongs to NOBODY. Land that was bare and COLONISED by the Khoisan, the Bantu & Europeans. Educated Black fools dont know this. Even worse decendents of the Khoisan are portrayed as being exclusively those of Mixed Afrikan & European Ancestry. Even though the Khoisan were living alongside & inter-marrying with their fellow Afrikans long before and after any European Colonial Invader ever set foot in Afrika. HERE IS THE TRUTH ABOUT AFRIKA. ALL OF AFRIKA IS HOME TO ALL AFRIKANS. ALL THE MORDERN DAY BORDERS ARE A CREATION OF COLONISATION. THERE ARE NO DIFFERENCES AMONG AFRIKANS. AFRIKANS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FREE TO MOVE AS THEY PLEASE THROUGHOUT THEIR LAND AFRIKA. JUST BECAUSE LIES & DISTORTIONS ABOUT AFRIKAN HISTORY ARE DOCUMENTED IN COLONIAL ACADEMIC BOOKS BY EUROPEAN INVADERS & ENDORSED BY HOUSE NEGRO AFRIKAN SLAVES THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM TRUE. THE ONLY FOREIGNERS IN AFRIKA ARE THE EVIL CRIMINAL EUROPEAN COLONIAL INVADERS. MOST OF THE CONFLICTS AMONG AFRIKANS THROUGHOUT HISTORY LIKE THE MFECANE/DIFAQANE WERE ACTUALLY FUELLED BY EUROPEAN INVADERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF DIVIDING & CONQUERING AFRIKANS. 2) DISTORTIONS OF MORDERN HISTORY OF AFRIKA Dstortions of Morden day History of Afrika relate to: **How the role of White Liberal Marxist-Leninist members of the Communist Party of South Afrika who infiltrated the ANC in the 1940s is portrayed as being to GENUINELY HELP Afrikans in the struggle. When their mission was to PARALYSE, SUBDUE, INCAPACITATE & EMMASCULATE the Afrikan Revolution by shifting its its focus from being about fighting to eradicate COLONISATION of Afrika. An undeniable & indesputable European Invader upon Afrikan Crime In which AL Europeans are ILLEGITIMATE INVADERS OF AFRIKA OF OUR STOLEN AFRIKAN LAND & ILLEGAL LOOTERS & PILLAGERS OF OUR STOLEN VAST MINERAL WEALTH. A crime that cant be diguised as anything else. One that Europeans cant claim to be victims of. One that accurately portrays European Invaders for the EVIL INVADING CRIMINALS THAT THEY REALLY ARE. And shifting the focus of the revolution to being about fighting to end segregation and creating Multi/Non-Racialism in a South Afrika that belongs to all who live in it, in which Evil Criminal European Colonial Invaders are LEGITIMATE owners of Our Stolen Afrikan Land & Vast Mineral Wealth. In which Evil Criminal European Colonial Invaders of Afrika are portrayed as LEGITIMATE CITIZENS LIKE ALL OF US AFRIKANS. Something that has been made possible by the evil Freedom Charter blue print for Legitimising Colonisation that was drafted in 1955 by the very White Liberal Marxis-Leninist members of the CPSA. That was adopted by the ANC as its Policy Framework.That paved the way for the Current CONSTITIUTION OF SOUTH AFRIKA that was adopted in 1996 that OFFICIALLY LEGITIMISED COLONISATION **How Mandela & the ANC are portrayed as Great Afrikan Heroes who brought Colonisation to an end & Liberated us Afrikans. When in truth Mandela & the ANC Sold us Blacks Out and allowed Evil Criminal European Colonial Invaders to keep ALL our Stolen Land & Vast Mineral Wealth. As well as deceiving us into thinking that Hollow Political Rights are TRUE FREEDOM. AFRIKANS HAVE COME TO BELIEVE ALL THESE LIES ABOUT THEIR ANCIENT & MORDEN AFRIKAN HISTORY AS A RESULT OF THEIR BEING SO BLINDED TO THEIR TRUE AFRIKAN, HISTORY & HERITAGE. SOMETHING THAT HAS ALSO LED TO: Afrikan Slaves having come to totally & completely LACK INSIGHT into the undeniable & indisputable fact that COLONISATION is the ROOT CAUSE of ALL the problems of Afrika without exception. How COLONISATION is the underlying ROOT CAUSE of all the rape, murder, woman & child abuse, poverty, HIV, EBOLA, TB, squalor, homelessness, continued BANTU EDUCATION, Black on Black violence, Crime, as well as millions of other problems afflicting Afrika and Afrikan people. Blacks would totally lack the ability to look at these problems on the surface and LINK them directly to their underlying ROOT CAUSES. Instead Blacks would look at these problems on the surface individually out of context. And come up with solutions that will only ever provide a temporary escapism to the pain of these problems. While completely failing to attempt to eradicate the underlying ROOT CAUSES of these problems. Namely, COLONISATION As well as having totally & completely LOST ALL SENSE OF OWNERSHIP OF THEIR LAND & VAST MINERAL WEALTH THAT WERE STOLEN VIOLENTLY BY EUROPEAN SETTLERS. AND ACTUALLY START TO BELIEVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY THAT THESE EUROPEAN SETTLERS THAT ARE STILL HOLDING ON TO THEIR LAND & VAST MINERAL WEALTH ILLEGALY. ARE THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS OF THEIR STOLEN LAND & MINERAL WEALTH, SOMETHING THAT WOULD FURTHER RENDER BLACKS PARALYSED & EMASCULATED TOTALLY UNABLE TO MOUNT A SERIOUS REVOLT TO TAKE BACK ALL THEIR LAND & VAST MINERAL WEALTH.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:21:18 +0000

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