ALL OF YOU ON MY FACEBOOK ACTIVIST ACCOUNT HELPED ME POST THIS ON MY REAL ACCOUNT. I know thousands of people in My Town alone, I can place a name to the face with less than half. I have 243 people on Facebook, none of which know me, only a handful knowing a part of me. My grandmother (May she rest in peace) always said one thing in regards to what people think of one another, “If someone doesnt know you by how you live your life, then to hell with em.” I could contribute that to her being pessimistic, or maybe this was actually a deep statement, from an EXTREMELY wise lady. I found myself asking, WHO KNOWS how someone lives their life? I mean you 243 people don’t even know me. The people who know how you live your life, are those closest to you, and those closest to you are those who know you the best (not always entirely). So I think most people need to let go of this NEED TO BE LIKED, always wondering what others “think”. I mean honestly, EVERY DAY … I get a little bit freer, because every day I care a little less about what anyone thinks of me. Being that I was never too social, and never had too strong of an urge to fit in, this only allows me to share things that I use to keep to myself. Like my thoughts on Religion, Government, Race, and our decaying society as a whole. Even though my friends list is small, it is still larger than I was comfortable being open with. By loosing the need to care about what people think (which was always minimal for me anyways) I found myself wanting to post the song I wrote for Chloe. I mean we all have an expiration date, and the dates given seem to follow no rhyme or rhythm… So I can post this online, and it will be embedded for as long as the internet is around, which seems more permanent than myself. I’m content to know that Chloe could press play on here regardless of where I am, what I’m doing, or what happens to me. Maybe others will enjoy it too… If not, then from the words of a truly intelligent lady, TO HELL WITH YA (figuratively not literally).
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 01:30:52 +0000

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