ALLAH/GOD BLESS UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA (UCA/Nigeria) in Jesus Christ (Isa Al-Masih) name, AMEN!!! 2013. YEAR OF ABUNDANCE. Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA HOW U NAA DEY, INAKWANA, EKARO, KEDU... HOW FAR!!! A NEW DAY HAS COME, ITS TIME FOR REAL DEVELOPMENT. VISION 20:20:20: ON OUR MINDS!!!!!!! ~ ACCORDIN TO HABAKKUK 2: 1-4 1 I wil stand upon my watch and set mysef upon the tower and i wil watch to see what he wil say unto me and what i shal answer when i am reproved. 2 And the LORD answered me and said WRITE the VISION and mak it PLAIN upon tables, so he / she may run that READS it. 3 For the VISION is yet for an appointed TIME but at the end it shal SPEAK and not lie, though it tarries, WAIT for it because it wil surely COME, it wil not DELAY. 4 Behold, his soul which is proud is not upright in him / her but the JUST shal LIVE by his/ her FAITH. ~ NOTHIN IS IMPOSSIBLE & EVERYTHIN IS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ ACCORDIN TO ST. LUKE 1: 37 37 for wit GOD nothin shal be impossible ~ This is ERA of DEVELOPMENT. ~ A READER IS A LEADER, THESE ARE SOME NEW WORDS earthern, actionorian, ... YOU WIL FIND OUT THE MEANINS IN NIGLISH DICTIONARY ~ ~ SEE YOU GUYS IN 20:20:20: ~ UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA (UCA/Nigeria) is not a failed Nation, THE RECOVERY OF THE NORTH HAD BEGAN. 24/7 SECURITY NETWOK IN PROGRESS.... NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW. ~ LAW!!! JUSTICE!!! EQUITY!!! DOES NOT RESPECT ANYBODY ~ WE ARE TAKIN OVER THE NORTH!!!!!!!!! PEACE ~ CHURCHES & MOSQUES, EXECUTIVES, LEGISLATORS, JUDICIARIES, TRADITIONAL RULERS, INSTITUTIONS, ASSOCIATIONS, UNIONS, CIVIL SERVANTS, AL THE SECURITY AGENCIES, MEDIA, NLC, TUC, ORANIZATIONS, ARTISTS, ARTISTES, SPORT MEN & WOMEN, ENTERTAINERS, NOLLYWOOD, KOMPANIES, BUSINESS MEN & WOMEN, ARTESIANS, OLD, YOUTHS, CHILDREN & AL THE CITIZENS OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA (UCA/Nigeria). LET US DOUBLE UP, KONTRIBUTE YOUR OWN QUOTA TO THIS MOVEMENT. This is ERA of DEVELOPMENT!!!!! UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA (UCA/Nigeria) MOVIN FORWARD >>>>> UNITED WE STAND. NOBODY IS USELESS, PEACE!!!!!! ~ UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA WE ARE MOVIN FORWARD. NOBODY IS USELESS. EVERY CITIZEN OWED THIS COUNTRY AN OBLIGATION TOWARDS DEVELOPMENT. THE TIME HAS COME THE GUD OLD DAYS ARE COMIN BACK IN THIS COUNTRY. TRANSFORMATION IS ON GOIN IN THIS COUNTRY & CONTINENT. INNOVATIONS ARE COMIN UP TO ACCELERATE DEVELOPMENT at GEOMETRIC PROGRESSIONS SPEED. ~ INFORMATION IS POWER ~ WE ARE HIGHLY RESOURCEFUL IN AFRICA. AFRICA IS WEALTHY WE MUST DEVELOP OURSEVES. We discovered that stable electricity supply wil boost the economy of the Country, supply wil meet demand & it wil reduce inflation. If you want to mak MONEY establish INDUSTRIES, FACTORIES, KOMPANIES, .... to CREATE JOBS. ~ WE NEED SKYSCRAPERS BECAUSE AFRICA IS THE HUB OF THE WORLD ~ I KNOW WE HAV RICH PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY, LET US HELP OURSEVES TO MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER AS WEALTHY & INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY. Try it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ TWO MEGA KOMPANIES WIL BE ESTABLISH IN KANO & BORNO, IT IS GOIN TO BE ICT BASED. SECURITY IS EVERYBODYS’ BUSINESS. I STUDIED COMPUTER SCIENCE IN THE UNIVERSITY. THE KOMPANIES WIL BE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION BASED TO CREATE JOBS & IT IS GOIN TO BE 100% PRACTICALS TO FAST TRACK DEVELOPMENT ~ NOBODY IS USELESS. Unity is strength. THE GUD NEWS IS PEACE!!! BE INSPIRED!!! UNITED WE STAND!!! I am a complete WAZOBIA to the CORE. WE ARE PROUD TO BE NIGLISH!!! UCA one LOVE, let us CHANGE the ways we TREAT ourseves we are al HUMAN BEINS!!! NOBODY IS USELESS. UCA, It appears to me we wil start to hav TUTORIALS here oooooo. We hav luked round this COUNTRY we discovered we are just revolvin round a circle. The time has come we hav to help ourseves to move forward in this Country. UCA one LOVE, KEEP SMILIN!!! NOBODY IS USELESS. .... NIGLISH LANGUAGE DICTIONARY IN PROGRESS.... ~ A READER IS A LEADER, THESE ARE SOME NEW WORDS earthern, actionorian, ... YOU WIL FIND OUT THE MEANINS IN NIGLISH DICTIONARY ~ ~ A group of ENGINEERS are on research to find permanent, affordable & Uninterruptible Power Supply alternativ power supply of Electricity. The research is tagged UPS ELECTRICITY ~ ASA (culture) is LIFSTYLE nobody kan change it, PROMOTE your own CULTURE. ACTIVATE your POTENTIALS, SKILLS, ATTITUDE, TALENT, GIFT, INTELLIGENCE, ABILITY... there is somethin that makes you SPECIAL. CROSS~AGE, INTERACTIV CLUB, 24/7 SECURITY ON GUARD, DREAM TEAM, ACE CLUB, VISION 20:20:20:, NEW ERA, AFRICA WAKE UP, UNITED WE STAND, CHANGE,UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA, NOBODY IS USELESS MINISTRIES, GLOBAL VILLAGE, NIGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE, WE MUST FEED OURSEVES, RE-BRANDIN GROUP, NEW DAWN, DEVELOPMENT IS KEY, ASA & NEWAGE DEVELOPERS ORGANIZATIONS said so !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ ACCORDIN TO EPHESIANS 4:2-7 2 Wit al LOWLINESS and MEEKNESS, wit longsufferin, forbearin one another in LOVE. 3 Endeavourin to KEEP the UNITY of the SPIRIT in the BOND of PEACE. 4 There is one BODY and one SPIRIT, even as you are called in one HOPE of your callin. 5 one LORD, one FAITH and one BAPTISM. 6 one GOD / ALLAH and FATHER of al, who is ABOVE al, THROUGH al and in YOU al. 7 But unto everyone of US is given GRACE accordin to the MEASURE of the GIFT of Christ / Al-Masih. ~ ~ EDUCATION IS VERY IMPORTANT BECAUSE IS A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT ~ ~ HEALTH IS WEALTH ~ Hardwok plus consistency equals GREATNESS (hardwok + consistency = GREATNESS). my Great Grand Father MAZI ISAAC OKEUDO IMO (1889 – 1994) the great!!! Taught me one principle, he said ~ ALWAYS KEEP YOUR MIND OPEN TO POSSIBILITIES ~ UCA one LOVE!!! UCA, we kannot do witout PRACTICAL MENTAL DEVELOPMENT. ~ INFORMATION IS POWER ~ Think of how you kan be an ASSET not a LIABILITY to the SOCIETY. Every GUD thin is POSSIBLE in UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA (UCA/Nigeria). Try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UCA, for you lovers of CARTOONs. We hav alot for you guys, CREATIV, INTELLIGENT & INNOVATIV SERIES. Group of CARTOONIST are wokin hard. A cartoon movie titled ASA in progress... NOBODY IS USELESS. ~ ACCORDIN TO GALATIANS 6:1-6 & 17 1. Brethren, if a HUMAN BEIN be overtaken in a fault, YOU who are SPIRITUAL, RESTORE such a one in the SPIRIT of MEEKNESS, considerin yoursef, lest YOU also be tempted. 2. Bear you one another’s burdens, and so FULFIL the LAW of Christ / Al-Masih. 3. For if a human bein thinks himsef / hersef to be somethin, when he / she is nothin, he / she deceives himsef / hersef. 4. But let every HUMAN BEIN prove his /her own wok, and then shal he / she hav rejoicin in himsef / hersef alone, and not in another. 5. For every HUMAN BEIN shal bear his / her own burden. 6. Let him /her that is taught in the word share wit him / her that TEACHES in AL GUD THINS. & 17. From HENCEFORTH let no HUMAN BEIN trouble me for i bear in my body the marks of the LORD JESUS / ISA. ~ INTELLIGENCE is gift from Almighty God / Allah(swt) ~ ACCORDIN TO PROVERBS 3 : 1-8 1 My child, forget not my LAW but let your HEART keep my COMMANDMENTS. 2 For length of DAYS and LONG LIF and PEACE shal dey add to YOU. 3 Let not MERCY and TRUTH forsake YOU, bind them about your neck, WRITE them upon the table of your HEART. 4 So shal you find FAVOUR and GUD UNDERSTANDIN in the sight of GOD and Man. 5 TRUST in the LORD wit AL your HEART and lean not unto your own UNDERSTANDIN. 6 In AL your ways ACKNOWLEDGE HIM and HE shal DIRECT your paths. 7 Be not WISE in your own eyes, fear the LORD and DEPART from evil. 8 It shal be HEALTH to your BODY and STRENGTH to your BONES. ~ It wil single you out anywhere you are in the world. We kan do al thins through God/Allah who gives us strength. We want to encourage fellow CITIZENS to spend much time wit Allah(swt)/Almighty God through studyin his word Holy Qur’an / Holy Bible & it doctrines. Cultivate the habit & practice them, your lif wil neva remain the same again!!! CROSS~AGE, INTERACTIV CLUB, 24/7 SECURITY ON GUARD, DREAM TEAM, ACE CLUB, VISION 20:20:20:, NEW ERA, AFRICA WAKE UP, UNITED WE STAND, CHANGE, UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA, NOBODY IS USELESS MINISTRIES, GLOBAL VILLAGE, NIGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE, WE MUST FEED OURSEVES, RE-BRANDIN GROUP, NEW DAWN, DEVELOPMENT IS KEY & NEWAGE DEVELOPERS ORGANIZATIONS said so. KLASSIC BRAINS ARE THE ONES HANDLIN THE ISSUE OF RE-BRANDIN & DEVELOPMENT. ~ LIF is al about EXPERIENCE and EXPERIENCE is based on CHALLENGES, Cross~age principle ~ These guys brains are ENCYCLOPEDIAS. We are proud to be NIGLISH. Madam Jane Egbichi Oyedepo (Nee Imo) a.k.a Iya Ibo of ASA said, the main aim of education is to train a child to earn a livin and adapt himsef/hersef to any situation. We al hav brain, the difference is how we use it. ~ YOU WIL SUCCEED, STAY FOCUSED & BELIEVE IN YOURSEF ~ ~ ACCORDIN TO PROVERBS 10:22 The BLESSINS of the LORD it makes RICH and he adds no sorrow wit it. Let me giv you reference: ACCORDIN TO PSALM 128 1 BLESSED is everyone that FEARS the LORD, that WALKS in his ways. 2 For YOU shal eat the labour of your HANDS, HAPPY shal YOU be and it shal be WEL wit YOU. 3 Your Wif shal be as a FRUITFUL vine by the sides of your house, your Children like olive plants round about your table. 4 Behold, thus shal the human bein be BLESSED that FEARS the LORD. 5 The LORD shal BLESS YOU out of Zion and YOU shal SEE the GUD of Jerusalem (UCA/Nigeria) al the DAYS of YOUR LIF. 6 Yea, YOU shal SEE YOUR Children’s Children and PEACE upon Israel (UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA / Nigeria) ~ UCA, let us get this straight EDUCATION is totally different from LANGUAGE. Education is the sharin of IDEAS in Niglish while Language enhance EDUCATION. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SHOULD BE PARAMOUNT IN OUR SOCIETY FOR DEVELOPMENT!!!! THE CARS, COMPUTERS, AEROPLANES, SHIPS, FONES & OTHER THINS ARE SOME INDIVIDUALS IDEAS YOU PAID FOR!!!!!!!! THINK OF WHAT YOU KAN DO THAT PEOPLE WIL PAY FOR. WE THE YOUTHS ARE COMIN UP WIT STRATEGIES, THE CRISIS THAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST WIL NEVA REPEAT ITSEF IN THE FUTURE AGAIN!!! ~ THE PRACTICAL CORE VALUES OF EDUCATION MUST BE RESTORED ~ EDUCATION IS FOR AL. UCA one LOVE, KEEP SMILIN!!! !!! NOBODY IS USELESS. We CROSS~AGE, INTERACTIV CLUB, 24/7 SECURITY ON GUARD, DREAM TEAM, ACE CLUB, VISION 20:20:20:, NEW ERA, AFRICA WAKE UP, UNITED WE STAND, CHANGE, UNITED CITIZENS OF AFRICA, NOBODY IS USELESS MINISTRIES, GLOBAL VILLAGE, NIGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE, WE MUST FEED OURSEVES, RE-BRANDIN GROUP, NEW DAWN, DEVELOPMENT IS KEY, ASA & NEWAGE DEVELOPERS ORGANIZATIONS Pledge to United Citizens of Africa our country, To be faithful, loyal and honest, To serve United Citizens of Africa wit al our strength, To defend her unity, And uphold her honour and glory, So help us God/Allah. FROM NOW ON WE WIL START TO ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF DEMOCRACY ~ ACCORDIN TO PSALM 68:19 19 Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us wit benefits, The God of our salvation! ~ IN THIS COUNTRY. Unity is strength. THE GUD NEWS IS PEACE!!! BE INSPIRED!!! UNITED WE STAND!!! ~ ACCORDIN TO PSALM 133 1 Behold, how GUD and how PLEASANT it is for BRETHREN to DWEL TOGETHER in UNITY! 2 It is like the PRECIOUS ointment upon the HEAD that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard that went down to the skirts of his garments. 3 As the dew of Hermon and as the dew that decended upon the mountains of Zion, for there the LORD commanded the BLESSIN, even LIF FOREVERMORE. Let me giv you reference: ACCORDIN TO HEBREWS 12:14 Folow PEACE wit AL HUMAN BEIN and HOLINESS, witout THESE no HUMAN BEIN shal SEE the LORD ~ WE ARE PROUD TO BE NIGLISH!!! NOBODY IS USELESS. ~ SEE YOU IN 20:20: ACCORDIN TO PHILIPPIANS 4:8 Finally, Brethren, whatsoeva thins are TRUE, whatsoeva thins are HONEST, whatsoeva thins are JUST, whatsoeva thins are PURE, whatsoeva thins are LOVELY, whatsoeva thins are of GUD REPORT, if there be any VIRTUE and if there be any PRAISE, THINK ON THESE THINS. ~ UCA one LOVE, KEEP SMILIN ACCORDIN TO PHILIPPIANS 4:6 & 7 6 Be anxious for nothin, but in EVERYTHIN by PRAYER and supplication wit THANKSGIVIN let your REQUESTS be made KNOWN unto GOD / ALLAH. 7 And the PEACE of GOD / ALLAH which passes AL UNDERSTANDIN shal KEEP your HEARTS and MINDS through Christ Jesus / Al-Masih Isa. PEACE!!! GRACE!!! MERCY!!! FAVOUR!!! ... of GOD/ALLAH wil be on you in Jesus Christ (Isa Al-Masih) name, AMEN!!!
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 07:23:12 +0000

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