AGREEMENT IN PRAYER FOR MARRIAGES Our agreement in prayer is - TopicsExpress


AGREEMENT IN PRAYER FOR MARRIAGES Our agreement in prayer is based on the Words of Jesus Christ in Mathew 18: 18-20 – “Verily I say unto you, whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them.” Father, now I pray for all marriages for it was instituted by You from the beginning. I thank you Father for your all-wise provision for the good of man and for the purpose of reproducing humans on earth, You saw it was not good for Man to be alone (in his species) and therefore you created out of Man’s rib a Woman to compliment him and help him to fulfill your plan to multiply after their kind like all your creatures in the animal world, bird world, sea world and the world of food also. How Wise and Wonderful and Caring you are to all that you created and sustain! We give you thanks and praise. Father, since marriage is Your Institution you specified boundaries and blessings on the first MAN and WOMAN when you conducted the first marriage in the Garden of Eden! Hallelujah!! Father, you are aware of all the works of the enemy to distort and bring confusion and seeking to bring this Institution to naught! BUT YOU ARE GOD AND THERE IS NO POWER ON EARTH OR EVIL POWER UNDER THE EARTH TO DESTROY THIS, YOUR INSTITUTION! Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, your Son I place the blood of Calvary’s sacrifice upon this Institution and claim husbands and wives and children and their families for your Kingdom because they have been redeemed from Satan’s dominion, and I pull down the strongholds that have been built up between husbands and wives in the Name of Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ has broken down the middle wall of partitions and divisions! Wherever there are broken hearts, broken vows, broken homes and divorces, I break the power of the enemy at work between husbands and wives and I tear down in the Name of Jesus Christ all the strong holds that have been built up between them and ask that you will heal their relationships so that they shall be ONE even as you intended. Heal the children too so that they are not scarred by the works of the enemy. Should other people be involved in these broken marriages, I place the precious and holy blood of Jesus Christ on them and break those unlawful relationships in the Name of Jesus Christ and ask You to restore such marriages in your own Sovereign way! Father, because you are far ABOVE ALL and you promised to answer prayer made in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, I believe you hear us and your will answer us for the glory of Your Name! I’m expecting marriages to be healed and restored and the world’s statistics in this respect to be reversed! By the power of the Holy Ghost demonstrate the reality of this TRUTH TO THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD THAT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST WHICH IS ABOVE ALL NAMES IN HEAVEN AND EARTH AND UNDER THE EARTH, THAT HEALING AND RESTORATION IS POSSIBLE, and we will be careful to give You all the glory for only You are worthy of our love and worship! Amen! Father, we give you praise and thanks for your love and goodness. YOU ARE IN CONTROL NO MATTER WHAT, AND YOU SOVEREIGNLY RULE AND OVER-RULE IN THE KINGDOM OF MEN! FATHER, YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL, TO HANG THE WORLD ON NOTHING AND YOU SUSTAIN EVERYTHING YOU CREATED. YOU NEVER MAKE A MISTAKE FOR YOU CAN SEE THE END FROM THE BEGINNING. YOU SEE ALL THINGS, KNOW ALL THINGS, HEAR ALL THINGS AND ONLY YOU CAN MAKE ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD WHO LOVE YOU AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO YOUR PURPOSES. YOU ARE THE AUTHOR OF HISTORY AND YOU HAVE WRITTEN HISTORY IN ADVANCE - THANK YOU!! WHAT YOU SAID HAPPENED AND WHAT YOU PROMISED WILL HAPPEN THANK YOU FATHER, FOR SAVING MY SOUL AND TEACHING ME TO DO YOUR WILL ON EARTH AS LONG AS YOU GIVE ME BREATH!. AMEN & AMEN! Margaret Wright
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:14:04 +0000

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