AINT ABOUT YOU. I think it was Monday, and here comes the ego - TopicsExpress


AINT ABOUT YOU. I think it was Monday, and here comes the ego meat. Might not sound tasty, but it was a bloody raw feast for pride. I’m starving that guy, so I didn’t take the bait. But there it was. Wrapped up in an email. Dripping. She wrote: “Still cant believe I talked with you on the phone today! I recognized your voice when you started talking, and I couldnt believe it then either!” So, what’s the problem? The problem is that I am not confused, and I am NOT a celebrity. Pride has NO PLACE in my service. I’m just an ORDINARY guy like you who tries to say yes. Whenever I can discern His leading, which is too difficult and infrequent. But you and I are lucky—the Lord seems habitually to choose the wrong people for His work. I’m not an astronomer, so He had me make a film about the Star of Bethlehem. I’m not a geophysicist, so He has me piecing the puzzle of “The Christ Quake” He triggered at the cross. I wish I were expert at following Him. I have only my experience. But it seems the more one says yes, the more surprising is life. Your skill set is NOT the bottom line—you’ll be amazed what He will do through you. Decide UP FRONT you’re going to say yes whatever He asks. A kind of trusting recklessness. He may ask some crazy stuff. But for a life of spiritual adventure, this is not untested advice: go to your knees, say yes in advance, and kiss your comfort zone goodbye. Pray with me? “Father, how can we give assent to what we don’t know? It frightens to sign on before you part the curtains. We don’t do it for others. But we seek to serve, and we see your pattern in scripture. Obvious choices are scarce in your plans. Grant courage to say yes to you. Truly to trust. Speak clearly to us, so that we hear. When we don’t listen, smack us with a 2x4. Gently. We do NOT want to miss your lead. Tell us again. Use us. We ask it in the name of Jesus, our example of total, radical courage and trust, amen.” Rick
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 03:39:31 +0000

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