AIBEA CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 27/90/2014/46 DT. 6TH October, - TopicsExpress


AIBEA CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 27/90/2014/46 DT. 6TH October, 2014 To ALL OFFICE BEARERS, STATE FEDERATIONS AND ALL INDIA BANKWISE ORGANISATIONS Dear Comrades, • Need for caution while using communication technology All of us are aware that advancements in communication technology has opened up lot of scope for quick and faster communications. We in the trade unions also can and should adopt and utilise these facilities to reach out to our members to inform them of developments, informations and decisions of the organisation in real time. Already we find that besides using emails for sending our circulars and communications, our units utilise facilities like websites, blogs, SMS, group messaging, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc. etc. This has really helped us in percolating informations to down-level members in the branches. But we find that there is a lot of repetition and overlapping. Same message is being sent by different persons. For example, the SMS messages sent by me is received back by me from atleast 10/15 persons. Such things can be avoided. If we can streamline and demarcate it, it will be effective and avoid repetition. We also find that all types of routine messages/photos/greetings/images like good morning, etc. are being posted on daily basis. These things consume space in the mobile phone unless deleted regularly. Hence these are avoidable in the official groups. Further, we also observe that in the social media, these utilities are being misused by some people. We also find that groups have been created in the name of AIBEA and all types of informations and messages are getting shared through the same. Sometimes, we find that some of the informations are wrong, half-truths, malicious, anti AIBEA, anti UFBU and anti-trade union. All these only help to add to confusions and create disaffection against the organisation and leadership, etc. in the eyes of common members. Many persons who are not our members misuse and utilise the platform to abuse AIBEA without knowing facts. Some are also using abusive and derogatory languages which can be treated as Cyber Crime, punishable under Cyber Law. We have referred such cases to our lawyers as to how to deal with such cases of messages with derogatory and defamatory language. We wish to inform that we have not authorised anyone to create any facebook account or whatsapp group in the name of AIBEA. Our units can create such account in their own name/union name but no one should use the name of AIBEA. The administrators of such groups should be careful enough not to allow unscrupulous persons to join the group. Similarly there are a few groups and facebook accounts which are used to abuse UFBU, AIBEA, our leadership, etc. While some of them are innocent and genuine questions/comments are posted, few of them are using foul language. It is obvious that many of them are not members. It is also very clear that some are anti-AIBEA elements. Our units should caution our members not to be angered or polluted by such deliberate and mischievous provocations. Particularly, on the question of wage revision, while anxiety because of the delay is understandable, inimical elements are utilising this to instigate innocent employees against trade unions. And, because AIBEA is the major organisation, the ire is conveniently targeted and directed against AIBEA. All of us know that UFBU is trying its best to settle the wage revision settlement. In AIBEA also we have taken decisions to achieve good wage revision and expeditious settlement. We must particularly explain to our young and new employees who have no idea of earlier wage settlement. Their doubts on New Pension Scheme, Pay Commission, parity with Government employees, etc. should be properly clarified. In the name of such social media interactions, young employees are being segregated and sought to be isolated. Youngsters and young employees are a part and parcel of our unions and their demands and aspirations are equally important and that is why in the charter of demands and in our approach to the settlement we have those issues in mind. But it is observed that some elements outside our organisation are trying to misguide and instigate and provoke the young employees through social media and other efforts. Our Unions should advice and guide our members not to be misled by such attempts. Times are challenging. Wage revision issue is getting delayed. Lot of rumours are in the market, many of them deliberately engineered to create confusions. Hence we must communicate to our rank and file and keep them properly informed. For that communication technology should be better used. But then, there is need for caution against misuse and abuse by others against us. With greetings, Yours Comradely, C.H.VENKATACHALAM GENERAL SECRETARY
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 03:49:27 +0000

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