AJASINS HONESTY ANNOUYED HANGERS-ON. Bola Aragbaiye, husband of popular Gospel singer, Funmi, was editor of the defunct Daily Sketch and he later became Chief Press Secretary to the late Chief Adekunle Ajasin, a former Governor of the old Ondo State. He recently went down memory lane with Taiwo Abiodun at his home in Ibadan. IN his palatial living room in Oluyole area, Ibadan, and with his bifocal glasses, he was reading old newspapers aloud with a red pen between his fingers, underlining some lines as he was reading. At a point he would take some of his articles, under the pen names, ‘Peeping Tom’ and ‘Bola Aragbaiye’, the two columns he ran in Sketch and Tribune newspapers. Once in a while, he would shake his head and with his voice raised, say “So, I wrote these articles?” Seeing this reporter excited him, he smiled and in a soft voice, said, ”I remember in our days when we worked hard, damning consequences and would boldly write to condemn what was condemnable, and there were minimal errors unlike nowadays when newspapers are riddled with errors, praising people unworthy to be praised. Though there are some errors in today’s newspapers but the crop of today’s journalists are really trying their best considering the insecurity and the assassinations prevalent today while all these did not happen during our time.” He removed his reading glasses, turned to the reporter and said, “Now I am ready for the interview.” On how he was appointed by the late Pa Ajasin, he said, “He taught me at Imade College in the 50s, he knew me very well as he was also a friend to my late father, Ajinaja Aragbaiye. They were both childhood friends coupled with the fact that he knew me as an honest and easy-going man. That was why he searched for me while I was then working as a journalist with the Sketch. The old man said he was looking for one of his students whom he knew inside out. He had wanted a person from his home town who was up and doing and not corrupt. After much consultations, I reluctantly agreed and went to apply for leave of absence in 1979. I spent a term with Papa. But unfortunately, while the second term started, there was a coup in 1983, and when the military struck, we were sent packing. I then returned to my desk to continue my job.” Straight as a rod He described the late governor and leader of the National Democratic Coalition (NADECO) as an honest man who would not compromise, “He wouldn’t use the government resources for private matters no matter what. I remember when the commissioner for works said they wanted to paint the Government House in Alagbaka House, Akure when the president was about to visit the state, he declined, saying the amount was too much. The more he was pestered, the more he became angry, telling them he would not waste government funds, This was to the annoyance of hangers-on. Another instance was the time when they were holding a party to entertain some guests, when one of the food contractors jacked up her price from N5,0000 to N10, 000 to supply fish. The contractor thought the old man would approve it because she came from the same town with him. But Papa disappointed her and said there was no money and they couldn’t be spending government money anyhow.” According to Aragbaiye, Papa’s honesty affected him because he does not have a house of his own just like his boss, “When Papa Ajasin was removed from office, he had nothing extra! When he left the office, his account was in red. If you are working with Papa you had to be as modest,” he said. Politics now and then Aragbaiye is of the view that politics then and now cannot be compared to each other. According to him, “Tthen we had great men like the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, leader of the Unity Party of Nigeria with good and beautiful manifestos. He became the envy of others. In all sincerity, all other political leaders respected him and feared him, for he was truthful, bold, well experienced and the greatest. The party had vision, plans, and they executed their plans such as free education at all levels. In those days you enjoyed reading newspapers to learn new English from these politicians. I remember the Daboh and Tarka saga, ‘if you Daboh me I will Tarka you.’We heard the phrases, ‘ timber and calibe’, ‘ political juggernauts’ etc. In fact, politics then was full of fun. And when one politician criticised another, he would not go and assassinate him unlike today when it is all about political assassinations. We need to understand that politics means to serve not to kill.” Aragbaiye, who started his journalism career in Nigerian Tribune and left in 1967 as a senior reporter, later went to the Sketch and left as an editor. He decried the way government-owned media houses are collapsing and in distress. According to him, private media houses are better managed and more independent than the government’s. On his experience as a reporter, he said when he started practicing, it was not because of money but for the love and interest of the job. “We were the voice of the voiceless, so we were working for the public and the downtrodden. The honour bestowed on us was great. In fact, journalism gave me more honour, fame and respect. I met prominent Nigerians through this profession, I had interviewed some past heads of state like the then General Olusegun Obasanjo, the late Admiral Augustus Aikhomu, Chief Ernest Shonekan, the late President Samuel Doe of Liberia and many important personalities I cannot remember to mention now.” Brown envelope syndrome On whether the idea of brown envelope existed in his time, he asked, “What do you mean by brown envelope? That is what I detest in my life. I can swear that I have never in my life demanded or received any bribe or brown envelope before reporting any news. What for? While I was working as a reporter or as an editor, I met many people and I never asked or demanded for money. Even when offered, I used to reject it and ask what for? “I can remember great Nigerian musicians such as Evangelist Ebenezer Obey and King Sunny Ade, the late Sonny Okosun, the late Christy Essien and many others who used to come to me, and whenever they released their records, would ask me to help them to announce or use it as features or be interviewed or for publicity. I would use their stories, interview them without asking for a penny. Many are still alive, you can go and ask them. When I turned 70, Baba Miliki, I mean Evangelist Obey came here to play for me free of charge. Obey released my wife’s first album without collecting money from me on his label, DeCross. If you mention my name to King Sunny Ade, he would say ‘Egbon’ ( big brother). He recognises me anywhere and on any day, and I think that is more than enough for me. What is money? I wonder why we put value on money without remembering one’s reputation. I believe good name is better than silver and gold, I don’t believe in brown envelope, it destroys one’s reputation, yes it does. But I am sorry for saying that, for that is my own personal opinion, if it sounds strange.” Nigerian media needs improvement Talking about his primary constituency, the media, he agreed that things have changed and not as hard during his time. In his words, “It is even better now, things are better in terms of remuneration, working tools, but the welfare package should be improved. Today, journalists are facing persecution, they are being killed for writing news or investigating stories and it was never like this during our time. There was nothing like Freedom of Information Bill. (FoIB). We faced hardship and the salary was poor but we still enjoyed our job.” He is sad that the Sketch titles have vanished from the stands, saying, “I will be grateful if the Yoruba people or Yoruba states can resuscitate it. I rose to become the Sunday Editor. Each time I passed through the head office, I feel sad. The Yoruba are blessed with education, gifted with wisdom and endowed with foresight. They are brilliant and resourceful. Not only that, they are great and it will be sad if the Sketch dies off like that.” He said at 70, he is grateful to God. He now relaxes at home by going through newspapers and reading. “I am compiling my cuttings, planning to produce a book from it, not to make money but for posterity sake. I have nothing doing but reading the Bible and counseling people. I have done my own duty in journalism, it is left for you younger ones to continue where we people stopped.” He said he does not regret his choice of journalism as a profession. “I love the job, and if I reincarnate, again I would become a journalist. I went to the University of Lagos and Cardiff Polytechnic, (now University) in the United Kingdom. One of my children read Mass Communication and he is doing his Phd in London. I love writing features because of its creativity in writing.” The greatest period of trial was when he was chief press secretary because many thought he could help them financially. “I used to tell them that I would never take government money to satisfy anybody. While there, I had good friends and also some who refused to understand me did not like me. But I will not take what did not belong to me. It is high time we stopped living false lives. Many went into the government to steal, to show off and amass wealth. What is wealth? You cannot go with your wealth to the grave. I believe in honest life and that is what our parents taught us.”
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 11:32:26 +0000

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