AIDEZ-NOUS. CE NEST PAS UN PRISON, CEST UN TOMBEAU. HELP US. ITS NOT A PRISON BUT A TOMB. Sign the petition to address extreme overcrowding in Rwandas genocide prisons. In Gitarama, often called the worst prison in the world, there is less than half a square meter to each prisoner, forcing them to fight for space and stand in excrement until their limbs literally rot off. The overcrowding in some Rwandan genocide prisons is so extreme as to constitute torture, in violation with several UN treaties signed by Rwanda. This is about more than human rights, however: its about avoiding a continued cycle of violence. The overcrowding in the prisons incites violence, and in Gitamara prison is a necessity to survive. Any convict released from an overcrowded prisons will have done so by learning to become far more violent than when they came in, and will be likely to incite renewed racial violence in revenge. If conditions for the prisoners do not improve, it could lead up to a new genocide. The solution is simple: the problem isnt caused by the governments ill will as in many cases of human rights violations, but because of lack of coordination needed to build prisons for over 100,000 convicts. For developed countries it would cost relatively very little to assist in the expansion of prisons, which can be cheaply mass-produced out of precast concrete. Therefore, we need to pressure the UN to do more than just talk: if the Rwandan government shows does not address the issue, it needs to offer financial assistance to do so, which is where the UNTFHS (Trust Fund for Human Security) comes into play. The IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Commission) will be able to provide further coordination between UN and non-UN agencies on this operation. If the article below triggers you, DONT LOOK AWAY BUT ACT: sign the petition and share it with your friends on social media and email, asking them to do the same. [E]ach man has only half a square yard of space. […] most have no choice but to stand day and night. […] Such is the overcrowding that even the latrines (of which there are only 20) are occupied by recumbent figures. As men slumber and defecate side by side, others sluice themselves in the outflow of an open sewer.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 17:52:57 +0000

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