AL-NOOR MINISTRY Post Box No 743, Thrissur 680 - TopicsExpress


AL-NOOR MINISTRY Post Box No 743, Thrissur 680 005.Kerala,India Email.alnoorfmgm@gmail- ======================================== Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I am Ali Patta, Director of Al-Noor Ministry. I was born in Orthodox Sunni Muslim family inKerala,India. In the early childhood I was put in the Madrassa and got trained to live in the fear of Allah and to observe worship on 5 times daily and to follow all other rituals. My father was a merchant and mother’s family also of spiritually rooted in Islam. Among her brothers one was a Mosque Secretary and others were in business and some others were in gulf countries. Because of all these we were financially well off. Mothers death took place while I was young. Father’s second wife was very severe with me. I had very bitter experiences at home. Finally, to escape from her, I decided to commit suicide. At this stage, somehow I heard about Jesus Christ, but that Jesus was far different from what I learned in the Madrassa in my childhood. A small booklet on human heart showed me who I am. Then on I started reading the New Testament. The verse “Come unto me and I will give you rest” opened my heart. While reading the scriptures I began to experience inner peace and happiness and some kind of cooling effect for the heart which I did not get through the Quran and its rituals and fastings and worships. Since the Bible was giving me answers for all my problems and questions, I started studying the scriptures more deeply and comparing it with the Quran. I felt astonished through this study because the God in the Bible was entirely different from the Allah of the Quran. I saw Jesus as Lord who is the Truth and the way and the life for me. He became my Redeemer who connected me with the heavenly Father. When I saw Jesus, I found my sins most clearly and began to repent of my sins. My sin bearer Jesus was very close to me and I saw my salvation in the cross of Jesus. I accepted Him as my personal Saviour. At this moment a great desire germinated in my heart that I must reveal this truth to my Muslim brothren. But that brought me to face serious trials from my family. I was severely beaten, hospitalized by my friends, even doctors left me telling that the chances for my survival were zero percent. But in the hospital bed in one night I saw the Lord Jesus face to face. He healed me completely on that same night. The next morning doctors could not believe what they saw. I left the hospital with perfect health. My Christian friends did not allow me to stay in my native place any more. I resigned my job and joined in a Bible Seminary. After the completion of the Seminary Course, I started the work among the Muslim community. Kerala is a small state in South India with a population of 3.8 crores living in its 14 districts. Most of them are Hindus, closely followed by a considerable population of Muslims and then Christians. Though The Gospel came to Kerala through St. Thomas, one of the disciples of Lord Jesus in AD 52, most of the people, especially Muslims, are still unreached by the Gospel message. It is in this background, we are planning to reach the most unreached section of people, by visiting 50,000 Muslim families next two years . We need Tracts,Booklets,Bible and other literatur in our local language The Al-Noor Ministries is organized in humble faith so that through which the sincere souls from the Muslim community also may come to the light of salvation that is freely offered in the Lord Jesus Christ. According to the 2011 census there are about 113 lakhs of Muslims in Kerala. They have not heard the gospel truth so far. “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest,” (John 4:35 ). “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” Mathew 9:37, 38. “Whom shall I send, and Who will go for us?” Isaiah 6:8. “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Romans 10: 14, 15. Al-Noor Ministry is fully Inter denominational organization. We are publishing tracts, booklets and a tri monthly Magazine for Muslims Evangelism in local language and distributing Bible also. Last one year we cannot publish, because of financial problem .Our argent need 500 full Bible , 2000 NT and a good fellowship We are expecting your prayer. Thank you Yours in His service, Ali Pattayil,Director Al-Noor Gospel Ministry
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 17:55:41 +0000

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