ALMOST SAVED......BUT LoST! Text: Acts 26:27-29; Genesis - TopicsExpress


ALMOST SAVED......BUT LoST! Text: Acts 26:27-29; Genesis 19:17-26. A very said thing in life is for someone to be very close to achieving important, but lose it at the end. It is more painful if what is lost is ones future, ones soul, ones life and eternity. King Agrippa, in our text, had the opportunity of listening to the message about Jesus and salvation from Paul the Apostle. From his confession, the message almost persuaded him to be a christian: Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a christian. However, the King did not do anything about the message and there is no other record in scriptures that he ever yielded his life to Christ. He was almost saved, but lost. Similarly, Lots wife had the opportunity of being saved but was eventually lost. Many youths hear the Gospel message repeatedly, understand and even agree with it. There are instances when such youths think they should yield their lives to Christ. Some even try to show some measure of remorse for their sins for some time, but soon after, they continue in their sin. Such youths are almost saved; but if they die in that state, they would be lost forever. King agrippa probably considered that he might lose some of his privileges as a King if he became a christian. Likewise, many youths today refuse to surrender their lives to christ so they could continue to enjoy the pleasures of the world. There are some who think they are too young and postpone their salvation until it is too late. Some others rely on their good works which they think will take them to heaven, and neglect their salvation. This category of youths appear righteous outwardly and pretend to love God in their words and some activities, but remain in their sin. They are almost saved, but remained lost. Some youths are born into christian homes and attend church and other programmes regularly without being saved. Some take pleasure in singing, cleaning the church, and trying to show they are responsible youths, yet they are not saved. They think because of their works God will pity them or have mercy on them on the last day. There are even some who try to evanglise or proclaim Jesus but refuse to surrender their lives fully to Him; while others give tithes, offerings and other contributions to the church, yet remain sinners. There are those who started well, nut are now compromising. Such youths will be disappointed on the Day of Judgment. They are almost saved, but will be lost if they do not repent.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:04:47 +0000

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