ALERT, WOW, FACEBOOK , I HAVE BEEN WONDERING WHY I HAVE BEEN BLOCKED FROM POSTING ON NEWS MEDIA SITES, ETC.COULD IT BE THAT ABOUT THE TIME I WAS BLOCKED, I HAD POSTED ABOUT THE SITE, HOODOOED...SHAME ON YOU, FACEBOOK, FOR ALLOWING WE, THE PEOPLE, WHOSE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND , PROVIDES US FREEDOM OF SPEECH, TO BE BULLIED AND INTIMIDATED, BY THOSE IN POWER, WHOM WE ARE DEFENSELESS, TO DEFEND OURSELVES...STAND UP, FOR WE, THE PEOPLE AND OUR SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, OUR CONSTITUTION... HooDooed Oil Blights Louisianas Coast as Second Phase of BP Oil Spill Trial Begins by Julie Dermansky Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:19 PM PDT The toxic mess left in the wake of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster continues to negatively impact Gulf Coast ecosystems as the second phase of the BP trial begins in New Orleans. Billions of dollars are on the line in the trial following the explosion of the Macondo well that took 11 lives and damaged the Gulf Coast’s economic and environmental health. On September 27th, Plaquemines Parish Coastal Zone Director P.J. Hahn took a trip to survey some of the areas most devastated by the oil spill, including Bay Jimmy and Cat Bay. Oil remains in the marsh, and coastal erosion continues at an accelerated rate. See the complete story at: desmogblog/2013/09/30/oil-blights-Louisiana-s-coast-second-phase-bp-oil-spill-trial-begins //rt/usa/bp-trolling-facebook-critics-051/ Accusations have surfaced that Facebook users who posted critical comments on the page have become the subject of attacks, threats, and ongoing harassment. One user, known as “Marie,” told Al Jazeera she feels the need to remain anonymous because of a “fear for my personal safety should the BP trolls find out that I am the whistleblower in this case.”
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:02:45 +0000

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