#ALQAEDA #AQC #AQIM #AQAP #JN #JAN #JABHAT #NUSSRA #SHABAAB #AQIS #TALIBAN #CE #IMU #JMA #AHRAR #JI #IF #JUNDULAQSA #JIHAAD #ISLAAM #KHURASAAN #AFGANISTAN #SYRIA #SHAAM #IRAQ #YEMEN #EGYPT #KAFKAZ #DAESH #ISIS #IS #ISRAEL #ZION #CHRISTIANITY #JUDAISM JIHAAD 101 What every mujaahid should know before entering jihaad. It is part of the Sunna TO KNOW YOUR ENEMY. The Solomons Temples (48 parts in total). youtu.be/usSrAJG-7cg youtube/watch?v=usSrAJG-7cg youtu.be/wQihVMineKs (with Malay subs) In your march be not hard on yourself or your army. Be not harsh with your men or your officers, whom you should consult in all matters. Be just and abjure evil and tyranny, for no nation which is unjust prospers or achieves victory over its enemies. When you meet the enemy turn not your back on him; for whoever turns his back, except to manoeuvre for battle or to regroup, earns the wrath of ALLAAH. His abode shall be hell, and what a terrible place it is! And when you have won a victory over your enemies, dont kill women or children or the aged and do not slaughter beasts except for eating. And break not the pacts which you make.[8] You will come upon a people who live like hermits in monasteries, believing that they have given up all for God. Let them be and destroy not their monasteries. AND YOU WILL MEET OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE PARTISANS OF SHAYTAAN and worshippers of The Cross, who shave the centre of their heads so that you can see the scalp. Assail them with your swords until they submit to Islam or pay the Jizya. I entrust you to the care of Allah. ~ Khaliyfa As-siddiyq Abuw Bakr ibn Abiy Quhaafa ~ Bob Al-Hindy
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:15:52 +0000

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