ALPHABETS OF THE WIFE A - Appreciate your husband for every - TopicsExpress


ALPHABETS OF THE WIFE A - Appreciate your husband for every thing B - Bind the home the true code of love C - Cook for your man not housemaids D - Desire the best for your man E - Endeavour to serve your man F - Face all challenges with prayers not complaining G - Give attention to your man H - Honest in financial matters relating to the family I - Invite Christ to rule and reign in your family daily J - Judge constructively matters reported to you so as to save your marriage. K - Keep your mouths shut in mist of gossips. L - love and practically show it M - Motivate your man to take profitable venture N - Never give to the devil to come to your family O - Open your heart and mind for your husband P - Points the family to righteousness in your life and character Q - Quickly size opportunities when noticed for the benefits of the family R - Resourcefulness is very essential in building a happy home S - Study the mood and tone of your husband and know how and when to relate with him U - Understand the culture and practice of your husband people V - Visit eateries with your husband W - Watch edifying movies together example all couples should watch “SPELL” X - Xray the thoughts of your hearts toward your husband and renew it Y - Yield to godly counsel that will promote your family and marriage Z - Zero your to do the will of God about your marriage. Ladies take note!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:22:39 +0000

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