ALOE VERA AND YOUR PETS!!! Why animals on this site? Because - TopicsExpress


ALOE VERA AND YOUR PETS!!! Why animals on this site? Because a great number of users of FLP products based on Aloe Vera ask me everyday: Does Aloe Vera act medically upon pets such as cats and dogs as it does on humans? This is the reason why I dedicate a part of this site to pets and domestic animals in general. Why Aloe Vera? This is because Aloe Vera is far beyond traditional supplements – vitamins and minerals as much in its contents as in its action. Apart from vitamins and minerals, Aloe contains 75 different nutritive substances essential for proper workings of internal organs and body systems. Polysaccharides, anthrakinons, saponins are only some of those. Aloe Vera Gel is an ideal natural supplement which maintains favorite animals in top notch physical and health condition. It significantly reduces frequency of visits to the vet and helps decrease financial costs of keeping an animal.Aloe vera and bee products show the same efficacy in animals as in people. Experiences of veterinarians and pet owners show that the use of Aloe Vera and bee products produces results beyond any expectation. Animals affected with various illnesses recover quickly. The wounds heal quickly without scars and white hairs. In healthy animals vitality, energy, and immunity are increased. The fur is healthier and of a better quality. In short, Aloe Vera provides better quality of life to the pets. And to the owners, a peaceful sleep is guaranteed, while the costs of veterinary services and care are much decreased.Few authentic testimonies: “Our success is not a surprise, as our dog kennels are never without FLP products—the results are obvious.” “As the results are fabulous as seen in goats, chickens, rabbits, dog, and especially cats, I am never without supply of Aloe Vera.” “The healthy condition of all my animals is a testimony of the versatile action of FLP Aloe which has become a part of everyday care.”BBC News reported in July 2001 the news of the death of the oldest cat in the world, which died 2 months after its 31st birthday, which is equivalent to 203 years in human life. The owner has been giving her cat Aloe Vera Gel on a daily basis with food. Breeders of pedigree horses are very satisfied with the use of Aloe Vera, both the gel for internal use and a spray and lotion for external lesions and healing of wounds with no scars. The use of Bee Pollen has the same effects as on people - an increase in energy and resilience. Even some chicken farms are reducing the cost of keeping their brood by adding Aloe to drinking water. Favorite pets The most popular pet in the world is dog, considered the most faithful friend of man. A special relationship between dogs and their owners surpasses a sharing of home. This relationship is as much a friendship between man and a dog, as it is unconditional love and endless devotion, which has been known for a long time. Far less is known about the effect of this relationship and its contribution to the health of human being, as well as vice versa. The care for health of a pet often goes beyond care for ones own health, which is in some way reflected in the number of owners interested in healing effects of Aloe Vera upon animals. Aloe vera is considered an ideal food supplement for man as well as for the favorite pet. It’s not a surprise, as man and dog have been sharing their food and living space since the beginning of time.In order to fully understand the role of dog in American culture and in contemporary life of the average American, one needs to know that approximately 68 millions of dogs in the US have owners. It is estimated that every fourth household - 40 millions - owns at least one dog. Why do animals need Aloe? Modern way of life and nutrition did not leave the pets out. They are fed with more and more processed - which is to say dead - food, with addition of many synthetic supplements. We have to thank such nutrition for their loss of vitality and immunity, the fact that they get sick more easily and have degenerative changes more early.Dogs and cats are mammals that are by their biological constitution and physiological functions no different than human beings. With few exceptions they are susceptible to the same illnesses as people are. Therefore Aloe Vera acts in the same healing manner as it does upon humans.Pets are susceptible to natural aging and degenerative changes, various infections and physical injuries, disturbances in functions of organs; this includes even fatigue, traumas, anxiety, just the same as in humans. They need help from their owners. Cancer diseases are the number one cause of death in dogs, and each third dog dies from some form of cancer. What do the professionals from this field say? Results of unnatural nutrition and contemporary way of dogs life are almost the same as with people. Authors Beth Taylor and Steve Brown, experts on dogs, in their book See Spot Live Longer supply the facts which show that good nutrition in dogs is as important as in humans. A balanced diet for dogs based on raw meat, bones and addition of vegetable food, provides a much higher quality of nutritive substances than any dry or wet food for cats and dogs. They also state that hundreds of veterinarians and many dog owners are witnesses to an improvement of vitality and health in dogs, which comes about after they have been put on organic (natural) food. The authors of this extraordinary book, with their great knowledge of dogs, give us a message that processed dry dog food does not supply the necessary nutritive substances, which results in malnurishment. In addition, toxins in commercial food load the organism, decreasing natural immunity, which leads to illness more easily. The same that applies to dogs is in essence true for cats too.David Urch BSc.MA.VetMB.MRCVS, a surgeon veterinarian, in his book ALOE VERA – NATURE’S GIFT - Aloe Vera in Veterinary Practice, writes in a very detailed and extensive way with all the necessary documentation, about the successful application of Aloe Vera in veterinary practice. This book is meant not only for professionals, but also for dog breeders and owners.A great number of veterinarians worldwide, especially in England and Japan, have extraordinary experiences in using FLP Aloe Vera in treating animals, reminding us too that animals do not know of placebo effect.Everyday damages to the cells by the action of free radicals, which are considered main factor in causing illness, especially of degenerative changes, can be counteracted or even prevented by the use of Aloe Vera, which is not considered a medicine but a necessary natural supplement to diet. FLP PRODUCTS FOR ANIMALS All the FLP products based on Aloe Vera possess the IASC Quality Seal—International Aloe Vera Scientific Counsel, which is an independent body founded to control the quality of the products as well as Aloe industry.Forever Living Products is also approved by the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection , indicating that neither our products nor their ingredients have been tested on animals- a welcome sign animal lovers everywhere. Aloe Veterinary Formula These drinks are considered the best natural food supplements. FLP Aloe vera drinks are liquid food supplements, containing stabilized gel—the inner pulp of the Aloe plant leaf. They contain over 75 known nutritive substances, in natural balance which helps maintain good health in animals as well as in people. They are beneficial for all the animals and they are easily added to food. These drinks have the effect of tonic, they support the immune system, healthy appetite, vitality and energy in active animals, lessening their sensitivity to external iritants. Aloe Vera is an ideal supplement that maintains the pet in top form! Aloe Vera Gelly Historically, Aloe Vera has been used topically and externally to soothe skin irritations, including scratches, cuts and insect bites. It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial action, it mositurizes and soothes wounded tissue in sensitive zones. Highly penetrating characteristics of this gel can also help in reducing the so-called raw flesh during the healing process. It is very effective in healing of post-surgical wounds—with no scars, as well as for treatment of different kinds of dermatitis as well as decubitus in horses. Aloe Activator With its high contents of Aloe, in combination with alantoin, this product is ideal to soothe and cleanse the wounds, and it is essential before applying Aloe Gelly. Aloe Activator has a pH balance of 4.5 and it is mild enough for sensitive areas. Activator can also be diluted with water to wash out the eyes or clean the ears. Aloe Liquid Soap Rich with soothing Aloe Vera, this „tear-free“soap is excellent to bathe small and large animals, and to cleanse sensitive types of skin before applying other products. Aloe Liquid Soap cleanses without irritations. It comes together with a pump which makes bathing less messy, even with the least cooperative animals, whether it is a house pet or top breed made for competitions. Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo Aloe Vera adds anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to this mild but deeply effective shampoo. It is combined with hydrating and conditioning properties of jojoba oil, and it makes the fur healthy, shiny and knot-free. Aloe Propolis Creme It is one of the most popular FLP products for people. This rich soothing cream, in addition to Aloe Vera and Propolis, is abounding with extracts of healing plants and beneficial to the animals. Propolis is a natural antibiotic with anti-viral properties, used by the bees to maintain a healthy hive. Combining Aloe and Propolis FLP has created a high class product which not only calms down irritations and infections, but it also moisturizes the skin. In this rich formula FLP has included chamomile and , both known as skin care plants, as well as vitamins A and E, known by their natural properties of conditioning the skin. Forever Aloa MPD FLP Aloe universal detergent is bio-degradable and harmles for the environment. It is useful in keeping the animals clean, from dirty paws to food dishes, and from dirty blankets to dirty kennels and cages. This multi-purpose product is economical to use and safe for all the cleaning needs related to animals, as well as to people. Forever Bright Toothgel Highly esteemed by our customers, this tooth gel has a pleasant taste and is thus ideal for a house pet. It reduces build-up of plaque and tartar on the teeth, soothes the gums and prevents infection of the mouth cavity. Aloe Sunscreen Specially formulated with ingredients that protect the skin from harmful exposure to the sun and wind. It can be used on the sensitive ear tips and nose, to protect and soothe. Forever Bee Polen FLP Bee Polen is an extraordinary energy supplement before or after physical activity, and is an ideal tool that prepares the organism for allergy season. Aloe Lips It is good to keep this complete balm always handy to transmit the mild soothing properties of Aloe to the small areas such as insect bites, scratches etc.FLP Aloe vera and the bee products show the same efficiency in animals as in people. Aloe Vera cleanses the organism, improves digestion and absorption of nourishing substances, maintains vitality, slows down degenerative changes and delays biological aging of the favorite pets.Copyright (c) Milena Stojkovic
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 15:57:03 +0000

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