AFTER I READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE, I CAME TO THE FRIGHTENING CONCLUSION THAT EBOLA WILL CONTINUE TO SPREAD AND KILL MANY PEOPLE IN SIERRA LEONE, AND IT WILL NOT BE CONTAINED ANYTIME SOON....HOW SAD Sierra Leone News : Waterloo in Panic as CHO Dies of Ebola Oct 14, 2014, Residents of Waterloo in the Western Rural District were gripped by nagging fear on Sunday 12th October 2014 as they laid to rest a committed and dedicated Community Health Officer (CHO), James Jimmy Jujua. CHO Jajua who was buried by the Ebola Burial Team is said to have died of the Ebola disease while serving the residents of Waterloo. The deceased served the Waterloo Community for over six years in that capacity. Prior to his death, CHO Jajua was having an issue with Honorable Claude D. M. Kamanda of Constituency 095 who also doubles as the Chief Whip of the Sierra Leone House of Parliament as a result of the death of Shiek Finnoh, the Chief Imam of the Western Area Rural District. The allegation was that CHO Jajua issued a certificate of burial to the family of the deceased indicating that the Imam did not die of Ebola. This it is alleged, caused the Imam to be buried without precautions. His corpse to be washed by community members. The late CHO had denied allegations. However, Hon. Claude Kamanda asked for an investigation by the Police during which CHO Jajua who was also a Surveillance Officer for Ebola in the Western Area Rural District, got questioned by the Police. Last month of September 2014, after making his statement, the police had wanted to detain CHO Jajua until his appearance in court the following day but protests from the community led to them thinking otherwise. On Friday 10th October 2014, he was taken to the Hastings Ebola treatment having himself now tested positive of Ebola and sadly on Sunday October 12th 2014, CHO Jajua died at the Hastings Ebola Centre. At around 2:00pm on Sunday the 12th October 2014, his corpse was taken to the Waterloo Health Centre by the Government Ebola burial team where Community people and his Church Congregation were present to pay their last respect and farewell. They were allowed to conduct prayers by the security forces and the medical team. The prayer session was done by his Pastor, Pastor Emmanuel Turay, who is also the Pastor in charge of Sanctuary Praise Church, East End Branch at Waterloo. Pastor Emmanuel Turay consoled the bereaved family and said that there is time to be born and a time to die. He CONTINUED by saying that CHO James Jajua was a great health soldier to be always remembered for his contribution in the fight against this killer Ebola Virus Disease. The late CHO Jajua 47, was given a befitting burial at the Waterloo Cemetery.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 16:44:37 +0000

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