ALL HOROSCOPES for today, November 14, 2013: Aries - TopicsExpress


ALL HOROSCOPES for today, November 14, 2013: Aries (3/21-4/19) Still feeling solid, practical and responsible, not to mention grounded? Good. Because considering what might tumble out of your mouth today, youre going to need a healthy dose of confidence. Whats it going to be? Well, its tough to say -- but it wont be something you or anyone around you could ever have predicted. Almost sounds like fun, doesnt it? Taurus (4/20-5/20) Its just your nature to wonder. But when you do too much of it, it can easily turn into an obsession. Keeping that in mind, could it be time to stop worrying if a deeper meaning was behind that comment a loved one recently made? Youre a natural-born detective, but some clues just arent worth following. And some folks arent clever enough to insert an actual meaning into everything they say. Gemini (5/21-6/21) At this point, your friends are pretty well trained. Most of them dont even bat an eyelash when you get going on one of your favorite subjects, even if its in a public place. Theyve learned that resistance is futile -- and besides, youre usually quite entertaining to watch. Today, however, even the most seasoned among them will be hard-pressed to keep a straight face. Of course, you may have an equally hard time of it. One never knows what you might say or do. Cancer (6/22-7/22) From the very moment you got up this morning, youve been in a rather odd mood. You dont want to do anything the way you used to do it, and you dont particularly care if that offends anyone. Youre not even trying to compromise, either. Since this is an unusual attitude for you, dont be surprised if your loved ones are a bit stunned. Theyre sure to get a big kick out of it, though! Leo (7/23-8/22) Everyones going to be quite chatty today, no doubt about it. But you? Well, youre going to be even more verbally reckless than usual. Now, its not like youve ever needed any help getting inspired to say exactly what you want to say -- the heck with the consequences -- so just imagine what todays verbosity will bring. Youd better warn anyone who startles easily. Or not. Virgo (8/23-9/22) Telling you not to go out and spend your every dime on a lark, with absolutely no thought for the future, just isnt going to work -- asking you not to wont work, either. What if someone who loves you reminds you of the bills that will be turning up in the mailbox, right around the same time your mortgage payments due? Well, that might work, but there are still no guarantees. This time you just may need to muster up the willpower yourself. Libra (9/23-10/22) Youve been waiting for the right moment to let someone know youre not a child anymore, youre perfectly capable of making your own choices and you dont need their advice. And you had just about decided to make the announcement, when you realized they actually had something quite valuable to share. Better hold off on the declaration of independence for a bit, hmm? Scorpio (10/23-11/21) Youre done talking about the issue thats been making you crazy for weeks, if not months. Youre so done that even when a certain someone whos ordinarily quite good at pushing your buttons starts to subtly poke at you, you wont bite. It wouldnt be fair, and it wouldnt even be fun. You know you can win, and win easily, but you cant justify the energy. Its just as well. You have bigger fish to fry. Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) You have some crazy friends, but one in particular stands head and shoulders above the rest. Should you dismiss them entirely, help this person find some psychological counseling or just pretend it never happened? Weigh the seriousness of the situation before you do anything at all. Sometimes its best just to coast and let the universe work it out. Capricorn (12/22-1/19) Theyll sit down across from you, or stand right there in front of you, cross their arms and look you straight in the eye. Then theyll ask if youd please share your opinion of the current situation with them -- one-on-one -- as a favor and in confidence. Try not to be rude. You were already getting ready to let the world know your take, but it wouldnt hurt to let them think they were responsible for the big revelation. Aquarius (1/20-2/18) Your spiritual and psychic qualities are running on high right now. So if you suddenly get the feeling you dont want to be where you are, or that youd like someone else to be there with you, dont even bother resisting. Do what it takes to make yourself comfortable and happy. Youve connected with the powers that be, and theyre directing you. Sure, it sounds corny, but just go with it. Pisces (2/19-3/20) Youve never been fond of blind dates. But now, after one too many interesting experiences, to say youre less than fond of them wouldnt quite cover your sentiments. For some darned reason, though, a friend or family member is insisting theres someone you just have to meet. Hey, who knows? They could be right this time. Just dont sign up for dinner. Suggest coffee or drinks, and duck out early if you need to.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:37:01 +0000

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