AGAINST THEOLOGY HATERS I read recently someone who i consider - TopicsExpress


AGAINST THEOLOGY HATERS I read recently someone who i consider a friend to a large extent say some rash things about theology and seminarians who he called (pharisees)... saying something like the Lord found it feet not to leave a pharisee to head the church but a fisherman.. which is indeed true.. but such rash and unspiritual thinking must be refuted.. because it is the idea that a study of the Word of God( which is itself an expression of the nature of God) is evil. which is a horrible blasphemy.. does it not amaze such people that the Lord found best a (theologian/seminarian) or as some would call them today a pharisee to be the one to establish the doctrine in the church for almost 2000 years.. that is Paul... when he stood before Agrippa it was not his revelation that he was mocked for but his great learning.. an articulate mind as he was a genius (pharisee of pharisees) the idea that theology is evil is itself a demonic idea because the moment u pick ur bible to study what ever you get from it: call it ur revelation or what not ..that is ur theology .. if ubelieve man is a god or as some have recently said God then that is you theology.. it is a false theology because it is a false view of God but it is your theology still. To say that you need not learn from a so called theologian. well who God saw feet to use to liberate to us a free reading of scripture that is through Luther or to fight for right to eat communion that is through Calvin.. or such as Joseph price himself though who i believe is in error in most of his teachings on grace in my opinion and i believe in the opinion of Holy scripture has claimed to preach what Luther and Spurgeon preached (i disagre).. he himself declaring that what is popularly preached as the grace gospel was brought to light by the reformation .. that is by the spirit through Luther and Calvin.. for anyone to condemn the work of a theologian(a true theologian) is to condemn the work of the spirit in a mans mind through study.. as it was a theologian or (pharisee) that ask the question to our Lord that produced what is now one of the most honorable scripture John3:16... to disband theology as evil is to disband mental reasoning as evil, and the Lord did command to love Him with all our mind .. to claim that you gain what u teach completely by revelation that is divine revelation knowledge and not by any reasonable deduction which should be done through the spirit no doubt, as it is commanded that we shoud study to show ourselves approved unto God... rightfully dividing the word of truth and that we should give into much study by the apostle Paul who some claim to be like when making such rash claims about divine revelation knowledge that comes even without scripture but when (speaking in tongues or in a fast) is to claim that the Holy Ghost is in support to Gnosism.. and if that is not Blasphemy of the Spirit then what is.. to make the spirit support what he has refuted through scripture when it was said jud 8 New Living Translation In the same way, these people--who claim authority from their dreams(visions)--live immoral lives, defy authority, and scoff at supernatural beings. this is what we see today as Spiritual but i bring to you that just because something is Spiritual doesnt make it divine...
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 15:19:33 +0000

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