ALL PROTESTANTS SHOULD STUDY THIS. What follows has nothing to - TopicsExpress


ALL PROTESTANTS SHOULD STUDY THIS. What follows has nothing to do with church doctrine. It is simply a perspective that I have developed through studying the occult and its effect on truth over time. This includes excerpts from a book that gives insights on the demonologists Francis Bacon’s effects on our world today. At the highest level of the occult initiation we find this quote from Plato who attended the Elysian Mystery School of the Greeks. “At the highest level you meet your god and destiny takes on a new direction.” A Christian should properly understand this as, at the highest level you meet demons and you are so effected that you are brainwashed for the rest of your life. You opened the door and willingly let Satan into your soul. My belief is that Satan will enter the world or has, in the same way. The Book of Enoch tells us that the fallen angels trapped the souls of man, came to man in many forms and made man worship them as gods. Enoch tells us that the fallen angels taught the secrets of the heavens, but they taught a corrupted version of Gods secrets. The apostles and even Christ quote from the Book of Enoch over and over again. I believe Christ went down into Hades and freed souls from a place that He did not create; it was a manipulation of his own creation. A Book sacred to the occult called The Book of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth is said to have been written by the god Hermes (a demonic entity or early initiate). In the book is one of the earliest references to the workings of the pentagram. It reads, “Spirits travel in circular form and are trapped in angles.” It talks about using the “earth force” or the magnetic influence of the earth in the process. The influence of magnetism works within the laws of attraction in Hermetic teaching also known as “as above so below.”Fourth dimensional beings are drawn into the center of the pentagram from the fourth dimensional earth (from below) and appear in the third dimension. They come from whence they where first trapped during the flood of Noah? (The angels held their flaming swords therefore escape was through an alternative gateway.) Is this why there is a giant ceremonial pentagram in front of the authority center of the New Babylon, the Whitehouse? When we look back into the middle ages and the lives of the Alchemists we often see images of the alchemists with a pentagram drawn on the floor, the alchemist standing at the top of the pentagram, and an elemental or demon in the center of the pentagram. The imagery has huge implications when you add the following understanding into the equation. The alchemists due to the inquisition and the suppression of Satanism by the church always hid their secrets in allegory and cipher. In these we find the hidden truth of the alchemist. To “turn base metal into gold”, at its highest level of understanding means to become a willing host and offer your soul ‘base metal’, to the demon, ‘gold’. Through this willing possession you achieve power, visions of the future and incredible insight, but you also become Pons in a much bigger game that is played out through history; a game that includes a one World Government and One World Lucifarian New Age Religion under the authority of the U.N, removing the sacrifice of the Catholic Mass and a plan of destroying Christianity all together. “Destiny takes on a new direction.” When a freemason at the highest level of initiation and most of those deep in the occult, talk about being twice birthed, they are referring to the reprobate mystery they have fallen into by experiencing a false fourth dimensional reality, a devils play ground of lies and deceit. The New Agers have fallen into this same deception. The Freemason stairs in the temple or false Jacobs’s ladder in their temple is allegory for this false mystery. The ladder symbolizes stairs to get to heaven. This is no different than the mysteries of the Gnostics that were rightly attacked by St. Augustine. “They try and force their way into heaven.” The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. The pillars of Joachim and Boaz at the entrance to their temple at the highest level of understanding are, according to the Satanic Order of the Golden Dawn, the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The altar in the center of the temple becomes the pineal gland of the brain, the third eye which the freemason Descartes calls “the seat of the soul”. Through harmonic vibrations and magnetism, resonating to the harmonic frequency of the pentagram, the demon enters men’s souls through the pineal gland the third eye, the altar, the eye of Shiva, the serpent headdress of the Egyptian kings, the eye on our dollar bill, the rose of the Rosicrucian’s, the eye incased in the pyramid in every Masonic lodge. This is what a high-level freemason calls “true science”. These ceremonies don’t occur in the lodges but underground, and in groves and in the Kings Chamber at the pyramid in Giza. Most freemasons do not understand this until they have been lied to over and over again; until they have completely renounced Christian religion, sworn oath after oath and in ceremony stab a skull that is wearing a papal tiara renouncing organized religion. This is the highest level of renouncing Gods truth. Also, most freemasons do not reach this level unless they are in a position of power. The devil has put it into the minds of man that this mystery should be called “twice birthed”, a mockery of the mystery of Baptism and the Eucharist where we die to original sin with Christ and are reborn and enter into union with God, the marriage feast of the Lamb. For every truth the devil has created hundreds of anti truths to keep you from the one truth. Paganism was created to keep you from the mysteries of Christ’s True church. One of the greatest alchemists/occultists was one named John Dee. John Dee (13 July 1527–1608 or 1609) He was a Welsh mathematician, astronomer, astrologer occultist, navigator, imperialist and consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and hermetic practice. You often see his images on T.V. and movies perpetuated as the typical looking wizard. He had a long white pointed beard and wore a type of skull cap and a coat with ruffles around the collar. His main life focus was on the belief that through divination he could conjure up and communicate with angels; he was wrong. He was a firm believer in the power of the pentagram. The hermetic philosophers along with the understanding of conjuring spirits also believed that certain spirits could affect inanimate objects. Spirits of tension, spirits of descent, spirits of confusion and so on. They believed spirits could be placed into the symbols of written word. Words which when placed together create harmonic frequency which opens up dimensional gateways. This was not a joke. This was the belief of some of the greatest but most distorted minds that ever lived including Francis Bacon. Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St. Alban, From Wikipedia we read (22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626) “was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, and author. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England”, and he knew John Dee. Bacon was given access to all the schooling he needed through Queen Elizabeth whom as I have mentioned earlier consulted with John Dee. He also founded the Rosicrucian order. Although his political career ended in disgrace, he remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution falsely called the Age of Enlightenment. Francis Bacon with the help of King James started the first Masonic lodges in England. Members of these lodges then became the greatest influence to academic thought throughout the world. The enlightenment theories along with the idea that reality is only what the mind can comprehend and see was the result of freemasonry; a lie and complete opposite of their own religion. By teaching the anti truth they hid and preserved the power of what they believed as truth. They hid in occult society’s cryptic documents and allegory secrets about the fourth dimension. They believe that hidden knowledge is power to achieve the objective. They preserved the workings of the seed of Satan. “I will put enmity between you and the Woman, between your seed and her seed.” Those in occult circles believe that it was Francis Bacon who wrote the Shakespearean plays and not Shakespeare. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence for this hypothesis that due to the influence of time, we will not address here, but I do believe a lot of the initiations and images found in initiation are hidden in the Shakespearian plays. Francis Bacon also had a huge influence on the Protestant Bible and the Reformation. I know this will upset Protestants who look at the Bible itself as their souls complete source of information on faith, and look at the King James Bible as almost mystical. It may be mystical but it might not be coming from the mystical source you believe in. The Following is from The Bible Fraud. Although there are many things I don’t agree with in this book, there are many sources that can back up the author’s information when it comes to Francis Bacon. Chapter I What was the Church Trying to Hide? excerpt from the Book The Bible Fraud by Tony Bushby Secret ciphers in the New Testament “It was the ‘wisest fool in Christendom’,2 who ‘authorized’ the translation and publication of the first Protestant version of the Bible into English. He came to the English throne in 1603 and quickly became unpopular because of ‘his disgusting personal habits and his unsavory character. 3 He pretended to be a scholar in theology and philosophy, but his learning was shallow and superficial. He wallowed in filth, moral and physical, but was endowed with a share of cunning that his associates called, ‘a kind of crooked wisdom ’.4 For his new edition of the Bible he issued a set of personal ‘Rules’ the translators were to follow and ordered revisions to proceed, although he never contributed a farthing to its cost. Work began early in 1607 and took a committee of forty-seven men (some records say fifty-four, others say fifty) two years and nine months to rewrite the Bible and make ready for the press. Each man received thirty shillings per week for his contribution. Upon its completion in 1609, a remarkable event occurred —the translators handed over the reviser’s manuscripts of what is now called the King James Bible to King James for his final personal approval. ‘It was self-evident that James was not competent to check their work and edit it, so he passed the manuscripts on to the greatest genius of all time ...Sir Francis Bacon.’ Sir Francis Bacon (1561 –1626) was a man of many talents, a lawyer, linguist and composer. He mastered every subject he undertook; mathematics, geometry, music, poetry, painting, astronomy, classical drama and poetry, philosophy, history, theology and architecture. He was a man of many aims and purposes, the father of modern science, remodeler of modern law, patron of modern democracy, and possibly the reviver of Freemasonry. His life and works are extensively documented, and his intellectual accomplishments widely recognized, particularly in academic circles. At the age of sixteen, he was sent to Paris ‘direct from the Queens Hand’ and there studied Egyptian, Arabian, Indian and Greek philosophy with particular attention given to the Ancient Mysteries and their Ritual Rites. He personally recorded that, while in Paris, he created a secret cipher system that could be inserted into a document without arousing suspicion. While living in Europe, Francis Bacon was initiated into the mysterious Order of the Knights Templar and learnt a very special secret. Before he returned to London, he travelled to France, Italy, Germany and Spain and at the age of twenty completely devoted himself to the study of law. From his understanding of the secret information he had learned during his initiation into the Knights Templar, he conceived the idea of reactivating various Secret Societies and in 1580 founded the secret Rosicrosse Literary Society in Gray’s Inn. Later in the same year, he founded the Lodge of Free and Accepted or Speculative Masons, also at Gray’s Inn. On 25 June 1607 Sir Francis Bacon was appointed Solicitor-General and Chief Advisor to the Crown. He had presented new ideas to the Government for the Reformation of the church and was officially instructed to commence restructuring the Bible. Research in the Records Office of the British Museum revealed that original documents still exist which refer to important proceedings associated with Sir Francis Bacon’s involvement with the editing of both the Old and New Testaments. They revealed that he personally selected and paid the revisers of the New Testament who completed their task under the instructions of Bacon’s long-time friend, Dr Andrews. The first English language manuscripts of the Bible remained in Bacon’s possession for nearly a year. During that time : ...he hammered the various styles of the translators into the unity, rhythm, and music of Shakespearean prose, wrote the Prefaces and created the whole scheme of the Authorized Version. 6 He also encoded secret information into both the Old and New Testament An ancient document recorded that the true history of early Christianity was known to the initiates of the Order of the Knights Templar, having originally been ...imparted to Hugh de Payens by the Grand-Pontiff of the Order of the Temple (of the Nazarene sect), one named Theocletes, after which it was learned by some Knights in Palestine. Regarding the months of editing work applied to the Bible by Bacon, his biographer, William T. Smedley, confirmed the extent of the editing : It will eventually be proved that the whole structure of the Authorized Bible was Francis Bacon’s. He was an ardent student not only of the Bible, but also of early manuscripts. St Augustine, St Jerome, and writers of theological works, were studied by him with industry.8 At the completion of the editing, Sir Francis Bacon and King James I had a series of meetings to finalize editorial matters associated with the new Bible. It was at this time that King James ordered a ‘Dedication to the King’ to be drawn up and included in the opening pages. He also wanted the phrase ‘Appointed to be read in the Churches’ to appear on the title page. This was an announcement clarifying that King James had personally given the church ‘Special Command ’ for this particular version of the Bible to be used in preference to the vast array of Greek and Latin Vulgate Bibles current at the time. His reason was personal, as King James had previously instructed the revisers to ‘defend the position of the king’ in their restructuring of the texts. This was seen as an attempt to distance the Protestant Bible from the Catholic version. The Protestant versions of the Bible are thinner by seven books than the Catholic version and the variant churches have never agreed on a uniform Bible. In their translation of 1 Peter 2:13 the revisers changed the phrase ‘the emperor, as supreme’ to ‘the king, as supreme’. Because King James’ Bible was written to support the authority of a king, the later church often referred to it as the one from ‘authority’, band it later came to be presented as if officially ‘authorized. In subsequent revisions, the word ‘authorized’ found its way onto the title page and later still came to be printed on the cover, giving King James’ new Bible a false sense of authenticity.” The Masonic Lodges will only allow two Bibles to be present in the Lodge. One they call the Masonic Bible, the other, the King James Version. The laws of cause and effect are a testament against the reformation. The King James Bible was designed by a student of John Dee, a Freemason and Rosicrucian who understood cipher, understood how letters and words flowed with harmonic vibration and dimensional doorways, and understood how spirits of descent and confusion could be placed in inanimate objects; a reprobate mystery for the grace given through relicts of the Saints. Francis Bacon understood the spirits and their workings in the world. I do not write this letter to cause anger in our Protestant brothers and sisters, I write it only to let them see the truth and in hope that they come to their true power against Satan; The Mystical Body of Christ.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 02:53:54 +0000

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