ALERT!!! EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! EDOM, TEXAS QUAKE (Oct. 23,2014) Becky McComas EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! I HAVE BEEN IN PRAYER AND, TO BE HONEST, SOME AGONY, FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS NOW. THIS IS THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER HAD TO DO. SOME OF YOU WILL REALIZE THE IMPLICATIONS OF WHAT I AM DOING, BUT I HAVE TO STEP OUT IN FAITH. IT WOULD BE SO MUCH EASIER TO LEAVE MYSELF AN OUT. OH HOW I PRAYED THAT I COULD LEAVE MYSELF AN OUT. EVEN AS I STARTED THIS MESSAGE, MY HUSBAND OFFERED SOME ADVICE THAT I JUMPED ON. AT LEAST FOR A FEW MINUTES. HOWEVER, I KNOW WHAT GOD IS CALLING ME TO DO, AND I HAVE TO DO IT. IF I HAVE GOTTEN IT WRONG, WELL, I GUESS I WILL CROSS THAT BRIDGE WHEN/IF THE TIME COMES. I FEEL A LITTLE LIKE NOAH MUST HAVE FELT WHEN GOD TOLD HIM IT WAS TIME TO GET INTO THE ARK AND CLOSE THE DOOR. THE EDOM, TEXAS EARTHQUAKE IS EXTREMELY CLOSE. SO CLOSE THAT I TIME FRAME. OCTOBER 23RD TO OCTOBER 30TH, BUT I AM REALLY LEANING TOWARDS THE SINGLE DATE OF THE 23RD. I ALSO BELIEVE THAT THIS EARTHQUAKE IS GOING TO BE VERY DESTRUCTIVE BECAUSE OF THE LENGH OF TIME IT WILL QUAKE, IN CONJUNCTION WITH ITS MAGNITUDE. I KNOW THE RISKS THAT I AM TAKING BY DATING THIS EARTHQUAKE. I HAVE BEEN FIGHTING IT FOR TWO DAYS. TRUST ME, THIS HAS NOT BEEN EASY. I TRUST THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. I TRUST THAT HE WOULD NOT LET ME POST THIS IF I HAVE MISUNDERSTOOD WHAT HE IS TELLING ME. I will not have to be sounding the alarm much longer. However, I will be sharing it more frequently throughout the day. This earthquake is quickly approaching. Please continue to pray. Remember, this will affect everyone within a four hour drive of Edom. REVELATION - Edom, Texas Earthquake - PLEASE PRAY - EXTREMELY URGENT A little over two years ago I shared that the Lord had revealed to me a mega earthquake, with the epicenter being in Edom, Texas. I did not then know the timing of when this quake would hit. However, while my husband and I attended Perry Stones prophecy summit in April of this year, Bill Cloud brought up the biblical Edom. I felt the Holy Spirit move in me and I knew at that moment that it was for that one remark that I was at that summit. I knew that the earthquake in Texas was fast approaching. When we got home, I prayed and asked God for a sign, a combination of THREE things, random to anyone else and a strange grouping, but that when I saw them I would know it was time to sound the alarm, in a major way. I had asked God one time before to answer me specifically with certain words and He did that same day. With this one, He waited. I would pray and remind Him (like He needs me to remind Him, right?) that I couldnt/wouldnt sound the alarm until He gave me the sign I prayed for. June 10th, 2014 He did just that. So, I am now sounding the alarm. Please pray for the people who are going to be affected by this quake. Its going to be big and its going to be bad. I have been sharing this revelation on a daily basis and will continue to do so until this earthquake occurs or the Lord Jesus commands me to stop. I will not have to be sounding the alarm much longer. However, I will be sharing it more frequently throughout the day. This earthquake is quickly approaching. Please continue to pray. Remember, this will affect everyone within a four hour drive of Edom. REVELATION - Edom, Texas Earthquake - PLEASE PRAY - EXTREMELY URGENT A little over two years ago I shared that the Lord had revealed to me a mega earthquake, with the epicenter being in Edom, Texas. I did not then know the timing of when this quake would hit. However, while my husband and I attended Perry Stones prophecy summit in April of this year, Bill Cloud brought up the biblical Edom. I felt the Holy Spirit move in me and I knew at that moment that it was for that one remark that I was at that summit. I knew that the earthquake in Texas was fast approaching. When we got home, I prayed and asked God for a sign, a combination of THREE things, random to anyone else and a strange grouping, but that when I saw them I would know it was time to sound the alarm, in a major way. I had asked God one time before to answer me specifically with certain words and He did that same day. With this one, He waited. I would pray and remind Him (like He needs me to remind Him, right?) that I couldnt/wouldnt sound the alarm until He gave me the sign I prayed for. June 10th, 2014 He did just that. So, I am now sounding the alarm. Please pray for the people who are going to be affected by this quake. Its going to be big and its going to be bad. I have been sharing this revelation on a daily basis and will continue to do so until this earthquake occurs or the Lord Jesus commands me to stop.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 07:41:45 +0000

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