ALLAH warns BANI ISRAEL, about Double punishment (1) for writing - TopicsExpress


ALLAH warns BANI ISRAEL, about Double punishment (1) for writing something on their own and then cheating public by saying its from ALLAH (2) For earning money from public through this fake book. ALLAH reminds them of the promise they made to ALLAH containing the following (1) They will not worship anyone but ALLAH (2) They will behave in EXCELLENT terms with Parents, Relatives, Orphans, Masakeen (those who get less than their requirement for day-to-day needs), (3) They will talk only good things with every one (4) they will maintain regular prayers and also pay charity or zakat. Unfortunately with the exception of few, all ignored all these promises. ALLAH also took promise from them not to kill any one or send out any one into exile but they broke this promise. They also played Double game. They will send people on exile with force but the same people if caught in Wars as prisoners of War, they will help them with money to be released as prisoners. ALLAH took very strong view of this Double standard and warned them and all others. Do you believe in a part of Holy Book while you disbelieve the other part? Whoever follows this policy would surely be humiliated in this world and in AAQIRAH he will face a grievous punishment because ALLAH is aware of facts. This category of people will never find any support in AAQIRAH nor any reduction in their punishment. A couple of ANGLES, HAAROOT AND MAAROOT, appeared as a test to teach people that doing sorcery or creating rift between Husband and wife is HARAM. Jews and Christian both have been declared as not on the straight path. Warning is given to those who create hurdles for prayers in Masjid, those who spoil Masjid. They will have humiliation in this world and in AAQIRAH, painful punishment. Instruction for prayer while on journey is given. no need to be particular about QIBLA while on journey because all directions belongs to ALLAH. Christians have been reprimanded for saying ALLAH has got SON. ALLAH is the creator of everything and if ALLAH wishes, just commands it happens. ALLAH mentions about the mandate of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) To give good news (of Heaven) for those who do good deeds (2) Warning of punishment (in HELL) for wrong doers. Warning is given to all Muslims. Jews and Christians will NEVER EVER be happy with you unless you convert to their religion. ALLAH advises, the best path is the straight path of ALLAH. How to read QUR’AAN? ALLAH teaches us (2:121) // (1) Recite the Holy Qur’aan continuously (Systematically with all Rules of Tajweed as BEST as we can, understand its message). Again BANI ISRAEL reminded to remember all favors of ALLAH, because they were specially favored (with chain of Prophets to guide them) no nation got this special favor. So ALLAH warns them to fear DAY OF QIYAMAT when no one could help any one nor any recommendation will be accepted for any one. When ALLAH tested Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and he came out successful in all trails, ALLAH announced that Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) shall be made leader of Humanity, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) asked ALLAH, if this promise shall be applicable to his later generations also? ALLAH replied its not applicable to wrong doers which means may be applicable to some good people. Now there is mention about KAABA-TULLAH, as a centre of peace, instructions were given to Prophet IBRAHIM (PBUH) and Prophet ISMAIL (PBUH) to keep KABATULLAH clean for worshipers. At that time Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) made this DUAA “ YA ALLAH, please make this City blossom of PEACE and supply means of sustenance for those who believe in you” ALLAH replied “I will also provide means of living for those who disbelieve but their destination will be HELL” While raising the walls of KABATULLAH, Prophets Ibrahim & Ismail (PBUT) made this DUAA (2:127-129) “YA ALLAH!!! Please accept this Good Deed from us because you alone can well hear and aware of everything. Make both us fully obedient to you alone. Also make our later generations fully obedient to you. Teach us the exact methods of worship and please forgive us. Definitely you are most forgiving and merciful. Also YA ALLAH, give birth to a Prophet from their own generations, who would explain your message to the public, who can also teach them QUR’AAN and wisdom, who will also purify their life (from bad deeds). Surely you are most efficient and most wise” ALLAH declares that whoever does not follow Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) is making fool of himself because we nominated him for our job in this world and in AAQIRAH he will be one of good people. When ALLAH asked him to get into the fold of ISLAM, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) readily accepted and declared “I surrender before the Lord of this UNIVERSE” he also passed on this message to his off-springs like Prophets Ismail, Ishaq, yaaqoub (PBUT). Prophet Yaqoub (PBUH) told his people “ALLAH has selected for you ISLAM as the way of life so Do not die but in a state of being MUSLIM” while “DEATH” was fast approaching him he asked his people” Whom would you worship after me? They replied”We would only worship and fully obedient to ALLAH your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers like Prophets Ibrahim, Ismail and Ishaq (PBUT). Here ALLAH makes clear the RULE of ACCOUNTABILITY in ISLAM. In DEEDS, every one is fully responsible, no other person will be questioned for deeds committed by any third person.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 08:34:29 +0000

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