ALL ROADS DONT LEAD TO THE SAME PLACE! DEAR FRIENDS- Because I want you to be completely free of the undeserved suffering you have been struggling with your whole life, I am about to say something which is both spiritually incorrect- and essential to reclaiming your sacred birthright of happiness. Despite the bland and comforting saying about the wide and varied array of religions and spiritual paths- that they are all equally liberating and that therefore all roads lead to the same place- the honest truth is that they actually dont! Or, you might say that they do all lead to a common destination- which is a dead end. Because none of them are grounded in and sharply focussed upon what will really heal your pain and set you free. Allow me to explain why this is so. In my decades as a Core/Bioenergetic Psychotherapist and Teacher of Unconditional Self-Love I have had the honor and privilege of working with many courageous people- true spiritual warriors- who had invested years of their lives into their religions and spiritual practices. Many of them were brilliant and accomplished teachers of these paths. From Buddhist meditation masters to world traveling yoga teachers, from devout Christians to devotees of various gurus or modern teachings like the Law of Attraction or The Course in Miracles. What did they all have in common? Just this- they had put their faith and trust and every drop of effort they had into these beliefs and disciplines. And yet they were still burdened by inner conflicts and relationship struggles, recurrent frustration and lingering unhappiness. They felt far from being truly free. Sounds familiar? Their deepest conflicts- which were primarily with themselves- and pain had not been reached and released by the ways they had been taught to look at and work with themselves. Certainly they had made valuable gains from their years of inner work and from the partial truths contained in paths they had followed. But they had not gotten to the bottom of their problems and thoroughly broken the inner chains that bound them. Each of them was wise- and desperate- enough to realize that they were never going to be free if they stayed strictly on the road they were on and kept on doing what wasnt really getting them unstuck. So here is what I helped them to wake up and see. And what I taught them to do to finally claim the Grail of Lasting Happiness they had struggled so long and so hard to reach. First of all they had to recognize- regardless of what they had been told by their religions and spiritual teachers- that their anxiety and depression, their lack of fulfillment and genuine joy had its true origins in the dysfunctional treatment and negative conditioning they had suffered DURING THEIR CHILDHOOD. For example it wasnt their (non-existent) Original Sin, their karma from past lives or their Buddhist ego which was causing them to suffer. And that to finally be free they needed to break through their emotional blocks and numbness and thoroughly express/release the stored-up sorrow and anger, pain and self-defeating attitudes (fear, guilt, shame, self-doubt) that were keeping them bound. There is no substitute for this heroic and infinitely self-compassionate work. To avoid becoming fully conscious of the impact of your childhood keeps you forever trapped in the darkness you are afraid to face. The other essential healing task they needed to whole-heartedly embrace was to unconditionally love and accept themselves. Learning to warmly understand and validate everything inside you- and see your own unique beauty and perfection through the eyes of love- enables a person to be at peace with Life and at one with their Real Self. And in the end that loving relationship with YOU is the ONLY THING that leads to lasting fulfillment! So if you are a practitioner of any religion or spiritual discipline I urge you to wake up now and realize that none of these can possibly get you all the way to where you need to go. Why? Because they dont keep you completely focussed on the real problem- your childhood pain and self-defeating conditioning. And on the real hope- which lay in unconditionally seeing, loving and validating the Authentic You. Its time to open your eyes and realize that you cant get there from here. But if you seek with all your body and spirit and heart and soul to love and liberate the Real You I guarantee beyond all doubt that you will surely find your way home to the radiant and unchained aliveness and blessed life of happiness you have always deserved! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:46:18 +0000

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