ALBANY NEW YORK ...... Governor Cuomo , Eric Schneiderman, - TopicsExpress


ALBANY NEW YORK ...... Governor Cuomo , Eric Schneiderman, DEC Commissioner Martens ....... FOIL and FOIA requires FULL TRANSPARENCYY ...... Judson Witham 4:52 AM (24 minutes ago to ingridsmithsec., tom, rosswhaley, stecd The Grand Plans of those plotting the Take Over of the North Country are ANCIENT ...... Long before the Lawyers Colvin in Albany ( The Great Surveyor ) and The Rockefellers and Hochschilds Et Al , the SLAVERS and Schemers began their PLOTS. Even before the Environmental Set Asides for the ULTRA WEALTHY of the Sherwood Forest and ROYAL LANDS depicted in The Tales of Robyn Hode ..... The SLAVERS CONSPIRED ....... https://facebook/pages/Without-Indentures-a-Voyage-Of-Heart-Break-and-Tears/585536564886749 The SLAVERS began long before 1776 ...... The Whole Place is a GIANT Crime Scene The conspiracies to TAKE OVER and CONTROL are very very OLD ..... https://google/search?q=New+Holland+New+Spain+New+France+New+England&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hSfWU5veBoKYyASH04D4Cw&ved=0CBwQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=673 The Dutch, Spaniards, French and English and YES New England and New Yorks Colonial and NEW American Government as well ..... Have Planed and Plotted Schemed and Scammed, Including the FAILLED National Park Initiative and THE TEMPORARY STUDY COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF THE ADIRONDACKS IN THE 21st CENTURY ...... The CONSPIRACIES for Control of the Adirondacks started Long Long Long AGO. Even before the Vast Grants and Patents of Great Britain. Lawrence and David Rockefeller, Nelson and The Hochschild 21st Century Commission on the Adirondacks NEW YORK STATE FOREST PRESERVE and the NATURE CONSERVANCY , Audubon Society and Many Many Others have Planned and Strategized for the PLANNING and ZONING and LAND USE CONTROLS imposed on the Adirondacks. New York States Records and Investigation Files on My Parents ANITA and CLIFFORD WITHAM are a part of this GRAND CONSPIRACY. The Colvins were tenant-in-chiefs BRITSH LOYALISTS and BRITISH AGENTS who controlled GIANT Patent & Grant Lands in the HEART of Todays Adirondack Blue Line. THE MEANING OF THE SURNAME COLVIN: - Links to Resources wesley-colvin/genelink.htm THE MEANING OF THE SURNAME COLVIN: ... Anglo-Saxon origin and derived from one Colvin or Colvinus, who was a tenant-in-chief, of ... Verplanck Colvin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In 1865, when Colvin was 18, ... One of the surveyors marks Colvin left on dozens of peaks in the Adirondacks, this one on Big Slide Mountain. •Biography · •Sources • Verplanck Colvin: Adirondack Surveyor-Part 1 profsurv/magazine/article.aspx?i=713 ... Verplanck Colvin: Adirondack Surveyor ... lies a great region bypassed by the ... He organized the Colvin Crew to perpetuate the efforts of Verplanck Colvin. • Verplanck Colvin: Adirondack Surveyor, Part 2 profsurv/magazine/article.aspx?i=731 Feature: Verplanck Colvin: Adirondack Surveyor, Part 2. ... and having been connected with the great geodetical work of the U.S. Coast Survey, ... SEE ALSO Temporary Study Commission on the Future of the ...;query=;brand=default ... after an effort for an Adirondack National Park had failed, ... theProjected Adirondack National Park ... the Adirondack Study Commission at Lake ... Adirondack Political History: The APA and Beyond ... after the effort for the Adirondack National Park had failed, ... Two years later, near the end of 1970, the Commission submitted its report to Rockefeller. Adirondack Museum - A Central Park for the World The Adirondack Park Agency is resented by many Adirondack residents who see ... Release of the Commissions report was delayed through ... failed to agree on any ... Judge halts mining tests in Adirondack forest - Houston ... Judge halts mining tests in Adirondack forest chron › News › Science Jul 27, 2014 · Astros fail to avoid ... test drilling on Adirondack Forest Preserve land under a temporary ... Conservation and the Adirondack Park ... The ANCIENT CONSPIRACY FOR CONTROL OF Clifford and Anita Withams SWAMP MARINA is very very very OLD I WANT ALL THE RECORDS On The Adirondack Park Take Over Initiatives and the Targeted Land Owners. On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Judson Witham wrote: Your Copy of a Letter to: A Letter to State Assemblyman Dan Stec, Please See The Attached and Yes Please Tell Your Father I said Hello ..... The Vast Scandal of Illegal Foreclosures and the Targeting of Land Owners for Acquisitions is well known in American History. I am asking the ALA for assistance in the following matters. Thank You Please See The Attached SEE ALSO https://youtube/watch?v=f1JTfxDY-SM&list=UUbxC1jCRE-fAgx48ExIAsbg
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 12:23:31 +0000

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