ALL THAT GLITTERS For each piece of jewelry worn, score as - TopicsExpress


ALL THAT GLITTERS For each piece of jewelry worn, score as follows. The first guest to reach 30 points, or the guest with the highest score, wins. Bracelet 5 points Pendant 10 points Earrings 5 points Necklace 10 points Pin 20 points Ring 5 points Watch 5 points Ankle Bracelet 10 points *Note: If its a piece of jewelry from your party line, double the points! WHO SAID IT? 1. The devil made me do it (Flip Wilson) 2. And away we go (Jackie Gleason) 3. And now...heres Johnny (Ed McMahon) 4. Whats up Doc (Bugs Bunny) 5. Thanks for the memories (Bob Hope) 6. Say good night Gracie (George Burns) 7. Bless your lil pea pickin heart (Ernie Ford) 8. Stifle yourself (Archie Bunker) 9. Good night Chet (David Brinkley) 10. Good morning America (David Hartman) 11. Good morning Viet Name (Robin Williams) 12. You look mahvalous dahling (Billy Crystal) 13. Bah Humbug (Scrooge) 14. Why dont you come up and see me some time (Mae West) 15. Make my day (Clint Eastwood) NOSTALGIA GAME 1. He was Howdy Doodys sidekick (Clarabelle Clown) 2. The 3 Stooges (Larry, Moe & Curly or Joe) 3. Tontos Horse (Scout) 4. Introduced the Beatles to the U.S.A. (Ed Sullivan) 5. Emcee of the Amateur Hour (Ted Mack) 6. Jack Bennys butler (Rochester) 7. Supermans girlfriend (Lois Lane) 8. Scarlett OHaras lover (Rhett Butler) 9. Famous Chinese detective (Charlie Chan) 10. Country youd find Wuthering Heights (England) RHYME TIME There are fifteen phrases listed below. Each phrase can be converted into two words that rhyme. EXAMPLE: Happy Father = Glad Dad 1. Naughty boy - Bad Lad 9. Ordinary walking stick - Plain Cane 2. Small skinny horse - Bony Pony 10. 300-watt bulb - Bright Light 3. Antique seat - Rare Chair 11. Fine orchestra - Grand Band 4. Delicious fudge - Dandy Candy 12. Small frankfurter - Teeny Weenie 5. Large hog - Big Pig 13. Saturday for school children - Play Day 6. Smooth hen - Slick Chick 14. Comical rabbit - Funny Bunny 7. Irritated employer - Cross Boss 15. Overweight rodent - Fat Rat 8. Loafing flower - Lazy Daisy NAMES OF AUTOMOBILES - (Past and Present) 1. Former President (Lincoln) 6. Spanish explorer (DeSoto) 2. Crossing in a river (Ford) 7. Famous rock (Plylmouth) 3. To avoid (Dodge) 8. Substance in thermometer (Mercury) 4. City in Michigan (Pontiac) 9. How does cross-patch speak (Crosly) 5. River in New York (Hudson) 10. Belonging to a little Bill (Willys) CARTOON CHARACTERS 1. The Disney Deer - Bambi 2. Two Little Chipmunks - Chip & Dale 3. That Funny Cat - Garfield or Felix 4. The Strong Sailor - Popeye 5. A little Yellow Bird who thought he say a cat - Tweety 6. The cat who chases the mouse - Tom 7. Donald Ducks three nephews - Huey, Duey & Louie 8. Bird who pecks trees - Woody Woodpecker 9. A silly black duck - Daffy 10. The Friendly Ghost - Casper 11. Two crazy mockingbirds - Heckle & Jeckle 12. The bear who loves honey - Winnie the Pooh 13. The Muppet Weirdo - Gonzo 14. Boy who is a pain - Dennis the Menace 15. Charlie Browns dog - Snoopy TV TITLES Read this story and have guests count the number of TV titles. My name is _____, and I am your Representative. I do not live in PEYTON PLACE, but I do live in ANOTHER WORLD; the wonderful world of (name of party plan). I cannot say IVE GOT A SECRET because it is no secret that I love _____. TO TELL THE TRUTH, FATHER KNOWS BEST when it comes to GREEN ACRES. Mother is not LOST IN SPACE in her home. Even THE DOCTORS and THE NURSES know how hard it is to organize your life, but you can BET YOUR LIFE you wont have any problems when you shop with me. You will save time, energy, and money. I can also say THIS IS YOUR LIFE. You too can have THE LIFE OF RILEY so LETS MAKE A DEAL. You can play the DATING GAME and become a Hostess with me. Come on, get aboard and join our HOUSE PARTY. *Total TV shows mentioned is 15. Make sure they understand all are not currently on the air; some are very old TV shows. QUANTUM LEAP Read the following and have the guests make a mark on a piece of paper every time they hear the name of a TV show. They really must listen ---no repeating. The one with the most checks (and closest to correct total) wins! I was THIRTY SOMETHING, living through THE WONDER YEARS with my FAMILY and my husband, taking ONE DAY AT A TIME. We were doing okay, but THE FACTS OF LIFE were that we were not born with SILVER SPOONS in our mouths. Our savings were in JEOPARDY and we didnt want to be in debt for the rest of the DAYS OF OUR LIVES. I finally told my husband, Its time to get out of THIS OLD HOUSE or at least make some HOME IMPROVEMENTS. I dont want to start a FAMILY FEUD, but Im YOUNG AND RESTLESS and I want to contribute to the family finances. Its time for me to GET SMART. Dont be THE CRITIC, Im IN SEARCH OF / AMERICAS MOST WANTED job! FAMILY MATTERS to me and I dont want to miss out on PRIME TIME with the kids by hiring THE NANNY. __________ offers a great opportunity. THE PRICE IS RIGHT, no investment! Part-time work with full time pay! And WHOS THE BOSS? I am! But could I get up in front of a FULL HOUSE of PERFECT STRANGERS for 60 MINUTES and tell them how to take home their BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL merchandise and become DESIGNING WOMEN? Sure, my Supervisor said. Well be here to COACH you and if you need a GUIDING LIGHT, just call! Of course, I have experienced some GROWING PAINS, but I was able to spread my WINGS and watch my business BLOSSOM. ___________ has made me feel I am part of A-TEAM. I have GOOD TIMES at home with ALL MY CHILDREN. My family has extra income and weve even added PICKET FENCES! My husband CHEERS when my weekly paycheck arrives! Soon, ILL FLY AWAY to PARADISE...a dream vacation for which _____ will pay. My husband and I will be like HONEYMOONERS again, sharing HAPPY DAYS in ANOTHER WORLD. __________ may not be for everyone; as they say - DIFFERENT STROKES for different folks! But, if you are MARRIED WITH CHILDREN and have strong FAMILY TIES, I highly recommend ________ to you! *There are 44 TV shows named SPLIT PROVERBS 1. All that glitters (is not gold) 2. A stitch in time (saves nine) 3. It never rains (but it pours) 4. A fool and his money (are soon parted) 5. Make hay (while the sun shines) 6. A watched pot (never boils) 7. A barking dog (never bites) 8. A rolling stone (gathers no moss) 9. Fools rush in (where angels fear to tread) 10. Never put off until tomorrow (what you can do today) 11. A bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush) 12. Birds of a feather (flock together) 13. Its a long lane (that has no turning) 14. A place for everything (and everything in its place) 15. Out of sight (out of mind) 16. Where theres a will (theres a way) 17. Never look a gift horse (in the mouth) 18. Everything comes to him (who waits) 19. Better late (than never) 20. When it rains, it rains (cats and dogs) 21. Dont cry over (Spilled milk) 22. Too many cooks (Spoil the broth) 23. Absence makes (The heart grow fonder) 24. A miss is as good as (A mile) 25. A new broom (Sweeps clean) 26. Chalk it up to (Experience) 27. The early bird (Gets the worm) 28. One good turn (Deserves another) 29. Practice makes (Perfect) 30. Silence is (Golden) 31. Seeing is (Believing) 32. Think before you (Speak) 33. Variety is the (Spice of lie) 34. Easy come (Easy go) 35. While there is life (Theres hope) 36. We are never too old (To learn) 37. Live and let (Live) 38. Let well enough (Alone) 39. Love is (Blind) 40. Might makes (Right) 41. Murder will (Out) SLOGANS, JINGLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS 1. Have it your way (Burger King) 2. My wife really knows how to take care of herself (Geritol) 3. Youll be tempted to eat it with a fork (Campbells Chunky Soup) 4. Its the only gummy mother lets me chew (Trident) 5. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands ( M & Ms) 6. Gets out the dirt your kids get into (Tide) 7. It holds your hair, but no one knows its there (Adorn) 8. Makes your clothes smell April fresh (Downy) 9. America spells Cheese (Kraft) 10. Oh! What a relief it is (Alka-Seltzer) 11. Fly the friendly skies (United) 12. Cleans right down to the shine (Joy) 13. Its the real thing (Coke) 14. You deserve a break today (McDonalds) 15. Chevy didnt tell me that (Ford) 16. Its the peanuttiest (Peter Pan Peanut Butter) 17. Double your pleasure, double your fun (Doublemint Gum) 18. Give me a light (Bud Light) 19. The stain lifter (All) 20. Is it wet or is it dry (Mr. Clean) SLOGANS, JINGLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS (II) 1. Gets out ring around the collar (Wisk) 2. Youve come a long way, baby (Virginia Slims) 3. We have to earn our wings everyday (Eastern Airlines) 4. Good to the very last drop (Maxwell House) 5. Chow...Chow...Chow (Ralston Purina Cat Chow) 6. Nobody can eat just one (Lays Potato Chips) 7. Id walk a mile for a (Camel) 8. Look Ma! No cavities (Crest Toothpaste) 9. When it rains, it pours (Morton Salt) 10. Poppin Fresh (Pillsbury) 11. Babies are our business, our only business (Gerber) 12. The uncola (7-Up) 13. Look for the box with the big red spoon (Betty Crocker) 14. The breakfast of champions (Wheaties) 15. Once in the morning does it (Scope) SLOGANS, JINGLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS (III) 1. The quicker picker-upper (Bounty) 2. Brush your breath with (Dentyne) 3. The right choice (A T & T) 4. Wouldnt you rather have a (Buick) 5. Is it live or is it (Memorex) 6. We make money the old fashion way...we earn it (Smith, Barney) 7. Quality goes in before the name goes on (Zenith) 8. Who could ask for anything more (Toyota) 9. Theres more for your life at (Sears) 10. Wheres the beef (Wendys) 11. We build excitement (Pontiac) 12. Be all that you can be (Army) 13. Snap, Crackle, Pop (Rice Krispies) 14. The loneliest repairmen around (Maytag) 15. Mmm Mmm Good (Campbells Soup) SLOGANS, JINGLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS (IV) 1. Help youself to a great meal tonight (Hamburger Helper) 2. Breakfast of Champions (Wheaties) 3. Out-whitens other liquids by a foot (Tide) 4. We run the tightest shi in the business (UPS) 5. Plug into freshness (Glade Plug (Ins) 6. Builds you up, not out (Grape Nuts) 7. She has the freshest mouth in town (Dentyne) 8. A little dab will do ya (Bryl Crème) 9. Take the bus and leave the driving to us (Greyhound) 10. Your kids will eat it (Quaker Oats/Life Cereal) 11. Its mountain grown (Folgers Coffee) 12. It softens your hand while you do dishes (Palmolive Liquid) 13. Sorry Charlie! (Starkist) 14. We make light work of dishes (Sunlight) 15. Quality you can count on (Whirlpool) 16. The perfect sleeper (Serta mattresses) 17. We work hard so you dont have to (Dow Bathroom Cleaner) 18. A little something for everyone (Hershey Miniatures) 19. No one potpourris like (Glade) DETERGENT AND SOAP QUIZ Have guests list all detergents and soaps named in the following story. There are 19. With JOY in my heart, I made a DASH for the mailbox. What a THRILL to find that my package had arrived. Giving a SHOUT, I raced into the house like Haleys COMET. Why ALL the excitement? asked my husband. If youd use some of that energy to keep the house SPIC N SPAN and to get the laundry done, I might have enough clean clothes to TIDE me over. So, you think housework is a BREEZE, I retorted. Heres the WHISK, why dont you climb down from your IVORY tower and give me a hand? And, as for the laundry, I though I WOODBURY it in the backyard. One more BOLD remark like that, he replied, and Im going to DIAL the dress shop and cancel the order on your new CHIFFON dress. How DUZ that strike you? Not on your LIFEBOUY, I said grabbing the phone from his hand. I was only teasing you SWEETHEART he said. Now...go and open your package to CHEER you up. DETERGENT GAME Read the following and award a prize to the person who comes closest to the right number of times a soap or cleaning product is named: Do you just DREFT along with the TIDE where you kitchen storage is concerned? VEL, now is the time to CHEER up. If you want real JOY the TREND is to stock you kitchen with marVELous storage units. You wont need to send out an S.O.S. when trying to pack everything in your kitchen, because it certainly LESTOIL with our products. Why...youll BREEZE through the job as if you had the help of a 20 MULE TEAM! Why not DIAL your friends and ask them ALL to come over for a party. Remind them to come early so they will not have MIST the game when they arrive. By the way...DUZ your MISTER CLEAN up the kitchen for you sometimes? Well, he, too, will love our FABulous products! BIBLE QUIZ 1. Which one of Davids sons led a revolt against him? (Abraham) 2. Who won a fight against a giant? (David) 3. Who is the most infamous traitor in the Christian world? (Judas) 4. Who was the Roman in charge in Judea when Christ was crucified? (Pilate) 5. Who went to heaven in a fiery chariot? (Elija) 6. Who was the Beloved Disciple? (John) 7. After Solomon_s death, the Jewish nation split into what 2 nations? (Judah & Israel) 8. What two wicked cities were destroyed by God? (Sodom & Gomorrah) 9. On what day of creation did God make land? (3rd) 10. Who did Jesus raise from the dead? (Lazarus) 11. Who was Davids most famous son? (Solomon) 12. How many years did the Jews wander the desert before finding the Promised Land? (40) 13. Jesus often used what method to illustrate his point? (Parables) 14. Complete the following: _Blessed are the meek (For they shall inherit the earth) 15. Who was the longest living man in the Bible? (Methuselah) BIBLE QUESTIONS 1. How many books in the Old Testament? (39) 2. How many books in the New Testament? (27) 3. What are the first words in the bible? (In the beginning God) 4. In what town was Christ born? (Bethlehem) 5. Who baptized Christ? (John the Baptist) 6. In what river was Christ baptized? (Jordan) 7. On what body of water did Christ walk? (Sea of Galilee) 8. Who betrayed Christ? (Judas) 9. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? (Jesus wept) 10. Who wrote the Ten Commandments? (God) 11. Who preached the Sermon on the Mount? (Christ) 12. What Disciple denied his Lord three times? (Peter) 13. What Disciple was a doubter? (Thomas) 14. What Disciple was a tax collector? (Matthew) HAVE YOU EVER Each guest receives points for the following questions. The winner is the guest with the most points. Have you ever 1. Locked yourself out of the house (20) 2. Lost any of your family while shopping (15) 3. Put something in the refrigerator that doesnt belong there (30) 4. Turned white clothes a different color in the wash (35) 5. Gone away and left the iron or coffee pot on, come all the way home, and found it was really off (50) 6. Had a zipper break when you were out somewhere (15) 7. Put on a pair of stocking with a run in them and pretended it just happened (10) 8. Put on two different socks or shoes and not realized it until you were out (75) 9. Taken a bath and left the towels in the closet (20) 10. Called someone on the phone and forgot who you were calling (40) 11. Called any member of your family by another name (20) 12. Put your heel though the hem of a dress (20) 13. Remembered an appointment after it was too late |(15) 14. Been ready to bathe and found no hot water (25) 15. Fallen up the stairs (35) 16. Gone shopping and discovered you didnt bring any money with you (50) 17. Drive away from somewhere while a member of your party wasnt in the car (35) 18. Locked your keys in the car (10) 19. Got into the car to go somewhere and forgot where you were going (20) 20. Put something in the oven to bake and forgot about it (35) 21. Woke up in the morning and didnt know where you were (40) GUESS WHATS ON THE TRAY Pass around a tray (or basket) with about 15 small items on it. Take the tray away. Have the guests write down what they can remember. Have each guest call one item out. The guest with the most remembered items on her list wins. *Alternative: use items from your display, and demonstrate each as it is called from a list. WANT AD GAME Have guests pick something in their house that they would like to sell and write a want ad for it. Or, have them choose a piece of furniture and write three reasons why she does or does not like it. When everybody has finished writing, ask each guest to read what she has written , but to substitute her husband or boyfriends name for it instead. JUST ONE WORD Have guests print the following across the top of a sheet of paper: D U T J S E N O R O W Tell guests _Unscramble it, its just one word. Theyll ask for clues, but just say, _No, the only thing I can tell you is - its just one word. Dont ever say _make one word out of it, because you cant do that. The answer is: JUST ONE WORD. First person with the correct answer wins. MERCHANDISE TIC-TAC-TOE Write the name of an item of merchandise on a sheet of paper one for each guest present, and in to the back of the guest. Have guests draw a tic-tac-toe square on a sheet of paper then circulate throughout the room and fill all nine squares with the names of different items found on the other guests backs. When everybody has their sheets ready, play tic-tac-toe by calling off different names of the merchandise. The first to complete a straight line wins. *Alternative: Have guests cross off items as you demonstrate them TRIP TIC-TAC-TOE Have guests draw a Tic-Tac-Toe square and put one item in each square that they would take on a trip. Have each take a turn reading one item they have listed and everyone who has that item listed crosses it off. Winners could be: The first to complete three in a row, most crossed off, least crossed off, etc. BARNYARD TIC-TAC-TOE Have each person draw a Tic-Tac-Toe square and put the name of a different animal that makes noise in each of the nine blocks. Call the name of an animal, and if they have that animal listed, they have to make the sound of it. When they have three in a row, they have to make the name of a special animal sound that youve told them ahead of time in order to win the game.*Examples: Cat Horse Duck Sheep Tiger Bear Dog Cow Goat Elephant Monkey Pig Chicken Frog Donkey Lion Seal Rooster ALPHABET PURSE GAME Take a bag of candy with you to the party (Hershey Kisses, etc.). Each person who wins, gets a piece of candy; the person with the most candy at the end of the game is the winner - - So tell them not to eat the candy during the game. Tell them you will call a letter of the alphabet, and the first person to SHOW an item from their purse representing that letter wins a candy. If the call it out, but dont show it, the first person who has DOES show it gets the candy. Only use about 8-10 letters or so, then stop the game and do your party demonstration. You can play the second half of the game at the end of the demonstration, but this time the guests must ask you questions about your _job with the company to earn a piece of candy. Imagination counts. It could be a description of an item, its use, the brand name, color, etc. Some examples are: A ATM card, address book, appointment book, ad B Book, beeper, bill, bead, breath freshener, business card, brown, blue, blush C Checkbook, credit card, coupon, calendar, catalog, coins, cell phone, chocolate, Card, compact, comb, child (picture) D Date book, dollar, dime, drivers license E Eyeglasses, envelope, eye shadow, eyeliner F Frame, family (picture), fan G Green, gloves, glasses, gum, grocery list H Hair bow/band/brush, half dollar I Invitation, identification J Jewelry, JCPenney charge chard K Key, key ring L Lifesavers, license, lipstick, list M Mastercard, Mabelline, mint, makeup, mascara, mint, money N Nickel, note, newspaper (clipping) O Orange P Pink, photo, powder, paper, pen/pencil, pad, planner, phone book, penny, purple, Postcard, phone, pager, phone card, Pennys charge card, post-it note Q Quarter R Rubber band, ring, red S Stamp, snack, sugar, Shell card, Sears card, shopping list, sunglasses T Tea, tablet, Texaco card, telephone U Ugly picture V Visa card W Wallet, wet-wipe, watch, wine (color, that isnt the drink!) X Xerox copy Y Yellow Z Zipper Youll notice that the same things can be called different names, but they all work for this game. Its a lot of fun to see what people think of when you call a letter, and lots of laughs. WHO DUNIT? Have guests answer orally. The person who answers first, gets a point. The person with the most points wins. On (Hostess name) pantry shelf there are cans galore, Each one had a label when it cam from the store; But a prankster thought it was clever and fun, To remove the labels one by one. It was a dirty trick, but he did leave a clue, To tell if it were meat, vegetable, fruit or stew. So lets study the clue that is on each can, And get the labels back on again. 1. The plural of the 16th letter of the alphabet (Peas) 2. Unit of precious stones; diamonds are measured this way (Carrots) 3. A hardening on your toes (Corn) 4. Pulsations of the heart (Beets) 5. A state of worry (Stew) 6. A predicament (Jam or Pickle) 7. Two kinds of toes (Tomatoes or Potatoes) 8. A sprouting town in Belgium (Brussels Sprouts) 9. A sour, ill-tempered person from the fish family (Crab) 10. The state of boxers ears (Cauliflower) 11. Smallest member of a group (Shrimp) 12. Popeyes girlfriend (Olive Oil) CANS GALORE The following definitions are clues to words that begin with the letters _Can. Can you get them all right? 1. Valley with high sides (canyon) 2. Covering over the bed (canopy) 3. A core in the mouth (canker) 4. A container for sugar, etc. (canister) 5. A sign of the Zodiac (Cancer) 6. Gallop gently (canter) 7. A confection (candy) 8. A light boat (canoe) 9. A person who eats humans (cannibal) 10. Sailcloth (canvas) 11. A bird (canary) 12. A big gun (cannon) 13. A country (Canada) 14. Shrewd (canny) 15. An animal (canine) 16. Preserving (canning) 17. Cross out (cancel) 18. A dance (Can-Can) 19. A torch (candle) 20. A flask (canteen) POTATO GAME When the Hostess calls her guests, ask her to have each guest bring a potato with them. This helps her to be in contact with all of her guests to be certain they are coming. I will often spark a little more interest, as well. After the guests have arrived, give points for their potato as follows: 1. White Potato 1 Point 2. Red Potato 5 Points 3. Sweet Potato 10 Points 4. Eyes 1 per eye 5. If its clean 5 Points 6. If its dirty 1 Point 7. Store bought 1 Point 8. Grew themselves 5 Points 9. Has sprouts 10 Points 10. Largest Potato 10 Points 11. Smallest Potato 5 Points 12. Forgot Borrowed one from Hostess Minus 5 Points WHAT CRACKER 1. Makes a loud noise (Firecracker) 2. Makes a smart remark (Wise cracker) 3. Has a boys name (Cracker Jack) 4. A beverage (Soda Cracker) 5. Goes to the circus (Animal Cracker) 6. Is the name of an inventor (Graham Cracker) 7. A squirrels favorite (Nut Cracker) 8. Puttin on the (Ritz) LOVE LETTER WITH VEGETABLES Read this letter, and ask guests to insert a fruit or vegetable in the blanks. Or readthe story to them with the vegetables named, and see how many they can list. My Dearest Leslie, I am certainly in a (PICKLE). I have (BEAN) longing so for a (DATE) with you, that my heart (BEETS) fast every time I see you. You are beautiful with your (PEACH) like complexion and your (RADISH) hair. You see, Im really (PLUM) daffy about you, but I cannot tell whether you (CARROT) all for me. You are the (APPLE) of my eye, and my love for you is as strong as an (ONION). Love like mine can make a (MANGO) crazy. Please dont (SQUASH) my fondest hopes; for should you consider me a (LEMON), or (TURNIP) your nose at me, I shall go right to the bridge (ENDIVE) into the river. However, we (CANTALOUPE), so (LETTUCE) be married in December. Love, Jim P.S. I am sure I can get a (RAISIN) salary. VEGETABLE GAME 1. One that is always cool (cucumber) 2. What vegetable has eyes (potatoes) 3. Another name for a red-head (carrot top) 4. What vegetable has a flower in it (cauliflower) 5. What is hard to eat with a knife (peas) 6. Honeymoon salad (lettuce) 7. What some people have on their toes (corn) 8. What vegetable has a dish in it (radish) 9. What hens lay and something that grows (Eggplant) COUNTING CALORIES Shaping up usually requires counting calories. How good are you at counting calories? Which of the 2 has more calories? 1. = c. grapefruit juice (43) or orange juice (53) 2. Piece of apple pie (331) or pumpkin pie (265) 3. Tangerine (40) or orange (70) 4. 1 ounce of fudge (118) or 2 Tablespoons of jam (110) 5. Medium banana (85) or medium apple (70) 6. = cup green beans (14) or cut beets (34) 7. 1 Teaspoon butter (25) or 1 egg (77) 8. = cup cantaloupe (15) or = wedge watermelon (60) 9. = cup raw carrots (23) or 6 pieces of celery (10) 10. Slice of white bread (60) or < cup of raisins (115) CANDY GAME In ( year ), I was bored with my life, stuck in a dead-end job, and I wanted to find something that would be fulfilling NOW AND LATER. So, despite the SNICKERS of others and their opinion that I was an AIR HEAD, I set out to follow my DREAM. It was hard getting started, I wasnt exactly supported with HUGS and KISSES, but before I knew it, I was on the ROLL. Soon I was making a JUNIOR MINT!!! Demonstrating is MOUNDS of fun!! At first, I had BUTTERFINGERS, but others were LIFESAVERS. Those SMARTIES gave me pointers, and before I knew it, I had earned a trip to Hawaii!! Now I donut mind saying good-bye to my BABY RUTH each night when I go out to word, To anybody wanting to get out of a CRUNCH, why not do what I do? Though not for everyone, we all deserve a change to enjoy our work and be winners! (You can give out the mentioned candies) BEST DRESSED BANANA On the invitation, have all guests bring a banana dressed up like a person. Tell the Hostess to have ice cream and toppings ready. At the party, have everyone judge for the best dressed banana, and that person will win a prize. Afterward, everyone can make his or her own banana split. SOAP GAME Read the following story and tell guests to write down as many names of soaps that they can pick out. Once upon a time there were two SWEETHEARTS who were married in an IRISH SPRING. The bride carried a CASCADE of flowers and wore a CAMEO. They went on their honeymoon to the seashore. At DAWN, they walked along the COAST and played in the SURF. At night they watched the TIDE come in as they CARESSed. They went to a concert and watched Liberaccs fingers wander over the IVORY keys. ALL the other performers played with great ZEST. Afterwards they took a drive to the country and watched the SWANs swim as a soft BREEZE rippled the water and a DOVE flew overhead. They watched to see where a busy puppy WOODBURY his bone. They finally came home to a SPIC & SPAN cottage. _Oh, she explained, it DUZ look lovely! Everything was CLEAN & SHINy from the LAVAtory to the VELvet drapes. They DIALed soft music on the radio. Everything was a JOY and CHEER until he asked if she could cook. She BOLDly replied, _Not on your LIFEBOUY!! ANN LANDERS GAME Tell the guests: _You know there are bound to be a few spats the first year of marriage. So, to help our bride-to-be, Id like half of you to write down some type of problem you encountered during your first year of marriage, and the other half to write ONLY a solution to some type of problem. Then, divide the guests into two groups; one to write problems; the other to write solutions. After they have completed, have the first person on one side read her problem and the first person on the other side read her solution. FAVORITES Have the guests match the following to the brides answers. Most correct answers wins: 1. Favorite color 5. Favorite city 2. Favorite cake 6. Favorite state 3. Favorite song 7. Favorite car 4. Favorite ice cream 8. Favorite television show ICE BREAKER GAME Write the following list on a piece of paper, but have each sheet have the items listed in various orders (in other words Sing Mary Had a Little Lamb might be #1 on one list; #3 on another; #5 on another) - - BUT BE SURE that all lists have #9 listed as #9 on each list. Pass a list to each guest, and tell her to do each action on her list in the order in which it is listed. 1. Sing Mary Had a Little Lamb 2. Shake hands with 5 people 3. Say your name loudly 4. Look out the front door 5. Make a face in the mirror 6. Introduce yourself to the Demonstrator 7. Flap you _wings like a bird 8. Take off you right shoe and leave it in the center of the room **9** THIS IS NUMBER 9 on each list 9. Go to the display, choose a product, and take it back to your seat with you. After all have chosen their item and are seated, have a guest go to center of the room, put her shoe back on her foot, tell the other guests why she chose the item she has, and _demonstrate it. Each guest receives a prize. NURSERY RHYME BALLOONS Divide the guests into two teams. Have a chair for each team set across the room. At the _Go signal, each guest in turn blows up a balloon (or hand them one already blown up), runs to the chair, sits on the balloon and pops it while reciting a nursery rhyme. She cannot return to the team until the balloon and the rhyme are done, and she has picked up all the pieces of the balloon. Give a team prize and a booby prize for the person with the most pieces of balloon in her hand. WHO AM I? This game required a card of piece of paper with the name of a famous person on it for each guest. To begin the game, pin a card on each players back. The player must not see her _Name, and can learn it only by asking questions of the other guests, such as: _Am I a man?, _What country do I live in?, etc. The game continues until each guest has identified herself. ITs A SHAME You will need two decks of cards. Give each guest 3-4 cards. Have the game gifts wrapped and on display. Use the second deck of cards and call the cards one at a time by name and suit. The guests who has the card named chooses a gift, takes it to her seat, and _hides it (behind her back, under her catalog, etc.). When all the prizes have been taken, as you call a card, the guest that has that cards must say, _It’s a shame, but I want the gift that (name of person) has. When you have gone through the second deck, the guests with the gifts win. BIRTHDAY & NAME BINGO (DIRTY BINGO) Have each guest write their name (and/or birthday) on a piece of paper, fold them over, and place in a container. Put 2-3 gifts on display. Choose one name at a time, and call out the name or birthday listed. That person chooses one gift. Continue to pick and call out names. Guests will take gifts from each other after they have all been chosen from the display. The guests left with gifts after the last name is called are the winners. BINGOS Use a childs bingo set. Give each guest a card and some disks. Start at one end of the room and have each guest call a number that she needs. The first guest to get a bingo wins. *Variations: Play additional games on same card Free space may only be covered it the guest books a party Additional cards may be earned according to order (set qualifications) Pass it On Bingo: After each number is called, guests must pass their card to the person on their right. PURSE BINGO Have each guest stand with her purse. Start naming items that should be in a purse (money, wallet, keys, lipstick, tissues, etc.). When you name an item that a guest does NOT have in her purse, she sits down. The last one standing wins. Have a long list prepared before you start the game. BLOOMER GAME Put a pair of plastic or silk flowers attached to a safety pin inside of a paper bag. Be sure to use only two _stems of the flower, since this makes a _pair. Tell you guests you have a pair of bloomers (underwear but dont say underwear in the bag. Tell the guests that every time you mention an item under $20, or is an exclusive to the company, she must pass the bag to the person to her left. At the end of your demonstration, tell the person left holding the bag that she must go into the bathroom, put on the _bloomers and then come out to the group and model them. THE ALPHABET GAME Mark each letter of the alphabet on a piece of paper. Tell the guests to think to themselves of their favorite man in their life (husband, boyfriend, son, father, etc.). As you hold up each letter, they are to think of the first word that comes to mind that begins with that letter that best describes that person. Whoever stands up and says their word first gets the letter. At the end of the game, the guest with the most letters wins. PASS IT ON Ask the following questions, and have a prize passed to the appropriate person. Pass the gift to the lady that: 1. Arrived first 2. Has the most children 3. Is the tallest 4. Been married the longest 5. Has the largest earrings 6. Has the most grandchildren 7. Has the most buttons on clothing 8. Lost the most weight 9. Has the bluest eyes 10. Has the most rings on 11. Has the longest hair 12. Walked through the door last 13. To the right of who now has the gift SPELL DOWN Have all guests stand. The first person says the first letter in your party plan name, the second person says the second letter, etc. Every time someone says a vowel, they just sit down. Continue spelling the company name until only one guest (the winner) is left standing. HOT POTATO Hand a guest a wrapped game gift. Turn your back and tell them to start passing the gift around as fast (but carefully) as they can. When you say the party plan name, the passing stops, and the person with her hands on the box must sit down. Repeat this until only one person is left. She is the winner and gets the gift. HUMMING GAME Write a song title twice on a piece of paper, then cut it in half. If there are ten guests, you will need five pairs of song titles. Hand one card to each guest. Tell them they must hum their song while they search for the other guest that is humming the same song. Winners are the two guests that find each other first. PASSING NOTES Give each guest a sheet of paper. Each person answers the first question, fold the paper over so nobody can read it, then passes it to the person on their right. Ask the next question and have them repeat the process. After all questions have been asked, read the story for the first guest to supply the answers written on the paper she has. Continue around the room until all guests have read their papers. 1. I leave my (something in your house) 2. To (someone who is in the room) 3. I liked it when it was new because _______ 4. I dont want it anymore because _______ 5. I think she would like it because _______
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 18:06:09 +0000

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