ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ THE RULES AND POST THAT YOU AGREE. The group will be changed to approved posts for the next 24hours so that everyone must read and agree. Paid members or not. I have been informed that there was several 1/5 cars running on the track and there was someone standing in the middle of the track with a toddler. This is a major safety issue! Grounds Rules Please place all rubbish in the bins provided. Plase treat the toilet block like it was your own. If we mistreat it, we will lose access and be forced to use a portaloo at the clubs expense. Close the gate behind you. Cars should be parked against the top fence. No consumption of liquor or narcotics anywhere on the grounds. No smoking on the drivers podium or in the pit area. No pets to be brought onto the grounds. All remote control and motor vehicles are driven on the grounds at your own risk. The club cannot be held responsible for any damage received whilst they are on the grounds. Track Rules Be mindful of the track condition. If the track is muddy and/or has water on it please do not use it. This is to preserve the integrity of the track. No unsilenced 1/5th cars to be driven on days the football club has a game on. No mixing fuel or refueling on the track. This must be done in the pits and only in the designated area. Respect other peoples cars - no intentional demolition derby! Please be mindful when someone is on track to flip cars. Slow down around them. Follow all track marshal and race control directions. Please ensure a safe re-entry onto the track if you leave the track. No cars to be driven anywhere except for the track area and the pit area. Pit entrance/exits and movement within the pit area to be only at walking pace. No children under 10 to be on the track whilst more than 1 car is running. Parents must ensure their children follow this rule as it is for their safety. No children under 14 are to be on the track whilst a 1/5 scale car is running. We will also allow you to bring your childrens bikes (pedal and not powered) for them to ride the track as well. Member Conduct No verbal or physical abuse will be tolerated by SEQORCC committee. Any altercations must be reported to SEQORCC committee. If another person causes deliberate damage to your property you must report them to the SEQORCC committee. Vendors/Sponsors may at times offer special discounts to our members. Please do not otherwise hassle vendors and/or sponsors for discounts citing your SEQORCC membership. Working Bees SEQORCC will call on its members to assist with grounds upkeep by way of working bees. These working bees will be held at regular intervals throughout the year. All members will be required to attend at least one working bee each year theyre a member. Additional attendance although welcome will be voluntary. SEQORCC plans to offer rewards for members who regularly provide voluntary assistance. These rewards and the method(s) used to choose members will be announced by the committee at a later date. Official Race Day The SEQORCC committee will declare the dates of official race days in advance. A race day event can only be officially opened by either an SEQORCC committee member or a committee nominated person. This person will be hereby referred to as the Host. The Host will be required to judge the track condition and will have the power to postpone a race day event due to track conditions. The Host will be responsible for collecting any monies from pay-to-play members and verify that only current financial members are to be on the track. The Host will be responsible for running the event and ensuring the day is run to an official standard until the race day event has come to a close. The Host will set the format for which classes run at which times. The Host will designate an attendee or attendees to the task of Timing. The Host will ensure that there are flag marshals on the track at all times who can assist in returning cars to the track. The Host will be responsible for ensuring that attendees assist in the preparation of the track and the post event clean up. Attendees will be required to follow all direction of the Host and any appointed assistants to the Host. Members are asked to follow normal rules with regard to treatment of the track, grounds and fellow members. Official Bash Day The SEQORCC committee will declare the dates of official bash days in advance. A bash day will run without specific racing rules and will have no set format. A bash day event will still attract a pay-to-play fee. Members are to pay either an SEQORCC committee member or a committee nominated person before taking their cars on the track. Members are asked to follow normal rules with regard to treatment of the track, grounds and fellow members. Practice Members will be free to practice whenever they wish outside of days declared as either race days or bash days. Members are reminded if they are pay-to-play members they should pay their dues even on practice days. Members are asked to follow normal rules with regard to treatment of the track, grounds and fellow members and especially be mindful of not practicing with unsilenced 1/5th cars on days where the football club is in use.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 04:01:01 +0000

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