ALOPECIA, TROMES, AND A CRYSTAL FROM RHANDIRMWYN This tale is not so easy to date precisely, and the events described took place over a number of weeks, probably in 1979 or 1980. This very imprecision is in itself a good illustration of the importance of keeping a magical diary - I wish I had one for those years. The story concerns two magicians, lets call them Fred and Ginger, who are both still alive and living today in the UK. A decade ago they were involved respectively in writing and publishing specialist occult texts. A dispute over literary rights, title, and copyright in some material had boiled up between Ginger and a rival publisher. One day he came to visit me in Brockley, where I was living. He was a sorry sight - his luxuriant shoulder length hair had been falling out in clumps, and this affliction was not restricted to his head. His whole body appeared to be presenting the syndrome known to medics as Alopecia, i.e. total loss of body hair. Fred and Ginger were living very close to each other and were practising occasional magical work together, and they decided to investigate whether there was some praeter-natural basis to Gingers misfortune. By some act of divination, a linkage was established to the publishing row then in progress between Ginger and his rival, and it seemed that he might be the subject of some sort of occult attack. An experiment in controlled dreaming was then carried out. By this means Ginger was seen to be suffering harassment from an entity which had the general form and appearance of a giant lobster or crayfish. After some research in classical works of Demonology, Gingers tormentor was identified as Tromes, a servitor of Beelzebub, and one of the evil spirits of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage. These entities are supposedly available to carry out the bidding of persons who have successfully undertaken the six months of magical training set out in that book. Fred and Ginger decided that the best course of action was to attempt to bind Tromes by ritual means, and if possible neutralise it. They devised an appropriate procedure which culminated in Tromes being magically constrained inside a rather mucky Quartz Crystal. This being one Fred had himself extracted (in my company) from the wall of a horizontal shaft in a disused lead mine at Rhandirmwyn in mid-Wales. Gingers alopecia condition showed an immediate improvement, and after a few months he had no residual trace of the condition. Today his hair growth is completely normal - in fact he has a lot more of it than many of us of similar years! A corroborative verification of these events may be available in the experience of anyone who has since completed the operation of Abra-Melin. At the point in the working where the Servitors of Beelzebub are presented to the aspirant, it may well be that an alert operator would notice that one of the 49 demons in question is missing! If this happens (or has happened) to any of you, at least you know why - Tromes has been imprisoned in a Rhandirmwyn Crystal for afflicting an innocent magician with alopecia. AUM HA! - Frater Choronzon
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 01:44:34 +0000

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