AKSHI AND MEENA A Temptat Am I being involved in temptation, - TopicsExpress


AKSHI AND MEENA A Temptat Am I being involved in temptation, Raju wonders, if I do not resist this strong urge to run my index finger along the curve of the instep of Sally Teachers left foot? And would I be guilty of aggravating the temptation if I also want to caress her other foot which, though nearer to me, is obstructed by the middle legs of the desk? As if reading Rajus mind, Sally Teacher shifts her right foot. What is she doing? What is she going to do? She is walking round his notebook. Keep your head down, Abdul whispers. If only you knew, Abdul, I couldnt lift my head even if I wanted to. Ishwara! Balaraman exclaims in a whisper. Oh God! She is picking up your notebook, Raj! Whose is this notebook? Sally Teachers voice is matter-of-fact. Just seeking information. Mine. The word is uttered by a chorus of three voices. Intrigued, Sally Teacher clasps the notebook to her chest. She takes a step nearer to the desk, under which the three claimants to the notebook are parleying, very sotto voce, about their next move. In a combination of mimes and gestures they decide they must show their heads above the parapet and face the consequences. Balaraman and Abdul keep perfect time as they straighten their backs and look steadily past Sally Teacher, who has opened the notebook and begun to turn its pages. The swish and crackle of turning leaves above his head is as loud in Rajus ears as the sporadic monsoon thunder outside. To ease himself back on to the bench and raise his head would be even more dangerous than to stand exposed in a treeless and shelterless field amidst thunder and lightning. A distraction, a highly pleasurable distraction, however, makes him forget his predicament. Sally Teachers feet, within dangerously close range, are pointing at his knees. In the penumbra of the desk her painted toenails are rosebuds shimmering with dew at dawn, waiting for the warmth of the sun and to open to the world.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 04:19:55 +0000

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