AGRICULTURAL EXPO 1-10: DABADBCBDB 11-20: DBDBDBCDAC 21-30: DDDDBCABBC 31-40: BDCADDDDCA 41-50: DCADCBDCDA 51-60: AABDCCDADA (1a) i. Provision of agricultural inputs at subsidized rates ii. Provision of agricultural extension agencies for effective production efficiency iii. provision of loans to farmers to improve large- scale Production iv. Encouragement of mechanized farming to improve agricultural output (1bi) i. it leads to production of disease resistant breeds of animals ii. it brings about production of high- milk producing breeds of animals iii. it leads to production of animals that can survive harsh weather conditions. (1bii) Soil Science i. it leads to production of crops with high- resistant traits ii. it leads to provision of crops which yield early iii. it leads to crops which can resist harsh weather conditions (1c) i. it is highly costly ii. it brings about degradation of soil conditions iii. it destroys soil structure (1d) i. it is cheap to acquire ii. it is readily available iii. it does not destroy soil structure (2a) Problem of land tenure system i. Problem of low capital input ii. problem of diseases and pests (2b) i. it brings about large production of agricultural output ii. It bring about higher standard of living of the farmer iii. it reduce the cost of agricultural production (2c) Farm Machinery i. Plough ii. harrow Farm Implements i. Cutlass ii. Hoe (2d) Gunter- chain is used for determining the angular distance between two points on a farm land ... (7A)-intensive system of poultry management -battery cage system -deep letter syem (7B)ADVANTAGES OF BATTERY CAGE. (i) birds conserve their energy because they are confrimed in cage ADVANTAGE OF DEEP LITTER SYSTEM (i) it is ideal for fertile egg production DISADVANTAGE OF BATTERY CAGE SYSTEM (i)there is always a high cost involved in sett up the farm DISAVANTAGES OF DEEP LITTER SYSTEM (i)eggs are always dirty due to the stams from the litter. (7Ci) it hs essential for reproduction in animals (ii)Acts as enzyme (7Cii) they are essential in the formation of oxygen pigment in the blood (i) it helps in tissue formation (7Ciii) it aids milk production (ii) it is a good source of energy production (7Di) the vulva becomes large, red and gets swollen (ii) the animal begins to make under noise (iii) loss of appetile (10D)He helps farmers to increase their plant and livestock product. (ii) He helps conduct or organise traning for farmers. (iii) He helps to monitor and supervise the beneficiaries of agricultural wave. (10E)i farm settlement schemes (ii)Agricultural development programmes [A.D.P] (3a) Macro- nutrient are the nutrients that are needed by plant in large quantity e.g Na,H,C, While Micro- nutrient are the nutrients needed by plant in small amount or quantity e.g Mn, Mo,Co (3b) i. Planting of leguminous plant ii. Application of fertilizer iii. soil structure (6a.) cereal crops- sorghum,rice, millet, wheat , maize, barley. (6b.)advantages of afforestation i. it helps in keeping animal life record ii. it serve as a rangeland for d government. Disadvantages i. it is expensive to maintain ii. it does not encourage industrialization. ...counterpart. (10a) i. Agricultural financing can be defines as the act of acquisition and use of capital in agriculture (10aii) i. Agricultural Bank ii. Money Lender iii. Self finance (10b) i. Provisions of storage facilities ii. Agricultural price fix board iii. Price control board (10c) i. Individual Method ii. Group method iii. Mass media iv. Print media v. Agricultural Show vi. Electronic Media (10d) i. A good extension worker must have initiative to tackle problems ii. he must be a good mixer for him to suceed iii. An extension worker must be reliable...moore @ or like our Facebook page facebook/wapniger
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 16:19:41 +0000

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