AFTER YOU READ THIS WE WANT YOU TO TURN TO SOMEONE, ANYONE AND TELL THAT PERSON THAT WE CAN STILL WORK WITHIN THIS SYSTEM TO RIGHT THIS SHIP OF STATE! What you are about to read consists of previously reported data points but now also includes a key figure that eliminates much speculation when viewed in the context of these data points – the Executive Director in whose home was formed the Foundation headed by Barack Obamas Muslim brother, Malik. The trail leads back to Barack Obamas time at Columbia University and the Executive Director of the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), Alton Ray Baysden, a registered Republican with a 35-year career with the U.S. State Department and Intelligence Community, as Shoebat has reported. Baysdens field of operation included diplomatic security; he also worked in Karachi, Pakistan at a time when Barack was doing work for an employer that helped American businesses operate abroad. That employer also had a history of putting CIA operatives on their payroll, according to the New York Times. Before going back that far, take a look at a series of events that transpired over a five-week period in the spring of 2008, as Barack Obama was campaigning for President: Friday, March 21st: The Washington Post reports that three State Department contract employees breached the passport files of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain. Two of those employees are fired. Sunday, April 6th: At a fundraiser in San Francisco, Barack admits to traveling to Pakistan while in college. Stealing the headline, however, was the infamous Obama quote about conservatives who cling to guns or religion, leaving open the possibility that the latter quote was intentionally delivered to allow that Pakistan trip to fly under the radar or at least to take a back seat in the shock value department. Monday, April 7th: A man named A. Ray Baysden issues his only ever book review on Amazon. It is for a book entitled Immigration Chaos, written by immigration hawk Neville Cramer and Baysden gives it five stars. The contents of the book include revealing the corruption taking place at DHS. Again, why would such a person sign on with the Muslim brother of a pro-amnesty Presidential candidate in the same month? Tuesday, April 8th: After reaching out to the Obama campaign for clarity on the surprise admission by Obama that he visited Pakistan in college, ABC News reports the campaign said Obama traveled to Karachi, Pakistan for three weeks in 1981, the year he began attending Columbia University. Thursday, April 17th: Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., who is said to be a key witness in the case of the passport file breach at the State Department from weeks and months earlier is shot dead. Harris is found in his car outside a Washington, DC church and was said to have been cooperating with the investigation. Wednesday, April 30th: The date on the BHOF 501(c)(3) approval letter showing the retroactive date the foundation became tax-exempt. Baysden is identified as the Executive Director. It is not known if this is the date of the meeting in Baysdens home, only that its the date of exemption. The actual meeting may have taken place earlier in the month. In 1984, Baysden was stationed in Karachi, Pakistan (his bio has a gap between 1980-88, so his time there could have spanned several years). State Department directory for Key Officers of Foreign Posts, dated January, 1984: Alton R. Baysden is listed on page 55 as being stationed in Karachi, Pakistan. Note that the cover states its a Guide for Business Representatives. The relevance of this will be made known shortly: BARACK OBAMAS STINT IN BUSINESS: Upon graduating from Columbia in 1983, Obama took a job with Business International Corp. (BI) in Manhattan and worked as junior editor until late 1984, the same year Baysden was stationed in Karachi. The stated purpose of BI was to assist American companies operating abroad. According to a New York Times article published in 2007, while at BI, Obama also wrote for a weekly newsletter known as the Business International Money Report. Though it might be a stretch to identify the future president of the United States as a journalist in 1984, it could be argued that he technically qualified, which may take on added significance in light of BIs connection to the CIA. That leads to an extremely revealing 1977 New York Times article by John M. Crewdson entitled, C.I.A. Established Many Links To Journalists in U.S. and Abroad. The crux of the article is that news organizations – both large and small – sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly, hired CIA operatives who were actually doing double duty. One of those news organizations was the one Barack worked for after leaving Columbia: Relevant excerpts transcribed: The Times found that at least 22 American news organizations had employed… American journalists who were also working for the C.I.A. In a few instances the organizations were aware of the C.I.A. connection, but most of them appear not to have been. Crewdson reports that …some of the most influential in the nation were players, to include ABC and CBS News… Time, Life and Newsweek magazines… The New York Times… The Associated Press… The Christian Science Monitor, The Wall Street Journal… Then comes the bombshell: Among the lesser known organizations were the College Press Service, Business International, the McLendon Broadcasting Organization, Film Daily and a defunct underground newspaper published in Washington, The Quicksilver Times. Seven years later, Barack Obama would find work with that organization in bold. Does this prove that Obama was doing intelligence work simply because he worked for BI? Alone, no but it becomes a different story entirely with Baysdens connection to Malik. In the 2007 New York Times article, one of Obamas co-workers at BI – Dan Armstrong – said that at the time he and Barack worked at BI, the company had a total of 250 employees worldwide. The odds of someone like Obama doing double duty with the CIA while at BI would seem to be higher than if he had been working at a major media organization with thousands of employees as opposed to one with less than 300; that doesnt even factor in all of his CIA connections as POTUS. Armstrong was asked about Obamas account of his time at BI as it was described in Baracks 1995 Book Dreams From My Father. Armstrong charged that Obamas description of his time at BI was an exaggeration in order to make it a good story. One of the lines from Dreams was as follows: Like a spy behind enemy lines, I arrived every day at my mid-Manhattan office. The irony is that contrary to Armstrongs claim that Barack exaggerated his time at BI, there is a possibility that he may have understated it. NEWS ORGANIZATIONS ONCE HOME TO CIA OPERATIVES AID AND ABET OBAMA: Obama would become President of the United States 25 years later and the media showed no interest in vetting him. Just how many secrets does he hold and how much dirt does he have on how many very powerful people? The insanely favorable treatment he has received from media outlets and even his opponents has been breathtaking to behold. The simple explanation is that such individuals and entities are afraid of the race card. If thats a factor, its a small one but makes a workable excuse. To be fair, Crewdson reported that the CIA program he was writing about in 1977 had ended years earlier. Does anyone really believe such an operation was just ended, never to return? Having you believe that is part of the CIA instruction manual. Besides, there is overwhelming consensus that never in the history of the United States has there been a more complicit and fawning media when it comes to the Barack Obama candidacy and presidency; vetting did not take place relative to the candidate who deserved it most. There has got to be a reason that transcends race and Republicans being afraid to challenge him because of it. Its time to put an end to this case being about circumstantial evidence exclusively but it requires members of Congress, the media (conservative media included) and attorneys for Tea Party groups to take the baton and do so. To this point, they have all failed the American people. The fact remains that no matter how much of the aforementioned evidence is coincidental or circumstantial, the introduction of Baysden into this whole mess all but closes the loop. In 1984, the U.S. was aiding the Muslim Brotherhoods Mujahideen in its fight with the Soviet Union from Karachi, Pakistan. As such, the man named Baysden listed in that manual had to be part of this effort. Barack Obama made at least one three-week trip to Pakistan with his Pakistani friends during this period. If he had the charisma to one day be elected POTUS, he certainly had enough to qualify for an intelligence asset gig in the 1980s. A man who would one day become a very close adviser to Barack Obama – Zbigniew Brzezinski – visited Pakistan in 1979 when he was Jimmy Carters National Security Adviser and gave the Taliban a pep talk, as Shoebat reported: In addition to working for an organization with a history that included hiring CIA operatives performing double duty, Barack Obamas entire family in Kogelo is Sunni Muslim (except for him, of course), making him a perfect fit as an operative from the city where Baysden was working – Karachi. In fact, Barack is said to have recited the Islamic call to prayer with at first-rate accent by none other than a fawning New York Times writer in Nicholas Kristof. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, George Stephanopolous was very quick to come to Obamas rescue when the presidential candidate inadvertently referred to his Muslim faith before Steph threw him a lifeline: Everyone came to Baracks rescue during his 2008 campaign, including his Republican opponent John McCain, who inexplicably refused to go after Obamas weakest spots, to include Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers. Then of course, there was this infamous and disgraceful town hall appearance about one month before the election in which McCain was booed by his own supporters for defending Obama. In so doing, McCain defied the cardinal rule when on the campaign trail to just keep throwing red meat; he did the opposite. In so doing, the people who were readiest to put their differences with McCain aside and rally to his candidacy actually booed him; it was unprecedented: In 2013, McCains 2008 running mate, Sarah Palin, revealed that she was forbidden to discuss Obamas connections to Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers during the campaign: Shockingly, 2012 was not really any different. Republican nominee Mitt Romney showed no interest in fighting back against libelous and slanderous charges levied against him by the Obama campaign. At one point, he was accused of murder. The brazen unwillingness on the part of Romney to show any self-respect led to voters showing him the ultimate in disrespect; millions chose not to vote. The media assumed its role as Obamas propaganda arm as well. In the second presidential debate, CNNs Candy Crowley infamously came to Obamas rescue when the subject turned to the Benghazi attacks. On top of that, Romney was ill-equipped to respond despite Benghazi being his biggest opportunity to make Obama a one-term president: In the third debate, as more had been learned about what happened in Benghazi, viewers anticipated Romney drilling Obama on the subject. Since debate number two, he had plenty of time to read up on the details of the scandal. The video of the debate below is cued up to start with moderator Bob Schieffer asking the very first question, which involved Benghazi. Instead of hitting Obama where he was weakest, Romney took a dive and the subject never came up again. WHY THE BARACK H. OBAMA FOUNDATION IS SO EXPLOSIVE: If members of Congress were really interested in getting to the truth about the IRS scandal, Lois Lerners involvement in granting Maliks Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) expeditious and illegally retroactive tax-exempt status would have been introduced; she would have been asked about that in one of the two House Oversight Committee hearings she appeared before. Had she been publicly asked about Maliks ties to a State Sponsor of Terrorism in Sudan, Lerner could have been exposed as an accessory to terrorism in addition to helping the Presidents brother commit fraud; she would have transformed into a canary before Americas eyes. To this day, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) refuses to acknowledge this gargantuan issue after declaring the claims as being spot-on during a radio town hall in 2013, as Shoebat reported. Perhaps worse, when IRS Commissioner John Koskinen appeared before Kelly at a House Ways and Means Committee hearing a year later, Kelly physically embraced the Commissioner and didnt raise the issue once in the five minutes he was given, as Shoebat reported. Kelly is the only known member of Congress to not only acknowledge the scandal – as well as its legitimacy – publicly and proceed do nothing. He is certainly not the only member of Congress who knows about it; thats a fact. Perhaps even more vexing has been the refusal of True The Votes attorney Cleta Mitchell to introduce the scandal in one of the several congressional hearings she has attended. Contrasting the egregious treatment her client Catherine Engelbrecht received from the IRS with the illegally favorable treatment received by BHOF is a contrast made to order. Engelbrecht, a conservative member of the Tea Party is a law-abiding citizen who was run through the wringer by the IRS when she tried to get tax-exempt status. The presidents brother, who has been connected to the financing of terrorism and a State Sponsor of Terrorism, saw his 501(c)(3) status expedited by Lerner. Yet, Mitchell ignored it all despite knowing the details, even after her client was a victim of further injustice when a judge ruled she couldnt have a forensics expert help find Lerners emails. Why? FOUNDING OF BHOF The BHOF was founded in the home of a man named Ray Baysden in April of 2008 but never filed for its tax-exempt status, as Shoebat reported. When the heat was put on BHOF in May of 2011, courtesy of a formal complaint by the watchdog group National Legal and Policy Center that was reported by the New York Post, the powers that be kicked into gear. Making the BHOF legal became a top priority from the top down. Paperwork that should have been filed three years earlier but wasnt, was finally filed. BHOF had been accepting tax-deductible donations without being tax-exempt, a crime if done so more than 27 months without that status. BHOF received its 501(c)(3) approval letter, replete with Lerners signature and a date stamp of June 26, 2011 – a SUNDAY! Lerner had backdated the approval by a whopping 38 months and in record time! Malik Obamas Foundation granted 501(c)(3) status on a Sunday. As if the crime of fraud is not bad enough, Lerner should have been put on the hook for being an accessory to terror funding as Malik has deep ties to terrorists, terror groups and even one State Sponsor of Terrorism, as Shoebat has reported. The most explosive scandal in the history of the United States is being universally ignored and the reason why is clear. A whole lot of people have had their dirty hands tied behind their backs. Theyve also been gagged by a President who knows all their secrets and knows how to make them dance. In return, hes been protected and just continues living like a king. Can you think of a better reason why all this is getting ignored?
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 23:57:51 +0000

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