AL-MUNAFIQUN (63) ================= Translation: 63:1 When - TopicsExpress


AL-MUNAFIQUN (63) ================= Translation: 63:1 When the hypocrites come to you they say, We bear witness that you are the messenger of Allah. Allah knows that you are His messenger, and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are liars., 63:2 Under the guise of their apparent faith, they repel the people from the path of Allah. Miserable indeed is what they do., 63:3 This is because they believed, then disbelieved. Hence, their minds are blocked; they do not understand., 63:4 When you see them, you may be impressed by their looks. And when they speak, you may listen to their eloquence. They are like standing logs. They think that every call is intended against them. These are the real enemies; beware of them. Allah condemns them; they have deviated., ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exposition: 1.(O Rasool) When these Munafiqeen (hypocrites) come to you, they swear that you are undoubtedly Allahs Rasool. Allah is aware that you are indeed His Rasool. However, these people only say this verbally but do not really believe that you are a Rasool. Therefore they are liars. (When someone’s words and mind are not in harmony then that person is lying, although what he may be saying is factually true. According to Quran, when the heart and tongue are not in harmony, then what is spoken is a lie. This is also known as hypocrisy.) 2.They made their oaths a screen for their falsehood, so that they could divert people from the path of Allah. Whatever they are doing is extremely harmful (for them). 3.We are exposing them because outwardly they declare themselves to be Momin; but whenever any situation arises they adopt kufr. In fact they do not profess Eiman from the depth of their hearts. The psychological effect of this hypocritical attitude is the sealing of their hearts, making them devoid of thinking about or understanding anything. 4.Outwardly their appearance looks surprisingly pleasing; and they speak in such an innocent manner that everyone likes to listen to and believe them. But internally their condition is like that of a moth-eaten wooden skeleton that is propped up against a wall. They lack self-confidence and the energy of life, They are so cowardly that they panic upon the slightest of commotion, fearing calamities will occur. They are always fearful lest any conspiracy is being hatched against them.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:23:14 +0000

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