AL IHSAN AL IHSAN The Signs of Beneficial Knowledge Posted: 22 Sep - TopicsExpress


AL IHSAN AL IHSAN The Signs of Beneficial Knowledge Posted: 22 Sep 2013 08:30 AM PDT Shaykh Bakr ibn ‘Abdillaah Aboo Zayd (rahimahullaah) in his book “Hilyah Taalib al-‘Ilm” summarized the signs of beneficial knowledge and he mentioned: تساءل مع نفسك عن حظك من علامات العلم النافع، وهى: - العمل به. - كراهية التزكية والمدح والتكبر على الخلق. - تكاثر تواضعك كلما ازددت علماً. - الهرب من حب الترؤس والشهرة والدنيا. - هجر دعوى العلم. - إساءة الظن بالنفس، وإحسانه بالناس تنزها عن الوقوع بهم وقد كان عبد الله بن المبارك إذا ذكر أخلاق من سلف ينشد: لَا تَعْرِضَنَّ بِذِكْرِنَا فِي ذِكْرِهِمْ … لَيْسَ الصَّحِيحُ إِذَا مَشَى كَالْمُقْعَدِ Ask yourself about how much you share from the signs of beneficial knowledge, which are as follows: 1. Implementing it. 2. Hatred of being praised, complemented, or displaying haughtiness over others. 3. Increasing your modesty with the increase of your knowledge 4. Fleeing from the love of leadership, fame, and worldly pleasures. 5. Abandoning the claim to have knowledge. 6. Having bad suspicions about oneself, and good suspicion about other people, so as to steer clear from disparaging them. ‘Abdullaah ibn al-Mubarak used to say, in poetry the following lines when the manners of the Salaf were mentioned: Do not compare us to them … For the healthy person, who walks, is not the same as the crippled one. [1] Source: “Hilyah Taalib al-‘Ilm” of Shaykh Bakr ibn ‘Abdillaah Aboo Zayd (rahimahullaah), Chapter 6, page 191. al-Hafidh Ibn Rajab al Hanbali (may Allah have mercy on him) wrote in his treatise “Fadhl ‘Ilm as-Salaf ‘ala ‘Ilm ul-Khalaf” (The virtue of knowledge of the Salaf over the Khalaf):
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 03:32:22 +0000

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