ALICANTE GROUP WEATHER UPDATE Friday 28th November 2014: WEATHER - TopicsExpress


ALICANTE GROUP WEATHER UPDATE Friday 28th November 2014: WEATHER ALERTS ISSUED FOR THE ENTIRE COMMUNITAT DE VALENCIA INCLUDING ALICANTE PROVINCE FOR TOMORROW FOR HEAVY RAINS!!!......AND WE CAN EXPECT MORE THROUGH THE NIGHT SATURDAY/SUNDAY!!!......Oh yes, if you havent got the message yet then where have you been???.....As predicted right here on the EiA before anybody else, we have a high risk of some bad bad weather coming out way!!!.....Alicante Province goes on YELLOW ALERT from MIDNIGHT TONIGHT through to 6PM tomorrow, Saturday 29th, but Valencia goes all ORANGE ALERT and it now looks like some areas could see some significant rainfall!!!......And theres more, at this time we are expecting the warnings to commence again for Sunday as we see more substantial rain coming our way through the night Saturday/Sunday!!!.....But, before all the drama we have today......argh!!!.....relax!!!......breath!!!.......PANIC!!!.......No dont, I was only joking!!!......But you should have seen the look on your face!!!......Today isnt looking that great really......A bit too grey for my liking and there will be rain coming and going.....but so might that sun in places...e and gone that is!!!.....But its tonight when we, as a group, should man battle stations and be prepared for potentially some heavy rain!!!.....The weather is to creep up the coast from the south so for those of you smiling in Murcia.....DONT!!!......Its not going to be a bed of roses for you down there either!!!......We are expecting the heavy rain to develop before the force field that divides Murcia from Alicante and therefore be prepared anywhere up that eastern coast line and its inland areas!!!......Once we get past this orrible weather late Monday we could see some sunshine Tuesday if you good people manage to pay enough money into my bank account......If you dont then come Wednesday you will have rain again.....CAPICHE!!!.....and Thursday, Friday and possibly into nest weekend for badness!!!.......Jokes aside, with this possibility of substantial rains do get others into the group and do share this info out!!!.....Also, when bad weather hits do tune into those great people at Bay Radio. They will be cheering you up and keeping you all informed as best they can but we are expecting storms as well and this could affect radio transmissions in general for all the radio stations!!!......Do though stay tuned to this group. It is, in times of threat, that you group members come together to report what is happening in your area!!!.....All we ask here is that you keep the info under the daily weather report by adding your comments.....ONLY POST A NEW ITEM IF IT IS URGENT INFORMATION. A new item commences a new thread and before you know it we have more than one thread running about the same event.....confusing to say the least!!!.....But again, if you have urgent info such as a flood or, as happened yesterday in our Malaga Group, a Tornado develop, then please feel free to start a new thread!!!.....Above all, stay dry, stay safe, stay in!!!.....Our graphic today is the current Alert Situation for tomorrow.......So, what are you doing still sitting there reading this???......Get outside and clean those drains......THATS AN ORDER!!!......Jim Fraser for your rather bossy EiALERT NETWORK!!! :)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 00:56:47 +0000

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