AL GHADIR KHUM Obviously, the Holy Prophet of Islam was well - TopicsExpress


AL GHADIR KHUM Obviously, the Holy Prophet of Islam was well aware of the fact that the Ummah of Islam was in great need of honest, knowledgeable leaders, or otherwise the fruits of his years of efforts would all be wasted. For this reason, whenever he was going to leave Medina either for war or for other purposes, even if his trip was short, he would assign a competent, trustworthy person to supervise their affairs and would never leave the people of Medina without any guardian and supervisor. He was a pious, God-fearing man who did not associate anything with God and did not prostrate before idols even for a single moment. He was a sacrificial soldier of Islam. His knowledge originated in the knowledge of the Prophet of God and his judgment was the best. He was well-known. He was ‘Ali, son of Abu Talib. The Muslims, of course, did not know why they had been given this command, but the fact was that the Angel of Revelation had descended and conveyed this verse to the Prophet, `O Prophet! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message, and God will protect you- from the people; surely God will not guide the unbelieving people’ (5:67). The issue about which God spoke to His Prophet in such a serious tone was nothing other than the formal announcement of the caliphate of ‘Ali, the significant subject that the Prophet hesitated to declare, for he feared lest this announcement should cause dissension and discord among the Muslims and was thus waiting for a favourable occasion to make clear the matter to them. The Holy Prophet of Islam said, `After me, God’s Book and the sinless leaders are side by side your leader and guide. You should perfectly follow them, so you will not go astray’. Then he took ‘Ali by the hand, lifted him so that all would see him and exclaimed, `O people! Who is the guardian and supervisor of the faithful?’ The Muslims answered, `God and His Prophet know best’. The Holy Prophet of Islam said, `God is my Master and I am the Master of the faithful’. Then he added without any pause, “Ali is the Master of those whose Master I am. Almighty God be the friend of his friend and be the foe of his foe. Help those who help him and frustrate the hope of those who betray him…’. The Prophet repeated the sentence, “Ali is the Master of those whose Master I am’, three times. At the end of the speech he said, `Those present should convey this truth to those who are absent’. The crowd of Muslims had hardly dispersed when this verse was revealed to the Prophet, `This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favour on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion’ (5:3). After the magnificent ceremonies of designating the successor of the Holy Prophet of Islam were over, the Muslims hurried to congratulate ‘Ali for being appointed as the Prophet’s successor and Caliph. Abu Bakr was the first to congratulate ‘Ali and `Umar was the second. They parted with ‘Ali while saying the following words, `Blessed are you, son of Abu Talib, who have become my Master and every believer’s Master’. The Prophet said to the people, `Congratulate me, for God specifically appointed me Prophet and my family imams’. These testimonies and documents leave no doubt about the Ghadir Khum tradition and the caliphate of ‘Ali. Sources: Ibid., pp.274. Kamil, pol.p.216, 278, 242. Al-Ghadir, Vol. 2, pp.34-41. (Quran 5:3). (Quran 5:67).
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 11:38:04 +0000

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