AITE BOOM!!! THEY GOT ME WORKIN ALL 3 SHIFTS B/W 2 DIFFERENT LOCATIONS IN RALEIGH, BUT IN THE MEAN TIME... THE 114 CHAPTERS OF OUR GRAND PERIODICAL WILL NOW BE 416 PAGES IN TOTAL ON A MICROSOFT WORD DOCUMENT, WHICH ALSO INCLUDES THIS 7 PAGE PREFACE The Preface We shall give All Honor and Praise to our Lord, through Whom ALL things are Made Possible. Born on the Twelfth day of July in the year of Nineteen Seventy-Seven, though it is Truly not as much about me as it is about you, as well as it is about All of us that our Lord has placed on this earth. We were all placed here with specific reason and purpose. My purpose being to Express our Creator’s Glory as Vividly and with as much Honor and Truth as I am humanly able.. The First thing that I understood that I should express is that in the July of my birth was the summer of one of the worst black-outs in the history of the World-Trade Center, which was Seventy-Seven, “The double-God year.” As that was taking place, my father was able to hold me in his arms for the first time. That is father to son. Christ Jesus is the Only man to walk the face of this earth, who Never had a father and Never Will. The only way to claim someone as your father is if you were fertilized in a womans ovaries by his sperm. Our Lord is his Creator. Our Lords word was carried on as Be and Jesus was. This Book was written for Any man, woman, boy or girl of any race, color or creed who is able to Read and Understand that Our God or Our Yahweh is One God, The Most High. The Most Beautiful Names Belong unto Him. From the time that I was able to hold a crayon in my hand and on through the age of Seven when I moved for the first time in my life, I have always expressed God-given artistic capability and have been blessed with the talent of being able to have a way with making things visual from a very analytical mind-frame. That move would not be the last move that I would make in my adolescence though. I would grow to become more familiar w/ all walks of life, mainly from the hood perspective, or the less fortunate; to the more suburban lifestyle. Along with versatility, I have always been one to be very compassionate and route for the underdog. I always feel that no one deserves to be taken advantage of and everyone deserves just as much chance or opportunity as the next. I was raised in a Baptist household and before my teenage years I would be baptized in the same church that I would wind up smoking a blunt on the back stoops of. I always knew that Jesus had died for my sins and as long as I believed in him, all of my sins would be forgiven. Yet something never felt right though. I wound up in the military, trying to pay for my own schooling but could not adapt to the authority. I knew that I was never one who liked to be controlled, although my girlfriend and her cousin convinced me to believe that it would be the best for us. I realized that it was far from the truth after a life changing car accident which left me in a class 3 coma with very slim to no chance of recovering with very minimal mental capability. That is, if I did recover, my family was told. The Lord saw it very differently than the doctors did though. While I was in the midst of my coma, my mother was crying to The Lord in a stairwell of Pitt Memorial Hospital, when an elderly woman comforted her saying I was going to be alright. She referred my mother to The Book of Psalms, Seventy SEVEN. 1. I cry aloud to The Lord, aloud to The Lord, and He will hear me. 2. In the day of my trouble I seek my Lord, in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying my soul refuses to be comforted. 3. When I remember our Creator, I moan; when I meditate, my spirit faints. Selah 4. Thou holds my eyelids open; I am so troubled that I cannot speak. 5. I consider the days of old, the years long ago. 6. I said, “Let me remember my song in the night; let me meditate in my heart..” Then my spirit made a diligent search.. 7. “Will The Lord spurn forever, and never again be favorable? 8. Has His steadfast love forever ceased? Are His promises at an end for all time? 9. Has our Lord forgotten to be gracious? Has He in anger shut up his compassion?” Selah 10. Then I said, “I will appeal to this, to the years of the right hand of The Most High.” 11. I will remember the deeds of The Lord. Yes, I will remember your wonders of old. 12. I will ponder all of Thine work, and meditate on Thy mighty deeds. 13. Thine way, O my Lord, is holy. What god is great like our LORD? 14. Thou are The God Who works wonders. Thou has made Thy might known among the people. 15. Thy has redeemed your people with Thy Arm, the children of Jacob and Joseph. Selah 16. When the waters saw Thou, O my Lord; when the waters saw Thou, they were afraid. Indeed, the deep trembled. 17. The clouds poured out water. The skies gave forth thunder. Thine arrows flashed on every side. 18. The crash of Thine thunder was in the whirlwind; Thy lightning lightened the world. The earth trembled and shook. 19. Thine way was through the sea. Thine path through the great waters. Yet Thy footprints were unseen. 20. Thine led Thy people like a flock; by the hand of Moses and Aaron. After The Lord brought me back into the realm of reality, it took days for me to be able to speak clearly, weeks for me to be able to even lift myself from the hospital bed, months for me to be able to walk and years for me to realize why The Lord had chosen to bring me back. I realized that the main reason was because of His Mercy. I was definitely headed in the wrong direction before that. I searched high and I searched low. I had randomly found the copy of “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” by Alex Haley which my sister had gotten me for my High School graduation. Malcolm had put it to me in the clearest way. He said, “The Best Place to hide something from a Man is to put It In A Book.” I felt like I had been slapped in the face with something so painfully true. I started to read like the Key to Life was written in a book hidden somewhere right in front of me. After I finished that reading, I went to a little Psalms & Proverbs book which I had been given from a loved one during my hospital stay.. Proverbs One, verse Seven confirmed to me; 7. The fear of The Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. I had to dig deeper. This was really showing me that I still did not know what I needed to know, so I started to search harder into the “The Good Book.” This is what I had been raised to accept as the Truth. I jumped around a little bit throughout the 66 chapters of that very large book and found myself deep in the New Testament. Mainly In Corinthians, Colossians, the book of Matthew and even a lot of the book of John. The main thing that I received from the Instructions of Wisdom and guidance from the Servants of our Lord was that I need to proclaim the Message but beware of whom I accept this Message from. The First name that came to mind was “King James,” whose actual name was James Charles Stewart, I What I found in my research did not sit well with me at all! I felt betrayed! I had no clue of where I was supposed to turn. before my Bible research and even before my car accident, I had read a book called “From Niggas to Gods” by an author who was just listed as Akil. I remembered many of the lessons which taught how we had been so brainwashed into being lead along blindly.. All of my life we had watched “Alex Haley’s ROOTS” year after year throughout “Black History month.” I even happened to watch it again to notice that in the beginning, Kunta Kinte prayed to Allah on the slave ship before he was brutally forced to accept the name Toby. He was forced by the same men who read from the Bible on the slave ship.. I could not believe it. How? Why? I started researching everything about the plan to build this American Empire; from The Mayflower Compact in England all the way to the Constitution and found out that King James had a lot of the influence of both of those as well as “the American Dream.” He swore that his name would be shouted across the world by mankind and the best way that he could do that was to put his name in front of the translation of “The Gospel..” He made sure that he used his power of his riches to hire 54 scholars for the job at hand, one of the most famous of the authors being the world renowned William Shakespeare. He made sure to go back in history past The Qur’an which is known as “The Seal of the Prophets,” the most modern Word of our Lord of that time and even to this day. He chose to take mankind back before our most Current Guidance. From there I would come across “The Willie Lynch Letter,” which confirmed the “brainwashing” that Akil had put clearly to me. Only Willie would wind up teaching that it wasn’t just one race that was brainwashed, it was the entire culture of our society. This was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I had to find out where we All left off. I had been taught to stay away from the Qur’an or The Reading. It just ‘was not right.’ I was told that Allah was only for Arabic people and that we should always go through Jesus to get to “The Father.” Boy was I wrong. After reading The Qur’an from front to back in 11 days, I had realized that I had found The Truth. I knew this was it. I could feel it. I read it from cover to cover dozens of times. Each time it touches me in a different way than the previous. I had even read it in the 30 day structure of Ramadan a number of times. This year after reading it, I decided to go back to the beginning. Allah had inspired me to make it more modern or more universal. It had already been translated to English many times, but all of them were translated in the old English by mainly Arabic scholars. In Chapter 41 it is states in verse 44; Had We sent this as a Reading in the language other than Arabic, they would have said, Why are its verses not explained in detail? What! A Book not in Arabic and a Messenger an Arab? Say, It is a Guide and a Healing to those who believe and for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears and blindness in their eyes. They are as it were being called from a place far and distant! The Lord has Inspired me to Revise His Periodical in modern English, the language that the majority of the modern world follows as truth. I pray that you all follow this Truth, for the Benefit of your Own Soul. To God Be The Glory (britroyals/stuart.asp,, ( (barnesandnoble/w/from-niggas-to-gods-akil/1002402099).. ( ( (shakespeare.about/od/shakespeareslife/a/Biography.htm) (
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:09:15 +0000

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