ALLERGIES.. Some of the Causes.. and possible solutions.. . . . . - TopicsExpress


ALLERGIES.. Some of the Causes.. and possible solutions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DID You Know... Over 30% of Allergy Sufferers feels their Over-The-Counter Allergy Medications (Not always healthy options of it) are Ineffective?.. Find out How RAW Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) a NATURAL Antihistamine, heads off your Bodys abnormal response by Preventing the production and release of histamines and Can Successfully Stop allergy symptoms.. Pasteurized (!) and Clear shop versions of it are NOT an option. The REAL apple cider vinegar Should be Raw and Cloudy. You can make it Yourself or look in a shop for Raw Cloudy UNpasteurized version of it. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=474775175946961&set=a.299346750156472.69060.280106802080467&type=1&theater - Home Recipe how to make Raw Apple Cider Vinegar https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=485687164855762&set=a.299346750156472.69060.280106802080467&type=1&theater - 30 Uses of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. .................................................................................... Personal notes (continuation).. - Bare in Mind (!) that If you decide to VACCINATE you kid - get Ready Not Only face some healthy problems of your child in a Long run (even in a form of getting sick quite often - Colds and so on) but Also his/her Allergy Reaction when you Breastfeed and just in general (the GOOD possibility of it). I HAD a very bad form of Allergies up till I was 14 years old. Plus, as my mum said, when I was 8 months old, the doctors really were Fighting for my Life. I turned All Blue with a navy area between my nose and upper lip.. I cant ask my mum about whether it happened after one of the vaccinations (I BET it was) but it did not look as if it was simple Cold. And my mum was Healthy woman to start with. Anyway, I do NOT think all those Chemicals in Vaccinations (Including MERCURY - the Matter of Fact) could help your kids to be Protected Healthwise. Eat HEALTHY - (Ideally) BEFORE pregnancy, During it, While Breast feed, Feed your kids HEALTHY meals (in MY understanding of it) Avoiding White Sugar(!) whenever you Can.. and your kids Will be HEALTHY! I say even More.. on month 7 or so during pregnancy, the Mother Passes to her unborn child through Placenta All the Necessary ANTIBODIES which will be PROTECTING him too when he/she is Born! Trust Me.. the Mother Nature Took into Consideration that ALL! It is PERFECTLY Designed Mechanism which was EVER created on this Earth or may be even in Universe.. We just Need to supply a GOOD fuel to make it function on 100%. Am I Logical enough for you?.. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=474205969337215&set=a.299346750156472.69060.280106802080467&type=1&theater - Persimmon and Pregnancy (plus some information about Breast feeding of NON vaccinated kids). - Also Remember that REDUCING consumption of WHite (and perhaps even Brown sugars) Also Could Help in Reducing Allergy Reactions... I remember when I was 16 years or so, one of my friend Recommeded me to start drinking tea with No sugar and eat an ice cream or some sort of sweet only ones a week for some weeks.. And you know - it HELPED!... STILL drink tea with No sugars added (though Lighter versions of it (when I have black tea rarely) to avoid bitterness... but anyway, I am up mainly for Herbal Versions of it). This topic to be continued.. ~Nadia :)
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 11:42:21 +0000

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