AGAIN...F-ING IDIOTS ! Not only was the name of the Boston - TopicsExpress


AGAIN...F-ING IDIOTS ! Not only was the name of the Boston Marathon bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev memorialized at a Mayors Against Illegal Guns rally in Concord, New Hampshire this week, but so were the names of other murderers, according to the New Hampshire Republican Party. “It is disgusting that Mayor Bloomberg’s radical out-of-state gun control group came to New Hampshire and honored so many thugs, murderers and terrorists,” NHGOP Chairman Jennifer Horn said in a statement. ”Mayor Bloomberg owes every Granite Stater a personal apology for the outrageous conduct of his extremist organization.” According to the NHGOP, Los Angeles cop killer Christopher Dorner is included on the list of gun deaths. The list, compiled by Slate to track gun deaths since the Newtown shooting, also included Kevin Bailey, who opened fire on police and died in the shoot-out as well in Ohio, and quadruple homicide suspect Kurt Myers, who died in a shoot-out with police in New York. TheDC has confirmed that all three individuals appeared in Slate’s database as of publication. “Mayors Against Illegal Guns has been thoroughly discredited and disgraced. President Obama and New Hampshire Democrats need to sever ties with this shameful group and make it clear that they are not welcomed in the Granite State,” the NHGOP added. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group apologized Wednesday for reading Tsarneav’s name at the rally. “He was absolutely not a victim. His name should have been deleted before the list was provided to a family member for reading and his name should never have been read,” Bloomberg’s statement read, according to CBS News. “It was a mistake. It should not have happened, and we sincerely apologize.” The Daily Caller has reached out to Mayors Against Illegal Guns for comment.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 14:57:27 +0000

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