« ALBINOS:THE ORIGIN OF THE WHITE RACE FROM STEWARTSYNOPSIS.COM“BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL” HAS BEEN TRANSLATED IN FRENCH NOW! »THE WHITENING OF CHRISTIANTIY FROM STEWARTSYNOPSIS.COM by Yeye Akilimali Funua Olade FROM: stewartsynopsis Theology Tethers: The Whitewashed Whoring of Christianity Visit the “Any City” Reality-Based Black Christian Church A large burly Black man sands in the pew of a Christian Church holding a Service Hymnal in his hand. The church pews are filled with parishioners dressed in their Sunday’s finest attire including manicured diamond studded fingernails and Italian made shoes. The mixture of expensive colognes fill the air. The Sunday worship service has been called to order by Reverend Pork Chop. At that moment a male parishioner’s tongue and larynx automatically start working overtime as the song director stands before the congregation. The man’s vocal cords tighten. His silk tie drapes his Armoi suit and tightens like a noose around his neck. The sound from his larynx gets higher and higher. As his head bobs up and down, his diamond-studded ear reflects a light prism that would blind your eyes. His lips part. All you can see are his gold tootha’s. Air is forced suddenly over his vocal cords, and the vibration produces the following words: Whiter Than Snow (1872) “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” (Psalms 51)–NOW, WHERE DID SNOW COME FROM AS MENTIONED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT? THERE WAS SNOW IN THE DESERT. There was snow in what is today known as the Middle East. There was snow at Mt. Hermon, Lebanon, snow in the Sinai, and at the Simen Range in Ethiopia. Lord Jesus, I long to be per-fect-ly whole; I want the for-ever to live in my soul; Break down ev-ery I-dol, cast out ev-ery foe; Chorus Now wash my, and I shall be Whiter than snow; Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow; Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow (Nicholson, 428). The only way to be perfectly whole is to wash the Black skin so that he is whiter than snow. Black skin is the foe because this Black man “longs to be perfectly whole”—which means to be whiter than snow. If he can stand there and sing that song, his silk tie has really “noosed him up!” Note: Black skin is the foe because this Black man “longs to be perfectly whole”—which means to be whiter than snow.” In Psalm 51, King David writes “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” The prophet Isaiah uses the phrase similarly when he stated, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they will be whiter than snow”. Here we go again with interpretations of Biblical verses. The hymn was written in 1872 when Blacks were only considered 3/5′s of White people. Why would Black Christian church parishioners sing the hymn? The preceding hymn is just a microscopic part of the format representing the saturating subliminal and racist tools that have been beating people “up side the head” for hundreds of years. The brainwashing racist tools have come in the form of words and actions producing superficial schisms in our US White super-imposed “brotherhood of country” and “stick it together” global world. In October 2005, The Times Online Reports Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13509-1811332,00.html The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has published a teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the Bible are not actually true. The Catholic bishops of England, Wales and Scotland are warning their 5,000,000 worshippers, as well as others drawn to the study of scripture that they shouldn’t expect “total accuracy” from the Bible. OH REALLY! (After the Roman Church Reconstructed the Bible to fit the needs of Rome.) Intolerance in America is used microscopically—meaning that racism by Whites has become so minute, nobody notices the day-after-day indoctrination. The indigenous Christianity of Egypt was established by the apostle Mark in AD 42. (Matthew 2:12-23…..Out of Egypt I named my son). After the final destruction of Jerusalem and Judea by the Romans in 135 AD, the Jerusalem church was taken over by non-Jews. From this destruction, Eusebius says: “In this way the city was closed to the Jewish Race and suffered the total destruction of its former inhabitants, it was colonized by an alien race, and the Roman city which subsequently arose changed its name in honor of the emperor then reigning” (S. Acharya 37-8). The original Christianity of Egypt was established by the apostle Mark in AD 42 in Ethiopia (Coptic Church–Coptic Orthodox Christianity). We have been told Christianity came from Rome. Does everything come from Europe? That is what we have led to believe. Christianity as we know it today is a religious hodgepodge put together by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. It was an endeavor to amalgamate the many religions of the Roman Empire into one. Christianity plagiarizes older myths and legends historicized to suit the Roman Catholic Church while combining the numerous religions existing at the time (Krishna, Horus, Mithraism, Osirian, Isis, and other many mystery religions). You can believe that if something has the title “mystery,” it can be linked back to Africa. The First Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church was held in 325 on the occasion of the heresy of Arius. As early as 320 or 321 St. Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria, convoked a council at Alexandria. More than one hundred bishops from Egypt and Libya attended. The purpose of the Council was to unify the competing cults under the “Catholic” Church controlled by Constantine and Rome. The gods of the other cults were subjugated under the new god and their titles were changed to “apostles” and “saints.” Constantine was sole master of the Roman Empire (Constantine The Great 274-337). The Bible Takes a Hit None of the gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John was written by its purported author. Marcion was the publisher of the earliest New Testament Canon. There isn’t any NT text to be found in writings prior to the beginning of the second century of the Common Era (AD). The gospels are said to be priestly forgeries and were are not heard of until 150 AD–till Jesus had been dead nearly 120 years (Bronson Keeler, A Short History of the Bible). The four gospels were unknown to the early Christian Fathers. Justin Martyr, the most eminent of the early Fathers, wrote: “The divinity of Christ demanded the use of these Gospels had they existed in that time.” He makes more than 300 quotations from the books of the OT and nearly 100 from the Apocryphal books of the NT, but none from the four Gospels. The names Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are never mentioned by the early Christian Church Fathers (S. Acharya, 25). There has never been any painting, engraving, sculpture of other work of antiquity furnishing evidence or existence of these gospels. Even the Catholic Encyclopedia admits the NT has no foundation in history. No extant manuscript can be dated earlier than the 4th Century AD; and most were written later. The oldest manuscripts contradict one another. What may account for the lack of the gospels may have been the burning of the Library of Alexandria by Constantine when 50,000 manuscripts and books were destroyed, or the Roman Church removing the ancient texts from view by the citizens of the Roman Empire. If that is the case, then one can purport nearly every thing written concerning the gospels to the year 325 and all the copies of the gospels of the same period are lost or destroyed. Very few early Christian texts exist because the originals were destroyed or “retouched” under Emperor Anastasius (506 CE AD). He included revision of the Church fathers’ works, catastrophic acts. At The University of Alexandria in Egypt, there was an immense library founded by the Ptolemies. It was a gathering place for monks to study holy mysteries and inspired legends. The very first bishops were from Alexandria. It was the place where priests were educated and trained in the arts. It had from 500,000 – 700,000 manuscripts collected from around the world. After the Council of Nicea, Constantine ordered the destruction of the ancient texts. The Library was destroyed in 391 AD. The Christian Emperor Theophilus I wanted to hide the truth about religion. The Christian conspirators went on a rampage destroying books, temples, statues, inscriptions and other traces of previous cultures, eventually leading to immense ignorance and the virtual illiteracy of Christianity. The Gospel of Luke The Gospel of Luke is a compilation of dozens of 33 older manuscripts including the Gospel of the Lord. In using Marcion’s gospel, the Luke writers interpolated and removed textual matter in order to historicize the story and to Judaize Marcion’s Jesus. Example: Marcion’s gospel speaks of Jesus coming to Nazareth. Luke adds: “where he had been brought up.” This phrase is missing from Marcion. It is a further attempt on Luke’s part to make Jesus Jewish. Example: “The Son of Man must suffer many tings, and be put to death, and after three days rise again.” Changed: Luke 9:33, a new passage is rendered: “The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. The Difference: The inclusion of Elders and the chief priests and scribes represents an attempt to make the story seem as if it happened one time in history, as opposed to the recurring theme in a savior-god cult and mystery school indicated by Marcion. It can be proved how passage after passage has been added to the earlier gospel, in the course of manufacturing the later history. The mourning over Jerusalem (Luke xiii, 29-35) is taken verbatim from the 2nd Esdras (i. 28-33) without acknowledgement. The words previously uttered by the “Almighty Lord” are here assigned to Jesus as the original speaker (Massey, 19). The Gospel of Mark (175 AD) Mark has no genealogy and begins his story with John the Baptist, the hero of the Nazarenes/Mandaeans. The Gospels were changed to fit the circumstances, rather than recording history. (S., Acharya 38) Mark was written in a style of language written in Rome by a Roman convert to Christianity whose first language was Latin and not Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic. The author of Mark was not a Palestinian Jew because he “betrays in 7:31 an ignorance of Palestinian geography.” Example: Mark 1:16: And passing along by the Sea of Galilee he saw Simon and Andrew. All agree the Sea of Galilee was added by Mark because they are placed quite ungrammatically in the Greek syntax. Mark interpolated a reference to place into a report which lacked it. Constantine consolidated his power and influence by making Greco-Roman Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire and eliminated the major controversies in the Greco-Roman Church concerning the question over the deity of Christ and the celebration of Easter. The bishops modified an existing creed to fit their purposes. Why is so much New Testament material written by Greeks? These are people who never met Jesus. Where is the material written by those who met him face-to-face? It was destroyed by the early church fathers–that is what happened to the material. The Bible was transformed into a Pro-Roman Mystery Cult. James WAS “the Righteous One” of the Scrolls (or at least one of the last to hold the title). James was an ideological leader of the revolt. Due to the Church’s reluctance to face the fact that Christ had brothers and sisters, the history regarding James has been obscured. Rome destroyed the Church of Jerusalem in an uprising against Rome. Isn’t it an interesting coincidence that James (the just) and the community at Qumran disappeared about the same time? The Nicene Creed takes elaborate care by repeating several redundancies to identify the Son with the Father rather than with the creation. The doctrine of the Trinity was declared to be the official doctrine of the Pauline Church. There were hundred or so Gospels in existence at that time. Four (4) were chosen as the official Gospels of the Church. The remaining Gospels written in Hebrew were destroyed. An edict was issued stating that anyone found in possession of an unauthorized Gospel would be put to death. This was the first organized attempt to remove all the records of Jesus’ original teaching. When Jesus died there was no Christianity. Christianity was fashioned by the Apostle Paul (Saul). The Ebionites and Nazarenes (early Jewish Sects) were declared heretics. If you go to a dictionary and look up Ebion, which is a prefix of the word Ebionites, its definition is made of EBONY OR BLACK in color. What do you know? Jesus was a Nazarene? I found out some other things after doing a bit of research. The word “Nazareth” does not even exist historically or geographically. Recent research will tell you that there was a mis-translation in text. Mary was not a virgin–What about JESUS’ brother James? Jesus had brothers and sisters, but the Catholic Church said that Mary remained a virgin throughout her life. Then there is exploration of the linguistic methods used to document the relationship between Black African languages and their sister languages in Africa and Asia written by Clyde A. Winters. John J. Jackson presents striking evidence that Indo-Europeans played a major role in the destruction of African centers of civilization. He cites for example, the Romans partial destruction of the library of Alexander, and its later total destruction by fanatical Christians in AD 389. Prof. Jackson also discussed the Romans burned down the library of Carthage containing 50,000 volumes in 146 B.C. And in Spain, Europeans destroyed great libraries of the Moors. After the Council of Nicea the early church fathers destroyed Christian texts. It wasn’t until the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered that some of the early church teachings came to light. Along with Cheikh Anta Diop, Alex Darkwah also traces Ancient Egypt to geographical Africa. Darkwah proves that Africans wrote the Bible even though your personal Bible may have pages laced with White Greek characters and distributed throughout the world. I thought that the following excerpts were extremely interesting. A website visitor suggested that I read the Darkwah’s book. Thanks to the website reader who suggested that I limit my research to Sub-Saharan Africa. You’ve started a greater quest to delve deeper into Europe’s concealment of our history and to shed more light on how the global world exists in its current state. The main points of his book are: Americans and Europeans assume that the Bible is about them, but the Bible is about my ancient ancestors and me…..Alex Darkwah Jews see the Bible as a record of their history because the King James Bible is centered on the history of Israel. The Jewish people of Europe and America still carry African Tribal names. They carry the names of their ancestors who are Africans. The early Roman Catholic Church portrayed Jesus and his mother in the original Black images of the Jewish people at that time. (The Black Madonna) What African tribe were they from? The early Catholic Church is closer in time period of Jews leaving Africa and going to Europe than the Renaissance Painters who painted Jesus White. Statistically, the Lemba people from Southeast Africa are more Jewish than European Jews. In a particular Lemba Clan known as the Buba Clan, 53 percent of the males carry the unique DNA signature of Jewish priests. Males form the Lemba Tribe carry a higher incidence of the Jewish priestly DNA signature than the European and American Jewish population. What Europe did not count on was that Africa would still know their past. The Biblical Genesis The following material appears in the King James Version Bible that is used throughout the United States but has been disguised. Genesis represents the Egypt’s Twelfth Dynasty is from 1991 – 1783 BC. The 12th Dynasty Kings were: Amenemhat I Senwosret I 12th Dynasty Amenemhat II Senwosret II Senwosret III Amenemhat III Amenemhat IV Images from touregypt.net The Biblical Exodus Did the 12 Tribes of Israel ever exist? The first Israelites were Egyptians, followers of Pharaoh Akhenaten, (17 years in the middle of the 14th century BC) whose attempts to introduce monotheism into Egypt engendered rage among the religious establishment. Moses, an Egyptian noble, served as chief priest in Akhenaten’s cult and, after Akhenaten’s death, had to flee Egypt to avoid execution. The so-called “ten lost tribes” disappear from history without an archaeological trace of their prior existence. Akhenaten (9th King) 18th Dynasty Akhenaten (9th King) 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Horemheb waged a bitter campaign to eradicate all vestiges of Akhenaten’s heresy, eliminating the evidence stone by stone and word-by-word. As a result, Akhenaten remained lost to history until nineteenth-century Egyptologists discovered the ruins of his capital city. Horemheb 1323-1295 BC 14th King – 18th Dynasty Horemheb 1323-1295 BC 14th King – 18th Dynasty When Horemheb died, Moses returned to Egypt, united his followers with other enemies of Egypt, and attempted to seize the throne from Ramesses I. The coup failed, but to avoid a civil war Moses and his allies were allowed safe passage out of Egypt. This was the real Exodus. After entering Canaan, the Egyptian followers of Moses formed military alliances with local Canaanite kings and with some of the recently arrived Greek invaders. This non-tribal alliance of small kingdoms and city-states became biblical Israel. Ramses I Ramses I Ramses I Moses served as chief priest in the court of Pharaoh Akhenaten; the Exodus took place during the co-regency of Ramesses I and Sethos I; and the first Israelites were Egyptians, the persecuted remnant of Akhenaten’s religious devotees. Sethos I Sethos I Images from touregypt.net Israel’s presence in Egypt preceded by an earlier presence in Palestine is mentioned no place other than in the Bible. There is no archaeological record of Israel or the Hebrew people prior to the thirteenth century BC? There is no extra-biblical evidence linking any specific Semitic tribes to the Hebrew people? Why did the so-called “ten lost tribes” disappear from history without an archaeological trace of their prior existence? (Greenberg, Gary., The Bible Myth: The African Origins of the Jewish People, New York: Citadel Press, 1996). The Africans Who Wrote The Bible: Ancient Secrets Africa and Christianity Have Never Told – By: Alex Darkwah Darkwah states that ancient Egypt was geographically in Africa and so called European experts do not know the Ancient Egyptian story because they are not familiar with African tribal names. They do not have the linguistic and cultural backgrounds to identify Egyptian names and have simply transposed the African names of people and places in Ancient Egyptian history into European languages to make it possible for them to claim expertise. Darkwah traces the ancient past of African tribes from the Middle East through Ancient Egypt to inner Africa. He reveals the African tribe that historians gave the fictitious names the Sumerians, Akkadians, and the African Tribes that were the Ancient Egyptians. C. A. Diop combines the research of linguistics, history and psychology to interpret the cultural unity of African people. There are three components in the genetic model: 1) common physical type, 2) common cultural patterns and 3) genetically related languages. (Winters 1989a) Diop over the years has brought to bear all three of these components in his illumination of Kemetic Civilization (Diop 1974, 1977, 1978, 1991). There are striking resemblances between the ancient Egyptian language and Coptic, and Pharonic Egyptian and African languages (Diagne, 1981; Diop, 1977; Obenga, 1988, 1992a, 1992b, 1993). Diop’s major linguistic effort has been the classification of Black African and Egyptian Languages. Up until 1977 Diop’s major area of interest were morphological and phonological similarities between Egyptian and Black African languages. Diop (1977, 77-84) explains many of his sound laws for the Egyptian-Black African connection. He was a major proponent of the Dravidian-African relationship (Diop 1974, 116), and he illustrated the African substratum in Indo-European languages in relationship to cacuminal sounds and terms for social organization and culture (1974, 115). Diop (1978, 113) also recognized that in relation to Arabic words, after the suppression of the first consonant, there is often an African root. It is not surprising because Edward Blyden found evidence that the Arabic writing system was created by an African from the modern country we call Egypt. Winters (1985a, 1985d, 1989, 1991) also used Diop’s method to confirm the unity between the African, Dravidian, Elamite and Sumerian languages. Publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls – 15,000 papyrus documents discovered in the desert that have changed scholars’ views on the Bible – is finally being completed, after more than half a century of bitter squabbling, censorship and academic controversy. Fifty-four years after the first of them was found in a cave in Qumran, on the north-western shore of the Dead Sea, publication of all the scrolls and fragments has been completed in 37 volumes. All but two have been published in scholarly editions, and those two are being edited. Experts have studied the scrolls and discovered much about the way the Bible was written, including its discrepancies, contradictions and repetitions. The first five books – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy – were ascribed to the same writer, Moses, but they have many inconsistencies. The scrolls include several different editions of the books of Exodus and Numbers, and the Psalms. They revealed that the Bible was not a rigidly fixed text but was edited and adjusted to make the text more relevant to its audience. It was not only the religious significance of the work that the scrolls questioned but also their historical truth, for they revealed that the writers would have colored their accounts with their prejudices. Blacked Out Through Whitewash will also give you information about the evolvement of bogus scientific studies and cover-ups. Blacked Out Through Whitewash The Physical Appearance of Ancient Israel THE CHRISTIANITY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT IS NOT THE RELIGION OF JESUS: Excerpts from: Paul: The Stranger by Edgar Jones The Christianity of the New Testament is the religion of Paul. It is the religion that emanates from what is called “The Church” and that was first identified at Antioch where “the disciples were first called Christians.” The religion of Paul, which is the Christianity of the New Testament, is not the religion of Jesus. It is the religion of Christendom. It is the religion of the churchmen but . . . it is not the religion of Jesus. Paul was his Greek name. His true name was Saul of Tarsus. Paul was a charlatan, a self-deceived deceiver of others, a self-called apostle, a wolf in sheep’s clothing that misrepresented his apostleship as coming directly from the Lord Jesus. The key to this mystery is the eventual recognition and acknowledgment of the gospel as Jesus preached it. Writers profess that Paul’s word was not God’s word, that his gospel was a different gospel, his Jesus a different Jesus. yahuah.org/Paul.html Common Sense Sacredness: Churchgoers are tethered in Caucasian European and American Theology hiding ancestral Black African Christendom History. The Theology Tether keeps churchgoers gagged and bound in the Caucasian Church of God not realizing that the Roman Church brought them to slavery in the “name of Jesus.” Lily White Jesus hangs in the sanctuary, and the congregation sings in unison: Oh wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Black Egypt and Canaan (formerly modern Palestine and then Israel) have no significance because parishioners are caught up in a “Sanctified Sham.” If the Theology Tether were removed so that the Black image of Abraham, Moses, King Solomon, and Jesus were hanging in the sanctuaries, on the pulpits and printed on Bible end pages, screaming would ensue a “bloody murder of Christianity.” Church fanatics suppressed Biblical History. In 1505 Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to change images of the deity from Black to White which perpetuated paintings like da Vinci’s Last Supper. In the 1600’s King James feared an African disclosure would bring down conformist Caucasian History and the Caucasian Church established for Europe. The Greeks and Romans carried origins of ancient Egyptians to the King James Version of the Bible and bleached them like “white snow.” The suppression of Blackness in Biblical Archaeology has lead to a “Whitewashed Whoring”—from the original Black Hebrews to the current Mythical Ashkenazim White Jews. In Arthur Koestler’s book, The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage Khazar Jews – The revelation of another Jewish hoax: Jews did not originate from Palestine! They are not “descendants” of the mythic Jews of the Bible! The fact that over 90% of those today calling themselves “Jews” are actually descendants of the Khazar people, originating from southern Russia. Jews from Eastern Europe and Western Asia were descended from Mongolians and other Asiatic peoples who had adopted Judaism as their “religion” over 1,000 years ago and had become know as “Jews.” The book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire—once a major power in Eastern Europe that converted to Judaism in A.D. 740. The Jews of our times fall into two main divisions: Sephardim and Ashkenazim. The Khazars migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western (Ashkenazim) Jewry. Modern Jewry is not of Palestinian but Caucasian origin. The mainstream of Jewish migrations did not flow from the Mediterranean across France and Germany to the east and then back again. The stream moved in a consistently westerly direction, from the Caucasus through the Ukraine into Poland and into Central Europe (pp 179 – 180). The Sephardim are descendants of the Jews who since antiquity had lived in Spain (in Hebrew Sepharad) until they were expelled at the end of the 15th Century and settled in the countries bordering the Mediterranean, the Balkans, and to a lesser extent in Western Europe. Ethiopia is mentioned in Genesis–Look for Europe in the Bible! The birthplace of Abraham was Ur (Cushite/Ethiopian–the Land of Shinar) Genesis 10:10. Ur was a city in the Ethiopian Kingdom of Nimrod. Canaan–son of Ham begat Sidon his first born, and Heth, and the Jebusites, and the Amorites, and the Girgashites (Genesis 10:15-16). The Jebusites–the same as Jerusalem (Joshua 15:8). Jesus was a Judean–not a Jew. Matthew (his disciple) was a Judean. They were from the Tribe of Judah–Ethiopians. Their language was Aramaic–Ethiopian. If you look up Ethiopia in the Encyclopedia, the information given explains that Ethiopians are Hamitic and of Semitic origin. You must know who Ham was in order to decipher what race the Ethiopians are. WHY IS THE TRUTH SHROUDED??? The word “Jew” (in Hebrew, “Yehudi”) is derived from the name Judah. Originally, the term Yehudi referred specifically to members of the tribe of Judah, as distinguished from the other tribes of Israel. However, after the death of King Solomon, the nation of Israel was split into two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel (I Kings 12; II Chronicles 10). Haile Sellassie can be directly traced to King Solomon—the ruler of Ethiopia (King of Kings) and the (Lion of Judah), placing him in the legendary line of King Solomon. Does Haile Sellassie look like the typical European Jew?? He happens to have a direct lineage to King Solomon and the Queen Sheba–THE ORIGINAL JEWS!!! History changers—like moneychangers have intuitively depended on the “ignorance of the masses.” Look at the first election in the new millennium. The silent coup-declared winner was the son of a former president, and that former president was the former head of the CIA. The silent coup-declared winner lost the popular vote but declared a victory as the result of disputed votes cast in the regime governed by his brother. God mend thine every flaw; Confirm thy soul in self-control; Thy liberty in law! Seek and ye shall find. Ask and it will be given unto you. Study Biblical history, and you will quit singing: Wash Me—I hope to be Whiter Than Snow and then turning around to justify the words by relating it to the “White Lamb of God.” THE CHRISTIANITY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT IS NOT THE RELIGION OF JESUS: Shaul is either telling the truth or spreading a lie. By: Ekowa A. Kenyatta When we read, we skim over things, not understanding the culture that was given to the Hebrews. All of the Apostles including Paul still stuck to the Torah. The celebrated the 7 feasts and the males appeared before the Lord 3 times a year with an offering. If you want to know who made-up Christianity, look to Rome and Greece and their obsession with the Mystery Systems and Luciferianism. Look to the Mithras cults, the revisionists and translators. It was a political move to conquer the world it was the blind leading the blind. In our quest to find answers, God always reveals what once was hidden. Ekowa A. Kenyatta shares her answers which unveil what the Council of Nicea and the early Church fathers tried to dispose or hide. The Ekowa A. Kenyatta View Note: My colleagues continually question me because of my concern with color. “In the end it won’t matter anyway,” they say. I grew up in the 1950’s when we questioned our individual identities. I still continue to ask within my own mind why continents and countries have indigenous “people of color” reclassified as Caucasians right smack dab in the middle of its colonial European migrated groups. I wonder why India, Ceylon, Vietnam, Australia, Hawaii, Australia, New Guinea, etc. have Blue-Black-skinned groups of people classified as Caucasian. Caucasian dominance only stems a little over 500 years. What about antiquity? Before 1950 every continent and country with brown and black inhabitants were classified as either “Colored” or “Negro.” This leads to a belief that the Caucasian classification is being applied to Brown Races because of a “threatened global White biological identity crisis–OH YOU 8 PERCENTERS!” There seems to be a great concern about the “curse of the Black Race” that has been passed down by European missionaries and White as well as Black ministers. According to the Bible, the following, the Black Race is not cursed: In Genesis 9:24—The Curse of Canaan: Most people believe Ham was cursed and, therefore, so were all Black people of African/Hamitic descent. However, careful study of the scriptures reveals that the curse was placed upon Canaan (Gen. 9:25), a son of Ham. Ham’s other sons, Mizraim, Phut, and Cush were not cursed. This particular curse justified Abraham’s inheritance of the land of Canaan as his blessing of his father Noah due to this strong desire to be in his father’s image and his love for God (Gen. 9:24 – 27). Cultural Christianity Contest: The world has been presented with a White Jesus from the Roman Empire when Augustus (31 BC – AD 14) was the emperor. The World knows nothing about the bona fide Judean Jesus from the lineage of the Tribe of Judah—Ethiopians who spoke Aramaic. The former Semitic language Aramaic was developed out of the latter Semitic language Amharic spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea today. Christ spoke Aramaic, Arabic and Amharic because of language locations in Jerusalem and other Middle Eastern cities such as what are now Addis Ababa, Cairo, Baghdad and Damascus. In Greek schools of learning and philosophy Plato and Socrates helped to provide philosophy and mystical thought to Christianity borrowed from the ancient Egyptians. Originally the Bible was translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English. In the eyes of the Romans Africans had no substantial history. Africans were “heathens” who had to be converted to Christianity according to the Roman Church–now headed by the POPE. The New Testament was written in colloquial conversational Greek of the times. Greek was widespread as an international language in the Middle East and parts of North Africa and Europe after Alexander’s Conquests in 4th Century BC. In conversational Greek there were no upper or lower case letters used until the 9th Century. Everything was written in capital letters. There were no punctuation marks, no spaces between words, and no paragraphs. The division of chapter numbers in the Bible did not take place until about 1200 AD, and verses were not added until 1557. In 1382 Wycliff translated an English version of the Bible from Latin. In 1604 King James commissioned six groups of scholars who translated the Authorized King James Version of the Bible. The original 1611 edition of the King James Version had many misprints and spelling mistakes that led to a second edition in 1613. Provided for Christianity in the modern world in which we live are what Greek philosophers and King James have given. We follow the herd to ensure soul salvation—just as sheep follow the leader of the herd to slaughter. The Bible was translated into English for a cultural European audience, and people study the Bible without knowing its cultural context. Christianity was first a Middle Eastern religion. Remember, the Middle East was once Africa. Europeans broke up Africa into the “Near East,” “Middle East,” and “Far East” to distinguish distances from Europe. To question the Bible’s ancestral Black African Christendom History is probably like translating the Bible into cult language. There are many discrepancies in the Bible. Examples: The word “Jew” wasn’t used in the King James Version until publications after 1800. The word “Jew” does not appear in the Bible until the Book of Daniel. The Bible contains both Greek and Latin traditions denoting editorial differences. The New Testament contains discrepancies in The Last Supper, the death of Judas, and the nativity stories in Matthew and Mark. To say there are “Lost Books” and Apocryphal Books of the Bible leads one to question which books were really “inspired” by God—and which ones were inspired by King James and his translators. Some verses are almost identical in Matthew and 2 Enoch (Enoch—or Enos was the son of Seth and the grandson of Adam according to Genesis) leading to parallels and connections between the Gospels, Lost Books and Dead Sea Scrolls. The Gospels, for example were written between 35 and 70 years after the death of Jesus. This presents plenty of opportunity for distortion. The Gospels passed through a period of copying and general editorial tampering that lasted three to four centuries. It is only these edited and differing versions that have survived to modern times. A person’s makeup and state of mind is externalized only after internalizing what has been given to him. Indoctrination takes place within the human psyche. Whites are fed a White cultural Roman and Greek resemblance of Jesus. Blacks have also been fed a White cultural Roman and Greek resemblance of Jesus. Biblical scholars have studied, digested, and processed antiquity within a Caucasian Cultural Contest; therefore, the Bible we know encompasses the White Roman World and St. Paul. Religious interpretations are liable to contradiction unless historical backgrounds are accessible for examination. You should be aware of how Black Antiquity has been annihilated. Just read about the Napoleon Bonaparte Conquests of the late 18th and early 19th Centuries. Napoleon and his crew destroyed many artifacts of antiquity including shooting of the flat noses and big lips of the Sphinx. At the 1974 Cairo Symposium British and Egyptian officials prevented Cheikh Anta Diop from performing systematic and controlled melanin dosage tests on Egyptian mummies to determine their racial identity. Shortly after he developed the melanin dosage test, nearly all of the mummies on exhibition the Cairo Museum vanished. There are many Shrines of the Black Madonna in Africa, Europe and Russia representing remnants of the original people who inhabited Ancient Palestine. A geneticist from Oxford University in London, England (1998) has proven through a DNA sequence that the African Bantu-speaking Lemba Tribe of South Africa and Zimbabwe carry the same Y chromosome that is distinctive to the Cohanim, a hereditary set of Jewish priests scattered throughout Europe and America. Reports carry the headlines “DNA COULD PROVE JEWISH ANCESTRY OF AFRICAN TRIBE.” While reading the article, it struck me as a “Freudian Slip” presented in the “European Slip/Slap Origin.” The title should have read: DNA PROVES AFRICAN ANCESTRY OF BIBLICAL HEBREWS. The most thorough analysis yet of the divergence of sequences in human mitochondrial DNA has been carried out. The results support the view that modern humans originated in Africa. (Hedges, Blair S. “Human Evolution: A Start for Population Genomics,” Nature 408, 652-653 7 December 2000). History depends on the “ignorance of the masses” to write and editorialize what is currently printed and published. Ignorance can make strange presumptions. To substantiate the Diaspora of Africa; Claude A. Winters proved that the ancestors of the Dravidian and Manding speaking people appear to have left Africa at the same time around 2600 BC (Winters 1985c). These people founded civilizations in Europe, Elam, India and ancient China (1991a). References S., Acharya, The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, Kempton, IL, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1999. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (Jan. 1979b). “Trade between East Africa and China”, Afrikan Mwalimu, pp. 25-31. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1979c). “Manding Scripts in the New World”, Journal of African Civilization 1, No. 1, pp. 61-97. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1980a). “The genetic unity of Dravidian and African languages and culture,” Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Asian Studies (PIISAS) 1979, Hong Kong: Asian Research Service. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1981a) “The Unity of African and Indian Agriculture”, Journal of African Civilization 3, no.1, pp. 103-110. Winters, Clyde Ahmad (1981c). “Further Thoughts on Japanese Dravidian Connection”, Dravidian Language Association News 5, No 9, pp. 1-4. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (December, 1981/ January 1982a) “Mexico’s Black Heritage”, The Black Collegian, pp. 76-84. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1983c). “Blacks in Ancient China, Part 1:The Founders of Xia and Shang”, Journal of Black Studies 1, No2. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1983d). “Possible Relationship between the Manding and Japanese”, Papers in Japanese Linguistics 9, pp. 151-158. Winters, Clyde Ahmad Winters. (January 1984). “Magyar and Proto-Saharan Relationship”, Fighter (Hungarian language Newspaper) Cleveland, Ohio , p.2. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1985d). “The genetic Unity between the Dravidian, Elamite, Manding and Sumerian Languages”, Sixth ISAS ,1984, (Hong Kong: Asian Research Service) pp. 1413-1425. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1986c). “Dravidian Settlements in ancient Polynesia”, India Past and Present 3, No. 2, pp. 225-241. Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1986e). “Dravidian and Magyar /Hungarian”, International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics 15, No. 2. stewartsynopsis@yahoo M. Stewart. Copyright © 2002 – 2007. All rights reserved. Revised: 01/01/07. About these ads Share this: » Share» » Facebook» Email» » Twitter» Reddit» » StumbleUpon» Digg» »
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 00:50:40 +0000

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