AKWA IBOM 2015: EKPENYONG NTEKIMS GOVERNORSHIP CAMPAIGN HAS NO REVERSE GEAR! Our attention has been drawn to the purported payment of either N200m or N500m to our principal, Barr. Ekpenyong Ntekim, by the Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Chief Godswill Akpabio, CON, pursuant to an allegedly concluded arrangement for him to step down for Mr. Udom Emmanuel in the 2015 governorship election in Akwa Ibom State. Barr. Ntekim, who truly feels insulted to be so cheaply assessed at either N200m or N500m, wonders why the self-appointed disparager(s) do not conjecture that he was rather financially subsidised to have an upper hand and dominant support in the imminent PDP Governorship contest! In his inaugural statement in September 2014, declaring his intention to run for the Office of Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Barr. Ntekim had stated, among other things, as follows: It is imperative, in light of my dedication to the core values of public service, that I be transparent with you over my future political engagements, especially as I cannot take on a commitment I do not desire to honour. He stands firmly committed to the basic principles inherent in that public undertaking, and reacts to this second allegation of pretended or compromised governorship for the last time. It may be recalled that reacting to a similar earlier allegation of being a pseudo governorship aspirant with actual aim for the Senate in return for the support of an anointed gubernatorial aspirant, Barr. Ntekim had stated as follows at a media chat in October 2014 at his Campaign Office: “I am not a smokescreen. It is a falsehood, most stupid and irresponsible by those who don’t know me. I am in the race to win. Since then, nothing has changed to portray an abandonment of that cherished intention which is very dear to the generality of the peoples of Akwa Ibom State. Rather, he holds the PDP Provisional Clearance Certificate No. 0001149 of 24 October 2014 to contest the Gubernatorial Primary Election on 8 December 2014 in faithful pursuit of that noble cause. On Monday, 24 November 2014, Barr. Ntekim had reasons to respond to the invitation of His Excellency, Chief Godswill Akpabio, CON for a meeting at the Hilltop Mansion, Uyo in respect of the 2015 Akwa Ibom State Governorship Election. That was his first visit to the seat of Government since his resignation on 20 October 2014. At the said meeting, a review of the last 26 meetings the Governor has had with the Oron people on the matter was made. His Excellency understood, with commendable respect, the sentiments of the Oron people to the 2015 Governorship and Barr. Ntekims resolve to contest the said election. In the last couple of months, Barr. Ntekim has held meetings, consultations and discussions with diverse groups and persons without discrimination (including past Governors, political stakeholders and communal leaders) within and outside the State in pursuit of his desire to contest the 2015 Governorship election. It is illusory to think that His Excellency, Chief Godswill Akpabio, CON is unworthy of such consultation or a response to his invitation to discuss the state of affairs of a State Barr. Ntekim seeks to govern. Every visit to Gov. Akpabio, CON, whom Barr. Ntekim has worked with between July 2009 and October 2014, does not need to be painted in pecuniary colours to be newsworthy. Gov. Akpabio may not be an angel, but he is certainly not such a Lucifer to politically dreaded and quarantined. I know him to be human as we all are, and susceptible to known human frailties, limitations and strengths. So also the similarly great and important sons of Akwa Ibom State like their Excellencies, Chief Donald Etiebet, Obong Victor Attah, Chief Etim Okpoyo, Dr. Chris Ekpenyong, Otuekong Idongesit Nkanga, Obong Ufot Ekaete or Atuekong Don Etiebet. Barr. Ntekim has visited, consulted and discussed the 2015 Akwa Ibom State Governorship election with them as he has with Chief Godswill Akpabio and some of his contesting colleagues, including His Excellency, Nsima Ekere, Obong Umana Umana, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, Barr. Effiong Abia and Barr. Asukwo Okpo. Barr Ekpenyong Ntekim, whose strength lies in the deliberately planted hardships, coordinated blackmail and intrigues so far encountered and decidedly endured in his pursuit of the 2015 governorship ambition, wishes it known that he does not desire to wage anyones personal, official or political battle with Chief Godswill Obot Akpabio, CON or anyone else. Rather, Barr. Ntekim, whom the astonished and the politically blind do not imagine beyond the Senatorial election despite his clearance for the Governorship election, wishes to assure all and sundry that he will only answer this calamitous campaign at the Governorship Primary Election of 8 December, 2014. Gods answer on that momentous occasion shall be Barr. Ntekims only appropriate response. Furthermore, he desires the mischievous to know that the Governorship aspirants from Oron are far more resolved and cemented in their communal pursuit of the 2015 Governorship election than the idle minds may ever imagine, and shall function with unprecedented unanimity at the fullness of time. Outside of the candidates of Oron origin, only the results of the Governorship Primary Election of 8 December 2014 will determine who sold what and at what cost. Barr. Ekpenyong Ntekim wishes this to be his final response to political blackmail of whatever character or source as he seeks to devote his time and admittedly lean resources (which he is proud of) in pursuit of his desire to be elected the PDP Governorship candidate for the 2015 Governorship election.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:54:08 +0000

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