ALICANTE GROUP WEATHER UPDATE Monday 15th December 2014: Good - TopicsExpress


ALICANTE GROUP WEATHER UPDATE Monday 15th December 2014: Good morning all!!!........10 (Ten)!!!........Thats the Chrimbo countdown started!!!.......As for your weather, well we still have some cloud clogging up your day inland and causing rain to fall in places and our day now looks to be more grey than I forecast yesterday as a small low pressure system develops in the east causing the rain clouds to recycle on us......Sorry, but we are likely to remain grey and wet!!!......AEMET, the Spanish National Weather Service, has issued a YELLOW ALERT for the north east of Alicante, Javea and Denia etc, and the Valencia coastline as of MIDDAY TODAY through to MIDNIGHT!!!....Yes, rain is likely across much of Alicante but nothing out of the ordinary can be seen by me but as we do have official alerts raised, those areas affected must take note!!!......However, for tomorrow its looking to be sunny with broken cloud, risk of a shower remaining in the morning in places and then, Wednesday onwards its looking to be nothing but sunshine with those temperatures creeping up as we move towards next weekend!!!......Oh yes, its not quite an Indian summer coming but not far from it and yet again, as I peer into your future, its sun through to around the 22nd/23rd when it could get a tad grey but clearing nicely for Christmas Day still.....I stress that this is the weather and it can change dramatically due to something happening elsewhere in the world, but as we get closer we can start to tie it down so fingers crossed I say!!!......So, have a great Monday as the sun is just around the corner!!!......Do keep inviting folk into the group. Some fantastic information flowed as always during the recent weather warnings and remember, we are an emergency information group so do post up anything of an emergency issue that other members would benefit from hearing!!!......Jim Fraser for your EiALERT NETWORK :)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 06:23:04 +0000

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