AL-QURAN WASNT A BOOK OF SCIENCE, BUT A BOOK OF SIGNS,STUDY IT WITH PURE MIND********************* “Those who reject our signs, We shall cast into the fire; as often as their skins are roasted through.We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the punishment; for Allah is Exalted in power; Wise Quran4:56; Allah did not say “as often as their skins are burned”, as burning could be partial, but He rather said: “as often as their skins are roasted through”, i.e., totally burned with all nerves of sensation and pain.So, He the Almighty associated between the sensation of pain and the skin when roasted and burned totally, thus losing its structure and function.When sensation of pain is lost, a new fully composed and functional skin is replaced, where the nerve ending responsible for the painful sensation of heat and burn perform and function to make the unbeliever taste the punishment of being burned with fire over and over again; may AllahSWT save us 4rm everlasting nd unlimited punishment,**** UNBELIEVER ALWAYS KEEP DS IN MIND THAT ALLAHS FIRE WASNT A SUYA-FIRE*** It was commonly believed, for several centuries, that the body is all sensitive to pain.It was not clear then that there were specialized nerves in the body responsible for transporting all kinds of pain and other sensations, until recently when anatomy has discovered the role of specialized nerve endings in transporting all different kinds of pain. The most significant nerve sensations in the human body are: The sensation of touch: the corpuscles responsible for such sensation are called Meissners and Merkels corpuscles. The sensation of pain: this is transported by the nerve endings in the skin.....hmmm may Allahswt save all is truly believer.. Quran is not a book of astrology, or medicine. -Quran’s words need not reflect the norms of the present time, or have connotation to recent theories and knowledge... -Quran’s words are very well-contrived and accurate, as they are composed by Allah, Who has perfected everything. -Quran’s purposes of medical and scientific references, and miracles are numerous, of which the most significant are: 1-Reinforcing and strengthening the faith in Moslems through motivation of admonition, deliberation and meditation. 2-Giving non-Moslems conclusive evidences of the genuineness of Islam, as ProphetMohammad(PBUH) was not to get acquainted with such scientific issues, which were not revealed except in the recent decades, unless told of by Allah the Almighty.maybe them believe or nt, Allahswt hs said view of them wll repent nd believe in AllahSWT bt many wll end up in Hellfire dt is why theyre many today, some wll neglect the words & d signs of AllahSWT finally theyll endup in Hellfire unless view among Q4:46. This made me remenber one among our xtian friend or Facebook called David Marcus Roteemy, who was invited2 our program by Bro Lukman Bashir Lucas Samson @ iwo, [ACADIP LECTURE] but wonder nd surprised when Ustaz,Yusuf Olatunde Adepoju finishED formatted his brain he started speaking in touqe.... that... all bible are useless sayin all bible is in yoruba>> Jaga-jaga, Rede-redee,jangbon-jongbon.. 2nd, The second person is also one among CANchristian association of Nigeria agent, here on Facebook, called Emenike Dominc Usobi, boosted dt he hs completed s 6 year in Arabic school2 study Arabic::::::: QUESTION>@ where??? Even if he was sponsored2 study Arabic by changing the teaching of Al-quran nd Islam to his own liken:::: QUESTION::: Does him study Islam or does light of Islam died ever since s grand grandfather hs been doin it? Al-quran hs cleared ds in Quran 8:30 >>they plot and plans and Allah too plan but Allah is d best planner. I knw if is Allahs will d sardonic spirit in them wll soon expire. Pity........ [[f9.skull]] , finally Ill end my script by quoting Quran 41:53 “Soon will We show them our signs in the furthest horizons, and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth**** STUDY ISLAM NOT MUSLIMS...
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:23:52 +0000

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