ALIGNING CIRCUMSTANCES TO THEIR ABSTEMIOUS COMPORTMENT ####################################################### I held it and I would goad, & replicate it deficient in trepidation and apprehension of incongruity and contradiction or even consistency that the forthcoming graduation will be a hodgepodge: a jumble of an episode. I think it is monstrously hokum, bunkum, humbug and gargantuan twaddle to employ salubrious and imperative sine qua non in a multimillion boondoggle event (postponing the graduation due to deliberate impotency of planning) and this isn’t gobbledygook for us to have a handle on, to an extent of presumptuousness or haughtiness that we can’t carve: wattle up our sincere and judicious opinion against it, though they could not be of sagacious erudity to an infinitesimal or leviathan extent.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 05:09:37 +0000

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