ALL POINTS BULLETIN WE ARE MISSING OUR GOVERNOR HERE IN TEXAS. AS WELL AS THE SPEAKER OF OUR STATE LEGISLATURE AND THE LT. GOVERNOR. WE NEED A SPECIAL SESSION TO DEAL WITH THIS INSANE INVASION OF OUR COUNTRY AND STATE. MEXICAN ARMY CHOPPERS FIRING UPON US BORDER PATROL AGENTS. BORDER AGENTS COMING DOWN WITH DISEASES THESE INVADERS ARE BRINGING HERE. AND THEY WANT TO TURN THEM LOOSE IN OUR STATE AND COUNTRY, WITHOUT QUARANTINING THEM FOR DISEASES. NOW WE KNOW WHAT FEMA HAS THE CASKETS FOR. NOT EVEN DISCOUNTING THE AFFECT,OR EFFECT, ON OUR WATER SUPPLY, LANDSCAPE, ETC. Read the various articles on the Drudge Report. This is from Ray Meyers Facebook page. If you are concerned about the consequences to our state from this illegitimate insurgency, please call Gov. Rick Perrys office and tell him you want him to call a special session of our legislature to address this crisis. Phone 512-463-2000. Suggested script: Regardless of any deal you may have made with the Speaker of the House, please call a special session so that our legislature can insure that 1) Our border is secured in order to secure our states sovereignty 2) the health threat of the many infectious diseases carried by those coming from countries with no immunization program can be addressed (see post below) 3) the the incentives (freebies), the magnets, that are attracting those coming can be ended. — And this is mine again. Call the governors office. Better still, flood his office with calls, demanding a special session to deal with this invasion. When school starts in the fall, guess what new students you will be getting. Just think about it. Disease carriers turned loose in our schools. You worrying about American Idol, and the other reality shows, ignore our future, and yours and your childrens, at all our peril. Wake up people. Read these headlines. see how queen nancy is going to meet these invaders at our border. even worse, see how the mexican army chopper crosses into our country, shooting at our border patrol agents. where are you rick perry, fair weather governor of mexas. we need a special session to deal with this. stand up for Texas, or it really will be mexas in no time. stand up for our state. enough is enough already. stop back pedalling and side stepping and doing the texas two step. face up to your responsibilities to the people of Texas. or go home back to california, your new home from what we are reading from the news and internet. Mike
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 16:58:05 +0000

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