ALL THE SINGLE LADIES AND GUYS Singles searching for the love of - TopicsExpress


ALL THE SINGLE LADIES AND GUYS Singles searching for the love of their life are often looking in the wrong place. They fail to see opportunities right in front of them because they are focused on the wedding day vs. the journey that it takes to arrive at the altar. When you focus only on the end result in a limited manner, you end up ignoring the signs and assistance the universe has given you to reach your goal. There is a great joke about a man who was sailing in the middle of an ocean and his ship sunk. He was floating in the deep water with no land in sight and prayed to God to save him. Another boat came by and offered their help but the man declined, insisting that God was going to save him. A rescue helicopter floated over him dropping a line to draw him up from the dangerous seas, but he again refused saying that he has great faith that God was going to save him. After floating on the ocean for a while, he suddenly grew tired and eventually drowned. When he went to heaven, he said to God, “Hey, I prayed for you to help me, why didn’t you? God replied, “What? I sent you a boat; I sent you a helicopter…” When you want something like love, success or wealth, the mind tends to jump to look for the end result, forgetting that how things come to you are through people and circumstances. Your ideal partner isn’t just going to materialize in front of you; there is a path in the physical world that must be taken for you to meet each other. You have to date, move out of your comfort zone and take risks. The exact path to love will never be known to you until you actually find love and look back to connect the dots. All you can do is hold the clear idea of what you want with a firm expectation that you can receive it. Then, look for opportunities that will lead you to your goal instead of just looking for the goal. Imagine that you are on “single island” and off in the distance you see the island of true love. You want to get to that island but just focusing on the island isn’t going to carry you there. You need a boat to take you over. Think about all the opportunities as a marina of boats waiting to take you to your true love island. The problem is that most people ignore the boats and just want to leap to the island, then complain that they can’t find love while the boats are all sitting right there! The reason that it is so difficult to see the opportunities is because they are often come in the form of things that are unpleasant. For example, online dating may not appeal to you but it may be the path you need to take advantage of in order to meet your guy. Going to the gym isn’t much fun, but you do it because you know that your efforts will pay off in a healthier body. Another opportunity that people overlook is self-care. If you have anxiety or tension about finding amazing love, do you think God/Universe will send him (or her) to you in that state where you will make unhealthy decisions? No, the opportunity will come to first heal the anxiety so that you can receive wonderful, amazing love that lasts. Is it fun facing your fears? Of course not, but it may be exactly what you need to get the love you deserve. So often people mistakenly believe that the fears will go away when the man appears, but relationships only intensify any unhealed places in you. Your conditioned mind is programmed to reject any opportunity that will work for you because it doesn’t want you to change. You may be drawn to things seem like quick-fixes because you want to avoid the temporary discomfort of dealing with your deepest fears. The subconscious loves these quick tricks because it gives you the impression that you are doing something while it is secretly sidetracking you from your goals. The real opportunities are the ones you feel most resistant to and they never appear like an obvious, straight line to love. Every time an opportunity appears, you always have the choice to take advantage of it or dismiss it. They come in the form of books, teachers, friendships, classes, break- ups, lay-offs, dating sites, social events, and even flat-tires. #kindnificient
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 09:42:49 +0000

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