AFTER HAPPILY EVER AFTER -Zilch #19 -3 - TopicsExpress


AFTER HAPPILY EVER AFTER -Zilch #19 -3 am- “Gian” “honey~~” “babe?” “love?” “pooh bear~” “OH C’MON GIAN! WAKE UP!!” He groaned on the other side of the bed. He searched for the lamp and open it. I sat on an Indian Seat style rubbing my tummy. “What is it honey?” he asked in a sleepy tone rubbing his eyes. “I want to eat ice cream” I pout sticking my lower lip out. “But it’s in the middle of the night!! Can’t you wait till’ morning??” he replied hugging me from my tummy. “Please? The baby’s hungry, too” I said and pouting more blinking my eyes. He groaned and get up the bed. “You’re lucky I love you” he mumbled wearing his slippers. He opened the door and stumbled his way down the hallway. “LOVE YOU TOO!” I shouted as I heard his chuckle. I waited till’ the sound of his footsteps echoing on the hallway. “Here it is” he said handing me a bowl of vanilla flavored ice cream. I tasted it but scrunched my nose. His smile disappeared. “Why? Is it already sour??” he asked and took a bite. He showed confusion as he stared at me. “I hate vanilla” I mumbled and he grumpily got up. “You’re lucky, you’re my wife” he said going out the room. I waited for his footsteps but grew tired. “here it is” he said giving me a chocolate flavored ice cream. I tasted it and my nose scrunched up again. He rolled his eyes and tasted it too. His face distorted. “Sorry. It’s already expired” he said getting up again running down the stairs. “GIAN! WHAT DID I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE STAIRS?” I shouted as he shouted back an apology. He entered the room now holding a strawberry flavored ice cream. “Here” he said tasting it first. “thanks” I like it but finish it only half-way. “Sorry, honey~~ I hate it when late-night cravings happen!” I said and pouted. He kissed my cheeks. “It’s okay, honey. The baby gets hungry too” he said going to the kitchen washing the dishes. I merely fell asleep when I felt his presence wrap around the room and his arms around me. “Honey?” “yes?” I heard his low voice on my back. “You know my favorite movie?” I asked. “Yes, My Sassy Girl. You said it was so cute because it’s the most romantic movie you’ve ever seen. And bragging it because it’s the cutest movie without any kissing scenes.” He narrated. I smiled but shook my head. “No~ the other one!” I said. “2oo Pounds beauty?” he guessed. I nod my head. “You’ve been watching that for more than 5 times” he said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Cause it’s so cool” I said giggling. He chuckled and stroke my head. “what about that?” “I wanna watch it!” I said. He looked at me with huge eyes. “but I already returned it to the store” he answered as I growl. “” I said shaking his arms. “I should’ve bought it” he mumbled. “yeah!! You should’ve bought it!! Not rent!” I agreed. “remember what you said when we’re on the store?” he asked. I shook my head. “you shouted that I should rent cause it’s cheaper” he pointed out. “you should’ve bought it, anyway” I said rolling my eyes. “hey!! Before I forgot, I’m gonna have a check-up tomorrow!” I said in a sleepy tone. “Ok, sleep.” He ordered as I stubbornly shook my head. “no!!” I protested keeping awake. “sleep, it’s good” he said again. “I don’t wanna sleep” I said as my eyelids grew heavy. “Goodnight” he said in a clear voice. “no” I said in a faint voice And everything drifted to tra~la~la land as I started dreaming of him, as usual…with our mini Gian. -the end-
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:30:27 +0000

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