AGAPE LOVE!....Agape love is Gods kind of love.It is supreme - TopicsExpress


AGAPE LOVE!....Agape love is Gods kind of love.It is supreme love.why?It covers a multitude of sins.Bible says And above all things have fervent charity(love) among yourselves:for charity shall cover the multitude of sins(1peter4:8).YAHWEH is love.Therefore He is all forgiving and all forgeting.Bible says And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us.God is love;and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God,and God in him(1John4:16).YAHWEH forgive sins and remember it no more.Bible says And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more(Hebrew10:17).God is not counting sins,in fact He doesnt want to remember anything about your faults or mistakes.Bible says If thou,LORD,shouldest mark iniquities,O Lord,who shall stand?But there is forgiveness with thee,that thou mayest be feared(Psalm130:3-4)...Ignorance of Gods word is the cause of every quit feeling in the life.God is not counting your sins againsts you because He is the great love.So why count it against yourself?God has a permanent solution and cure for sin,like the healing balm of Gilead it must be applied.Bible says Is there no balm in Gilead;is there no physician there?Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered(Jere8:22).This is the type of love that should dominate your life and relationship.If you love this way,you will forgive others and you will not need to worry about your faults and mistakes.Why are you counting your mistakes?Why are you pointing fingers to someone?Why do you find faults with people?All is because you do not love Gods way.It is Gods standard of love for you.Never accept any lesser way of loving.You must love without counting the price.You must love unconditionally.You must love people who deserve no love yes,this is Gods standard.Bible says But I say unto you,love your enemies,bless them that curse you,do good to them that hate you,and pray for them which despitefully use you,and persecute you;That ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven:for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good,and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust(Matt5:44-45).This is the kind of love God demands from husband and wife.Bible says Husbands,love your wives,even as Christ also loved the church,and gave himself for it(Eph5:25).This is the kind of love YAHWEH demands from everybody.Bible says Let brotherly love continue(Hebrew13:1).Let the Love of God dominate,rule and control your life.I pray God will shower his divine love to your house,place of work,marriage,and your life in Jesus name.Amen.Shalom
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 11:56:24 +0000

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