AIM HIGH......... EVERY THING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT JOINING INDIAN AIR FORCE..... STEP 1 – RESPOND TO ADVERTISEMENT FOLLOWED BY WRITTEN TEST 1. For NDA and CDSE • The advertisement for NDA is released twice a year in the months of May and December and for CDSE in the months of June and October by UPSC. • Duly filled applications are to be sent to UPSC as given in advt. • The written tests are conducted by UPSC only. For details visit 2. AFCAT – Air Force Common Admission Test. • For all entries other than NDA and CDSE and for all branches, candidates have to undergo the AFCAT. • The test is conducted twice a year in February and September • Advertisements inviting applications for AFCAT are out in June and December. Candidates are to apply as per the advertisement. • The test is conducted all across India by the Indian Air Force 3. NCC entry • Air Sqn NCC Senior division ‘C’ certificate holders are to apply through DG NCC/ respective NCC Air Squadron • They would then appear for AFCAT STEP 2 - SSB (Services Selection Board) TESTING If you have successfully cleared Step 1, you will receive a Call letter to report to any one of the Air Force Selection Boards located at Dehradun, Varanasi, Gandhinagar and Mysore. At the Air Force Selection Board (AFSB), you undergo following tests in order to ascertain your suitability and gauge your potential as an Officer in the Indian Air Force. 1. Stage I Testing • Officer Intelligence rating Test • Picture perception and Discussion Test Stage I is a screening test. Those who qualify Stage-I are eligible to undergo Stage II testing. Stage I disqualified candidates are routed back after announcement of results 2. Stage II Testing All Stage I qualified candidates undergo following tests as part of Stage II testing during next three to four days • Psychological Tests are written tests that are conducted by a Psychologist. • Group Tests are interactive indoor and outdoor activities which are a combination of mental and physical work. • Interview involves a personal conversation with an Interviewing Officer. These tests will be explained to you in detail before they are conducted at the Selection Board. The following is the schedule for OLQ Tests: FLYING TECHNICAL GROUND DUTY Day 1 Phase I testing – Officers Intelligence Rating Test & Picture Perception and Discussion test Day 2 Group tests Group tests Group tests Day 3 Group tests Group tests Group tests Day 4 Interview Interview Interview Day 5 Conference Conference Conference Day 6 PABT* * Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) is a unique test. It is aimed at assessing a candidate’s aptitude to be trained as a pilot. PABT is being used as an independent selection device to induct potential officers into Flying Branch of Indian Air Force. PABT comprises three tests viz Instrument Battery Test (INSB), Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT). Instrument Battery Test (INSB) is a paper pencil test and other two are machine tests. The Instruments Battery Test (INSB) comprises two parts. This test assesses assimilation of the briefing and the ability of an individual to read and interpret the dials of an instrument panel of an aircraft. The candidates who score the minimum laid down criteria are subjected to the machine test. The machine test includes Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT). These tests measure the psychomotor co-ordination skill of the individual. These tests are conducted on a single day and administered only once in life time. At the Conference held on the last day, all the Assessors i.e. the Psychologist, Ground Testing Officer and the Interviewing Officer, discuss your personality and decide on whether to recommend you or not. Those recommended by the AFSBs will be required to fill up certain documents at the Boards and subsequently move to the next step. STEP 3 - CONDUCT OF MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS If you are recommended by the Selection Board, you will be sent for the medical examination either at Air Force Central Medical Establishment (AFCME), New Delhi or Institute of Aviation Medicine, Bengaluru. STEP 4 - PREPARING ALL INDIA MERIT LIST An All India Merit List is compiled on the basis of your performance in the written test and AFSB interview, subject to being medically fit. Based on the vacancies available in various branches / sub branches, joining instructions are issued to join one of the Training establishments. Pay and Allowances • Even before you are Commissioned as an Air Force Officer you start earning a monthly stipend of Rs. 21,000/- during last one year of your training period at any of the Air Force Training Institutions. • The following Pay / Allowances would be applicable on grant of Commission to Flying Officers:- Pay in Pay Band ( Common to all Branches ) - Rs 15,600 Per Month ( The officer will be placed in PB 3 - 15600-39100 ) Grade Pay :- Rs 5400 PM Military Service Pay :- Rs 6000 PM Dearness Allowance @ 90 percent :- Rs 24300 PM Kit Maintenance Allowance :- Rs 500 PM Transport Allowance :- Rs 3200 + DA ( major cities) / 1600 + DA ( Other cities) • In addition the following allowances are admissible to the newly Commissioned Officers in Flying and Technical Branches Flying Allowance @ Rs 11250 PM to Flying Branch Officers. Technical Allowance @ Rs 2500 PM to Technical Branch Officers. • Gross Monthly Emoluments:The first monthly pay package of Flying Officers in all the branches would be as under (This does not Include other allowances based on place of posting except Transport Allowance of major cities which is included) Flying Branch Technical Branch Ground Duty Branch Total Emoluments (in Rs) 69130/- 60380/- 57880/- As you grow in rank and stature in the Air Force, your income and other entitlements also increase in harmony with your enhanced responsibilities. Physical Standards Physical fitness is one of the most important prerequisites for joining the Air Force. Irrespective of the branch you are applying for, you must fulfil some basic physical standards. Listed below are some guidelines that identify the general physical requirements that are common for all candidates. • You must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/ disability, which is likely to interfere with efficient performance of duties. There should be no evidence of weak constitution or bodily defects. • The height and weight standards for men and women differ. Click to view the appropriate standards for each. o Men o Women • Your chest should be well developed. The minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cm. • There should be no disease of bones and joints of the body. • You should be free of any past history of mental breakdown or fits. • Your hearing should be normal without any evidence of present or past disease of the ear, nose and throat. • There should be no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels. Your blood pressure should also be normal. • The muscles of the abdomen should be well developed without any enlargement of the liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of internal organs of the abdomen can be a cause for rejection. • An un-operated hernia can make you unfit for selection. If operated, this should have been done at least six months prior to the present examination and healing should be complete without any potential for recurrence. • There should be no hydrocele, varicocele or piles. If operated for hydrocele and/or varicocele, this should have been done at least six months prior to the present examination and healing should be complete without any recurrence. • Urine examination will be done and any abnormality, if detected, can be a cause for rejection. • Any disease of the skin, which is likely to cause disability or disfigurement, will also be a cause for rejection. • Vision will be tested. You must have good binocular vision. In case you have undergone or are detected to have undergone Radial Keratotomy, or any other procedure to improve the visual acuity, you will be permanently rejected. • You should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A minimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present, the total dental points are 22. You should not be suffering from severe pyorrhoea. • The following are conditions pertaining to women that will entail rejection for all Air Force Duties: o Acute or chronic pelvic infection o Severe menorrhagia o Severe dysmenorrhea o Complete prolapse of uterus o Pregnancy/ Amenorrhea o Any other gynaecological condition, if so considered by the specialist. Medical Standards for the Flying Branch (Additional) If you are applying for the Flying Branch, you must remember that apart from the general physical standards, there are some standards that are specifically applicable to you. Listed below are the physical requirements applicable to both men and women applying to the Flying Branch. 1. Anthropometric Measurements - The acceptable anthropometric measurements for both Men and Women are as follows: • Minimum Height - 162.5 cms • Leg Length - Minimum- 99 cms.Maximum- 120 cms • Thigh Length - Maximum- 64 cms • Sitting Height -Minimum- 81.5 cms. Maximum- 96 cms 2. X-ray of cervical and Lumbosacral spine will be carried out. 3. The following conditions detected radiologically will disqualify a candidate for all Air Force Duties:- • Granulomatous Disease of spine • Arthritis / Spondylosis • Rheumatoid arthritis and allied disorders • Ankylosing Spondylitis • Osteoarthrosis, Spondylosis and Degenerative joint disease. • Non-articular rheumatism ( e.g lesions of the rotator cuff, tennis elbow, recurrent lumbago etc). • Misc disorders including SLE, Polymyositis and Vasculitis. • Spondylolisthesis / Spondylolysis. • Compression fracture of vertebra • Scheuerman’s Disease (Adolescent Kyphosis) • Loss of cervical lordosis when associated with clinically restricted movements of cervical spine. • Unilateral / bilateral cervical ribs with demonstrable neurological or circulatory deficit. • Any other abnormality as so considered by the specialist. In addition, for Flying Branches the under mentioned rules will also apply:- 1. Spinal Anomalies acceptable for Flying Duties • Bilateral complete sacralisation of LV5 and bilateral complete lumbarisation of SV1. • Spina bifida in sacrum and in LV5, if completely sacralised. • Complete block (fused) vertebrae in cervical and dorsal spine at a single level. 2. Spinal Condition not acceptable for Flying Duties • Scoliosis more than 15 by Cobb’s method • Degenerative disc disease. • Presence of Schmorl’s node at more than one level. • Atlanto occipital and atlanto-axial anomalies. • Hemi Vertebra and / or incomplete block (fused) vertebra at more than one level in cervical or dorsal spine. • Unilateral sacralisation or lumbarisation (complete or incomplete) at all levels and bilateral in complete sacralisation or lumbrarisation. 3. Vision • 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in other, correctable to 6/6 only for hypermetropia. ) Manifest Hypermetropia must not exceed +2.0D Sph, Myopia – Nil and Astigmatism +0.75 D Cyl (within +2.0 D – Max) • Near Vision N-5 each eye. • Color Vision CP-1(ML T). • LASIK Surgery for correction of vision is admissible in Transport and Helicopter streams of Short Service Commission (Flying Branch) If the following condition are fulfilled at the time of Air Force medical examination:- • LASIK Surgery should not have been carried out before the age of 20 years. o The axial length of the eye should not be more than 25.5 mm as measured by IOL master. o At least twelve months should have lapsed post uncomplicate stable LASIK. No history or evidence of any complication. o The post LASIK corneal thickness as measured by a corneal pachymeter should not be less than 450 microns. o Individuals with high refractive errors (>6D) prior to LASIK are to be excluded. o Candidates must not suffer from colour or night blindness. 4. Occular Muscle Balance - Phorias with the Maddox Rod Test must not exceed: At 6 meters • Exophoria 6 prism Diopters • Esophoria 6 prism Diopters • Hyperphoria 1 prism Diopters • Hypophoria 1 prism Diopters At 33 cm • Exophoria 16 prism Diopters • Esophoria 6 prism Diopters • Hyperphoria 1 prism Diopters • Hypophoria 1 prism Diopters It may be noted that the Air Force Medical Board is the final authority while deciding the medical fitness for joining the Indian Air Force Ground Duty Branches (For Graduates/ Post Graduates) Managing human and material resources, the Ground Duty Branch is the mechanism that steers the Indian Air Force. General Eligibility Criteria for Ground Duty Branches • Age - 20 to 23 Years for Graduates and 20 to 25 years for Post Graduates (at the time of commencement of course). Upper age limit relaxed upto 26 years for Law Graduates (3 Years Course), upto 27 years for CA / ICWA / M Ed / Ph D. • Marital Status - Candidates below the age of 25 years must be Unmarried. • Nationality - Indian • Gender - Both men and women. As a Graduate/ Post Graduate you can join as an officer in any of the following Ground Duty Branches ADMINISTRATION BRANCH • Permanent Commission (for Men) / Short Service Commission (for Men & Women) • Responsible for the efficient management of both human and material resources. Some of the officers of the Administration Branch are selected and trained to carry out the following duties also: • Air Traffic Controller – Involves maintaining an orderly flow of traffic and airspace management. • Fighter Controller – Involves close contact and supervision between the air and radar for effective airspace management. Educational Qualifications • Graduation degree in any discipline with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together? OR • Post Graduation degree / equivalent diploma in any discipline with a minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all papers put together. ACCOUNTS BRANCH • Permanent Commission (for Men) / Short Service Commission (for Men & Women) • Responsible for efficient financial management of funds.You will also act as internal auditor to ensure a zero-defect audit from outside agencies. • Educational Qualifications • Graduate Degree in Commerce (B Com) with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together OR • Post Graduate Degree in Commerce (M Com) / CA / ICWA with a minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all papers put together. LOGISTICS BRANCH • Permanent Commission (for Men) / Short Service Commission (for Men & Women) • Responsible for materials management of all Air Force resources. You would ensure efficient supervision of inventories, and involve in procurement processes of various ranges of equipment. • Educational Qualifications • Graduation degree in any discipline with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together OR • Post Graduation Degree/ equivalent diploma in any discipline with a minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all papers put together. Aeronautical Engineering Branch As an officer in the Technical Branch, you propel and manage your team to ensure that the Indian Air Force remains airworthy. You would be incharge of some of the most sophisticated equipment in the world by joining one of the sub branches based on your qualification. General Eligibility for Aeronautical Engineering Branch are (applicable for men and women): Age - 18 to 28 years (at the time of commencement of course) Nationality - Indian Marital Status - Candidates below the age of 25 years should be unmarried Entry into the Technical Branch is through two schemes, both via AFCAT UNIVERSITY ENTRY SCHEME(UES) For candidates studying in Pre-Final year of B-tech/BE degree course For men only. Grant of Permanent Commission. Educational Qualifications: The candidate must be currently studying in Pre-final year of BE / BTech degree course with choice of subject as mentioned above. There must be No backlog / arrears of papers of previous semesters at the time of SSB Testing. On completion of degree, minimum 60% of marks in aggregate in all papers put together are mandatory. Advertisement Schedule: December every year (through AFCAT) AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING COURSE After completion of Engineering degree or while in your final year/semester of Engineering For both Men and Women. Permanent Commission (for men) / Short Service Commission (For men and women) Marks - Must have scored a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in all the papers put together in any one of the qualifications listed Final year students are eligible to apply provided they do not have any present backlog at the time of SSB testing and they produce provisional/ original degree issued by the University as per the date stipulated in the advertisement. Advertisement Schedule - Advertisements for AFCAT are released by the IAF in the months of June and December. Educational Qualification for Aeronautical Engineering Branch – Depending upon your stream of Engineering and subjects studied, you could join one of the sub branches of the Technical branch. Check the educational qualification required for the sub branches. AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING MECHANICAL 1. Eligible if they have undergone any one of the following Educational Qualifications • Four year degree qualification from a recognised university OR • Cleared Section A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) OR • Cleared section A and B examination of Aeronautical Society of India 2. All the candidates should have studied at least eight subjects out of the eighteen subjects mentioned below while pursuing any one of the above mentioned qualifications: • Physics / Engineering Physics. • Engineering Maths / Mathematics. • Engineering Drawing / Graphics. • Automotive Engineering / Plant Engineering / Industrial Engineering. • Engineering Mechanics / Strength of Material. • Aerodynamics. • Thermodynamics and Applications / Heat Power Engineering. • Heat and Mass Transfer. • Theory of Machines (Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery). • Fluid Mechanics / Turbo Machines. • Flight Mechanics. • Machine Drawing / Machine Design. • Mechatronics. • Material Science / Metallurgy. • Vibrations. • Workshop Technology / Manufacturing Technology / Production Engineering. • Hydraulics and Pneumatics. • Aircraft Structures. Joining As a Graduate As a Graduate/ Engineer, you enter the Flying branch through the Air Force Academy. The following are the three modes of entry for Graduates/ Engineers to join the Flying branch: CDSE (COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICES EXAMINATION) (FOR MEN ONLY) 1. Men can enter through this mode of entry and will get a Permanent Commission. 2. Eligibility criteria: • Age - 19 to 23 years (at the time of commencement of course) • Nationality – Indian • Marital Status - Single • Gender - Men only. • Educational Qualifications • Graduate (Three Year Course) in any discipline from a recognised University (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) / BE / B Tech (Four Year Course). • Final Year/semester students are also eligible to apply, provided they produce Degree certificate issued by the University as per the date stipulated in the advertisement. • No Percentage Bar for CDSE entry. • Advertisement Schedule: Advertisements are released by UPSC in the months of June and October For more details visit NCC SPECIAL ENTRY (FOR MEN ONLY) (Through NCC Air Squadrons / DG NCC) • As an Air Wing Senior Division ’C’ Certificate holder of the National Cadet Corps, you can apply to the Flying Branch of the Indian Air Force. Men can join the Air Force through this mode of entry and will be given a Permanent Commission. • Eligibility criteria: • Age –19 to 23 years (at the time of commencement of course) • Nationality - Indian • Marital Status - Single • Gender - Men only. • Educational Qualifications • Graduate (Three Year Course) in any discipline from a recognised University with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and have passed Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level OR • BE / B Tech (Four Year Course) from a recognised University with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together. • Final Year/semester students are also eligible to apply, provided they do not have any present backlogs at the time of SSB Testing and produce Degree certificate issued by the University as per the date stipulated in the advertisement. • NCC Air Wing Senior Division ’C’ certificate. • Advertisement Schedule: NCC Cadets are to apply through respective NCC Air Squadrons/DG NCC. SSC (SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION ) ENTRY( FOR MEN AND WOMEN) • You can apply through AFCAT for Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Flying Branch. • Short Service Commission in Flying branch is for 14 years with no further extension. • Eligibility criteria: • Age - 19 to 23 years (at the time of commencement of course).Upper age limit for Candidates holding valid and current Commercial Pilot Licence issued by DGCA (India) is relaxed up to 25 years(at the time of commencement of course). • Nationality - Indian • Marital Status – Single • Gender - Men and Women. • Educational Qualifications • Graduates (Three Year Course) in any discipline from a recognised University who have attained minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and have Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level OR BE / B Tech (Four Year Course) from a recognised university with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together. • Final Year students are also eligible to apply, provided they do not have any backlog at the time of SSB Testing and produce Degree certificate issued by the University as per the date stipulated in the advertisement. • Advertisement Schedule: Advertisements for AFCAT are released by the IAF in the months of June and December. Joining as post graduates Ground Duty Branches (For Graduates/ Post Graduates) Managing human and material resources, the Ground Duty Branch is the mechanism that steers the Indian Air Force. General Eligibility Criteria for Ground Duty Branches • Age - 20 to 23 Years for Graduates and 20 to 25 years for Post Graduates (at the time of commencement of course). Upper age limit relaxed upto 26 years for Law Graduates (3 Years Course), upto 27 years for CA / ICWA / M Ed / Ph D. • Marital Status - Candidates below the age of 25 years must be Unmarried. • Nationality - Indian • Gender - Both men and women. As a Graduate/ Post Graduate you can join as an officer in any of the following Ground Duty Branches ADMINISTRATION BRANCH • Permanent Commission (for Men) / Short Service Commission (for Men & Women) • Responsible for the efficient management of both human and material resources. Some of the officers of the Administration Branch are selected and trained to carry out the following duties also: • Air Traffic Controller – Involves maintaining an orderly flow of traffic and airspace management. • Fighter Controller – Involves close contact and supervision between the air and radar for effective airspace management. Educational Qualifications • Graduation degree in any discipline with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together? OR • Post Graduation degree / equivalent diploma in any discipline with a minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all papers put together. ACCOUNTS BRANCH • Permanent Commission (for Men) / Short Service Commission (for Men & Women) • Responsible for efficient financial management of funds.You will also act as internal auditor to ensure a zero-defect audit from outside agencies. • Educational Qualifications • Graduate Degree in Commerce (B Com) with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together OR • Post Graduate Degree in Commerce (M Com) / CA / ICWA with a minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all papers put together. LOGISTICS BRANCH • Permanent Commission (for Men) / Short Service Commission (for Men & Women) • Responsible for materials management of all Air Force resources. You would ensure efficient supervision of inventories, and involve in procurement processes of various ranges of equipment. • Educational Qualifications • Graduation degree in any discipline with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together OR • Post Graduation Degree/ equivalent diploma in any discipline with a minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all papers put together. Parents and Counsellors By becoming a Soldier, your son or daughter or student can realize his or her potential and develop into a true leader. A leader with the discipline and strength to achieve more than you ever thought possible. Above all, Soldiers get things done. Protecting freedom. Building a better world. And building a brighter future for themselves by learning leadership skills and developing the kind of self-confidence and self-respect that comes from serving your country. Your son or daughter or student will gain valuable interpersonal skills like teamwork, time management, problem-solving skills and professionalism. He or she will be challenged to accept a new sense of discipline and responsibility. Let us assure you that as a Parent or Teacher or Counsellor you will be proud of him/her. ANSWERS FOR PARENTS We understand your concerns as a parent. For you, this section is designed to address your toughest questions and most pressing concerns. It delivers straight facts. OFFICER CAREERS AND TRAINING As a parent, you want your children to have choices about their future career path There are many ways your son or daughter will get important leadership experience and a fulfilling job as an officer in the Air Force. Keep in mind that while a flight career sounds appealing to many, the Air Force also offers extraordinary opportunities in technical, controlling, logistics, administration etc. If your child wants to become a pilot after 10+2, he could join the National Defence Academy. The training at NDA will be for three years divided into six terms between which he’ll be back with you for the term breaks. After NDA he would be continuing his flying training at Air Force Academy for one more year. After graduation, he could join the Air Force academy and get training in the Branch he/she chooses. For details on career opportunities and training please visit the Home Page. BENEFITS AND LIFE As a member of the Air Force, your son or daughter will have more opportunities than he/she ever thought possible! Your child will have access to more than just a wonderful career; his/her quality of life will be excellent due to our outstanding base amenities, accommodation facilities, travel opportunities and recreational activities. LIFE ON A BASE Each Air Force base is a self-contained minicity created specifically for its citizens. With amenities like messes and institutes, health care, canteen and recreational facilities and shopping areas to relax by, your child will probably spend more time on base than originally thought. He would be staying in one of the safest and secure environment. Interested in paying your son or daughter a visit? You are more than welcome. As a parent, you would also be part of the Air Force family and can visit your child and even reside with him/her. He/She will have an active social life, wherein his interactions with other Officers from varied cultures will broaden his outlook. His participation in various functions/parties and events will also hone his acting/ directing/event management skills. PAY You do not have to pay any amount for the training, instead even while training, your child will be paid a stipend for Rs 21,000/- during last one year of his/her training. After he/she gets commissioned as an officer, their starting pay will range from Rs 50,330/- to Rs 61,580/- depending upon his/her branch. TRAVEL One of the best opportunities of joining the Air Force is the chance your son or daughter will have to travel and really take advantage of seeing new and exciting parts of the world! You would soon have a collection of speciality items from places all across India and even abroad. LEAVE Your child will have 60 days of annual leave and 20 days of casual leave with pay, which is far more vacation than most other jobs may offer! So, you will have him/her visiting you often. MEDICAL AND INSURANCE Although the physically active lifestyle as an Armed Forces Officer takes care of your childs physical fitness and health, your child will be entitled to the best of medical facilities and hospitals. If you are dependent on him/her, the facility would also be extended to you. Your child will also be insured at a very nominal contribution. CAMARADERIE We understand how hard it is to say goodbye to your son or daughter and send him/her off to parts unknown, but keep in mind that when he/she leaves home, he/she is being welcomed into a much larger family with support and understanding that are truly second to none. PERSONAL GROWTH Your child will grow as an individual and you will see a sea change in him after he gets commissioned. You will watch him taking on responsibilities and take decisions for you. He will not only be groomed to be an officer but also the perfect gentleman and lady. Your child will also get opportunity to enhance his/her educational qualifications. YOU AS PARENT As a parent, when your son or daughter comes to you to discuss joining the Air Force, listen. They’re making a choice that requires a deep personal commitment that will give them the strength and focus to succeed in life. To become someone you’ll be proud of. Your son or daughter will learn what it means to be a Soldier—a title of distinction. They’ll face new levels of responsibility, discipline and self-knowledge. But first, they’ll need you to stand by them.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 04:14:19 +0000

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